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FFIX Final Boss Was Originally Supposed To Be Hades

For die-hard fans of the franchise, this is very interesting information…despite the fact that it arrives over 13 years after the game's initial release.

A few months ago, we learned about an undiscovered side quest in Final Fantasy IX . Now, another little nugget has popped up; Pixelitis describes what was found in the beautiful art book, "Ultimania," which celebrates the 25th anniversary of the epic series.

Remember Hades? He was an alternate boss in FFIX, and a darn difficult one, too. As it turns out, he was originally going to be the game's final boss. The actual boss, Necron, remains sort of vague; all we know is that Kuja summoned him in an effort to return everything to oblivion. But Necron isn't really explained all that well, while we're all quite familiar with Hades. Not that I'm complaining about the choice; Necron was a ridiculous end boss and it definitely fit with the story.

But Hades might've been a bit less obscure. I remember fighting Hades; all FF bosses had to bite the dust back in those days. And he did. 😉

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy IX

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10 years ago

Not to mention when you beat him, he could make you awesome sh!t.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Oh, and he DID. 😉

10 years ago

Interesting. I always loved summoning Hades in FFVII, such a great summon.

10 years ago

I honestly can't even remember Necron hehe. man, that was the last FF I finished too.
I sure as heck remember Ultimecia and Sepheroth.
Ultimecia was my favorite to fight.

10 years ago

Ultimacia was so freaking hard to fight that I think Sephiroth would give up fighting her lol.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Ultimecia was cake compared to Omega Weapon. 🙂

10 years ago

I don't remember him either, the end of that game got a little weird. Ultimecia pissed me off because I had to start the fight with people who I never bothered to level up, it made things sorta difficult.

10 years ago

yah, i think something like that happened to me world. i remember going out and power building my characters and came back and worked her over real nice.
man, I really loved FFVIII's combat/leveling system.
My personal fav when it comes to any jRPG I've played. Lost Odyssey's combat and leveling system is strong too.

It's something I wish Xenogears had better. It probably has the best narrative focus and cinema work I've seen from an RPG but I find that I can accomplish way too much doing simple things I've been doing since the beginnings of the game.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

World: I just kept reloading until I got the characters I wanted in that Ultimecia fight. 🙂

10 years ago

lol, so did I man.

10 years ago

You can just kill the ones you don't want yourself. Once dead, Ultimecia banishes them into time or whatever and they are replaced by another character.

I always leveled up everyone and gave them all their own strengths and weaknesses, so it didn't matter to me.

10 years ago

yeah there was that option but usually tried to have them alive as a last round of defense if the battle went ill at the very end and I just need an extra punch of power to jack that biatch up.

10 years ago

Interesting. Necron basically came out of nowhere. Felt a bit anticlimactic to be honest. You spend the entire game chasing Kuja between two worlds ,expecting a massive showdown with the guy at the end only to be confronted by this thing.. Would have been nice if they gave you a final boss with at least a hint of a backstory.

10 years ago

The game did have some damn good bosses overall. Especially in the optional with Hades, oh, and Ozma.

10 years ago

Everyone should revisit final fantasy 6 before you leave this world.

10 years ago

I'm almost done it on my psp right now, actually. Obviously, I love it.

I wouldn't recommend it to people who never got into that style, though. It hasn't aged well.

10 years ago

Necron honestly was a wtf moment just like Zeromus in FF4 but that was kinda more understandable but imo didn't belong

Let me explain FF4 you get up to Zemus the guy that controlled Golbez and Kain
you see Fu su ya and Golbez blast him with Meteo and kill him yada yada yada his hatred comes out and owns them and you have to fight his hatred

Now FF9 Kuja you chase through 2 worlds he pretty much devastates your world and he destroys his world then he goes to destroy the crystal that gives life to everything you defeat him and your like cool i just beat the game? as Necron shows up and says hes going to do the same thing as Kuja says hes invincible and says hes eternal

but honestly he came out of nowhere and it was litterally like a slap in the face

no real hint he existed that is a just a waste of a final boss
i would of been more accepting if after you beat Kuja Garland showed up and turned into Chaos since the place was Linked with Memoria and Garlands voice was heard that would of made more sense

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