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Metacritic: 2013 Wasn’t A Banner Year For 90+ Scoring Titles

There were a lot of great games released in 2013, but according to the Metacritic results , only a few managed to break the elite 90+ barrier.

In fact, 2013 saw the fewest home console titles reach 90 or more on the average critical score scale. Only seven total console games cracked the enviable barrier, led by Grand Theft Auto V with an average Metascore of 97. If you factor in PC, mobile and handheld titles, the number grows to 12.

Sony followers will be happy to know that PS3 and PS4 games on average outscored Xbox 360 and Xbox One offerings; PS3 titles had an average Metascore of 70.1 (Xbox 360 games averaged 66.9) and the PS4 had an average score of 73.4 (Xbox One games came in at 67.7). PC software had a Metascore average of 69.1 and Wii U titles averaged 72.6. As for the games that scored 90 and above on average: In addition to GTAV, there were The Last Of Us , Bioshock Infinite , Super Mario 3D World , Fire Emblem: Awakening , Rayman Legends , Fez , Flower , The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds , The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD , Spelunky , Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons and Dota 2 .

Yeah, I remember a lot of games that were worthy of mid-to-high 8s, but not too many that would be legitimate 9+ titles.

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10 years ago

Still it was an amazing year with tons of must play titles.

10 years ago

I actually disagree there. I think it was a rather weak year.

For example, there's not a single really good coop game released this year. And for a coop gamer like me that is a major issue.

Also, not a single interesting RPG. Not one! And that is quite rare. Typically there is at least one major western RPG released any given year.

Thank god for Bioshock Infinite, Metro Last Night and a handful of Indie devs or this year would have been catastrophic for me (I'm waiting for GTA5 on PS4/PC).

Last edited by Beamboom on 1/3/2014 3:42:54 AM

10 years ago

Totally comes down to taste, though. I found Tales of Xilia (I still need to finish it… >.<), FFXIV, and Ni No Kuni to be my top 3 of the past generation, for example. Add to that the HD Kingdom Hearts… (ok, so it's more action/adventure in my books, but I think it still technically qualifies?) and it was a solid year for someone like me.

I also absolutely loved TLOU and I played a lot of it's multiplayer. Most of the above I recognize isn't your cup of tea, though, Beam. I'm just saying for someone of my tastes, it was a great year.

10 years ago

Yeah Beam just because you don't get what you want doesn't really mean good stuff isn't there. Ni No Kuni and Tales of Xillia are top notch stuff. Diablo III is there for ya. Dark Arisen isn't really a new game but it exists.

Co-op games are somewhat rare in general but if you're going for fun instead of awesome scores Dead Island Riptide and Dead Space 3 are great. If you need high scores then Dragon's Crown is there.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 1/3/2014 9:46:06 AM

10 years ago

Well yeah I am of course only talking from a personal perspective.

I actually got Dead Space 3 and we played it in coop, I had just forgotten all about it. I guess that says it all about how I feel about that game, really. 🙂

We never bought Dead Island Riptide. We got tired of Dead Island roughly half-way through, and according to the reviews Riptide was more or less the same game so I skipped it.

10 years ago

Metacritic? what the hell is that?

10 years ago

You don't know what a metascore is? Not sure if you are kidding now, but I'll take it as you don't:

A metascore is an aggregated score based on an weighted average of multiple review scores. Metacritic is the name of what probably is the most known metascore site out there.

Personally I consider metascores to be the most consistently trustworthy source for game ratings there is. It's not without flaws, but if I only got time to check one rating I always check the metascore.
You just can't beat the aggregated precision of tens of trusted reviewer sources. It eliminates some of the personal bias found in all reviewers.

10 years ago

Like Beam said. In short, it's basically an average of all critically reviewed scores. (A little more complicated, but that's the basic gist.)

10 years ago

It's where people go to validate their bias against a game.

10 years ago

ha! I know I do!

10 years ago

huh, wiiu games had the highest average.
wonder why that is………….

10 years ago

Because Nintendo makes better (aka "more fun") games than Sony and Microsoft. No other way to lay it out.

10 years ago

What's your objective basis for that argument, Harerazer?

As for me, WiiU sure as heck better be posting better scores than the other two. It's been out over a year to the other two's 2 months (not even). If WiiU is scoring the same or worse, there is an extremely large issue.

10 years ago

exactly my point.
the fact that zelda is the only franchise still alive that captures and embodies the true adventure formula is just sad!

10 years ago

Pokemon X/Y not reaching the 90 plateau is remarkable. Clearly a case of "that game is for kids" instead of actually rating it on it's own merits.

10 years ago

Or maybe it's not a 9+ game.

A high 8 is still pretty stellar, man. There is absolutely no shame in that.

10 years ago

Also, Mario games regularly hit over 9. Those could be "kid" games, too.

10 years ago

i was perfectly happy with this last year KH 1.5 HD
Tales of xillia
Disgaea D2
dragons Dogma dark arisen

Onigiri MMO

ok thats the new games i got

@_________ your absolutely correct Nintendo is still an old school company who actually cares about uh you know fun and uhh not graphics gee i wonder why nintendo can use older graphics and sell i don't know millions of copies

@Beam Coop games most companys think online = Coop nowadays
while nintendo adds coop in quite a few of their games like Super smash bros

Last edited by Lunar_Miyuki on 1/4/2014 5:23:07 AM

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