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Inquisition Will Have Motion Control If It’s The “Right Thing To Do”

Motion controls (Move, Kinect) don't always fit the style and structure of a game.

But if they fit nicely, BioWare might utilize motion-based control in their upcoming sequel, Dragon Age: Inquisition . During a recent OXM interview with producer Cameron Lee, we find out that the overall player "experience" is paramount:

"We don't just want to jump in and say this is what we're going to do, because it may not be what players want, it may not be a good experience. We have the luxury of time, to see how people respond and then craft something where if we want to do that, it's the right thing to do. So we'll see where we land with it, and we'll take it from there."

Lee cited Mass Effect 3 's use of Kinect as a great example of solid motion controls; it was dubbed an "interesting experience" and in the future, Cameron added, "we'll see where we go." As for Inquisition boasting an online multiplayer mode for the first time in franchise history, they're again using the Mass Effect series as guidance and inspiration. That being said, they "haven't decided on anything" just yet.

Dragon Age: Inquisition is scheduled to arrive for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC some time this fall.

Related Game(s): Dragon Age: Inquisition

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10 years ago

No. Motion control is a gimmick, and I personally haven't played a game where it made the game better. In fact it usually makes a game worse.

10 years ago

Focus, BioWare. Focus! Do what you do best. Focus on making a RPG brimmed with content, story and interesting characters instead. Write dialogues that makes me really really consider my replies, make me FEEL the consequences of my decisions.
Make a world so interesting that I never want the adventure to end.

10 years ago

I feel ya on those decisions. When I played Dragon Age the first time I really thought my decisions mattered, when I played it the second time I realized everything went in the same direction no matter what you said.

10 years ago

Yeah it's just an illusion. But man how wonderful that illusion is.

10 years ago

Dude, if you haven't figured this out yet then your game must not be anywhere near ready to go. So leave it alone.

This stuff always hurts hardcore games, making Killzone 3 work with Move made it a rails game.

10 years ago

Ye gads – I guess if they make it optional, and don't design tacky game systems around it, I'm happy with it. But if they make it mandatory, I'll be an unhappy camper.

10 years ago

for a adventure game like this motion controls would fit quite well so i dont see why not.

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