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Square Enix Outsourced Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remasters

Well, they didn't develop it; they just helped to produce the upcoming Remasters.

That's okay…right?

You might not be aware, but a company called Virtuos has taken credit for the upcoming Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster , which is slated to arrive for the PlayStation 3 and Vita in North America on March 18. It appears Square Enix outsourced completion of this project and that's where Virtuos came in; their main production center is in Shanghai, and they describe themselves as being a resource for console, online and mobile games. Included in their work: The PSP version of Ghost Recon: Predator and Crash: Mind Over Mutant .

All right, so that's not exactly blockbuster AAA stuff, so Virtuos is playing with the big boys now. We're not sure if they're up to the task, but they should be aware that currently, Final Fantasy fans are not very forgiving.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster

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10 years ago

The port didn't suffer. Ps3 are no framerate problems, vita dips when in town.

10 years ago

That's not a good sign. I already got burned with the Silent Hill HD collection. I saw a video from IGN comparing the original and the new one and the two female IGN staffers were noticing that the facial animations weren't as expressive in the HD version. Not good in a game like this.

Last edited by Xombito on 1/12/2014 10:36:52 PM

10 years ago

The game is good. There are no differences on facial expressions, they look better in this game compared to the original. People have also uploaded gameplay online of the game. I don't have a capture can but I can definitely say that it was money well spent. The vita one has less detail and drops in frames when there are a lot of npcs in the city. Haven't noticed any frame drops on the ps3. Squareenix started the conversion and this company just finished it. They weren't the ones that fully ported it, they helped.

10 years ago

What's wrong with the Silent Hill HD collection? Works great after the patch.

10 years ago

@Sawoa: I'm just bringing up what I saw in the IGN video and I could see what they were seeing in the comparison footage. If they fixed that then fine. Great. Plus in the video , you can easily see the improvements in the textures. So it wasn't like completely poor of anything.

@World: I'm not sure how many patches there was but the first one didn't do much of anything. As of last I heard, there was still framerate issues. At least with Silent Hill 3. For me, it has to be at least PS2 perfect or nothing.

10 years ago

Unfortunately for Square Enix, there will be a lot of players (including myself) that will be embracing MGS5 on March 18.

10 years ago

I'm sure things are fine, everyone brings in unknown weirdos for their HD upgrades.

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

Also could possibly help the industry with more teams getting experience with big-deal games.
(I'm not sure with this Shangai based one though lol)

I know I myself definitely wouldn't hate to be asked to port a past defining blockbuster after my degrees – and break into a few dev teams or electronics firm for industry knowledge.

10 years ago


Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Saw this a few days ago. Admittedly it is a little worrying, but surely S-E wouldn't give their most commercially successful Final Fantasy ever to a studio that's just not going to do it justice…

I'm actually somewhat surprised that there's not more people on here saying things along the lines of "well, it can't be any worse than what S-E themselves would produce"….

10 years ago

The game is fine. Japanese one is out already and it is still good :).

10 years ago

What… are people worried someone else handling it will ruin FF? haha… it's not like SE can be any more trusted than anyone else.

10 years ago

Exactly. At this point, I want anyone EXCEPT SquareEnix working on Final Fantasy. This sounds like good news!!

10 years ago

It seems to me that SE wants ro distance themselves from anything related to square or squaresoft or anything that they did not produse FF wise. But thats fine, good riddance. I would not want them working on that stuff anyway. I really hope they outsource Ff7 remake also. Eff them.

10 years ago

i see some people here saying square enix should just give FF to another company

all right i have a few companies that could screw it up worse

Capcom could do a BOF6 repeat and turn it mobile only

Ninja theory could be a DmC repeat

Activision would just turn it into a shooter franchise

Microsoft who knows what they'd do

companys i could trust
Atlus which is owned by Sega
Gust which is owned by Tecmo Koei
Nintendo and before anybody says anything FF started on Nintendo

as for the HD port i honestly don't care as long as it plays correctly

also notes FFX-2 Last mission JP only
FFX international edition
are the versions being ported over

10 years ago

True enough about starting on Nintendo, but it was Nintendo's self-interested stubbornness that pushed Square off the platform. That stubbornness is still in full swing today; it's what is killing the Wii U.

The obvious candidate that I don't think many consider is Sony, or one of their second-party teams. They have the clout and capital to pull off massive titles. And whether you like one series or another from Sony studios, it has to be said that they are always paying close attention to what their fans want, while simultaneously pushing forward in design and mechanics. I can't think of many games where Sony displayed a "we do what we want, nuts to you" attitude. That sounds a lot like what we used to love from pre-Enix Squaresoft.

(of course, this is all a pipe dream. but, if only…)

Last edited by ProfPlayStation on 1/14/2014 2:45:02 PM

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