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PSXE Poll Update: Reader’s Choice For Game Of The Year 2013

If the first round was any indication, Naughty Dog's The Last Of Us was the guaranteed reader's choice.

And although it was slightly more competitive, it was indeed a runaway victory for one of the PS3's strongest IPs ever. The Reader's Choice for Game of the Year 2013 is the acclaimed, revered and controversial The Last Of Us .

It has a decent shot of winning here at PSXE as well, by virtue of that very high score it received. There are many, however, that will point to perceived flaws; I maintain that such drawbacks are more related to perception than overall quality, but that's a topic for another time. The bottom line is that the PSXE community has overwhelmingly selected TLoU as the single best game of the year, and that's no small accomplishment. Developer Naughty Dog has done some amazing things for the PlayStation brand, haven't they?

This week, the question is similar, but slightly different- which game do you think will receive our Game of the Year Award? Will it also be TLoU? We would like to remind you that the highest scoring game isn't automatically granted the title; it must be placed against all the games from the year, some of which came out after Naughty Dog's gem. So, might we give it to Bioshock Infinite ? Or perhaps Grand Theft Auto V …?

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10 years ago

I think it will be TLoU. My own issues aside, you can't disagree with the overall objective quality of that production.

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
10 years ago

Agreed. It personally isn't my GoTY – and I didn't vote for it in any of the polls! My choice was based on which game gave me the most entertainment/enjoyment/fun – for me that was AC IV.

BUT, TLoU is just a fantastic game with superb production overall, I think it is more than worthy of GoTY. I get it from an objective point of view why it would be, even though it's not my cup of tea.

10 years ago


10 years ago

Seeing Ben rated TLoU higher than Bioshock Infinite( which helps eliminate Bioshock because he was already aware of it when he scored TLoU) It would have to come down to GTAV vs TLoU.
But seeing that the span of PS3 games he's reviewed between them (see list below) wouldn't have moved any standards, technically TLoU should win.

Grand Theft Auto V
Madden NFL 25
Killer is Dead
Splinter Cell: Blacklist
Saints Row IV
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
Do Not Fall
Tales of Xillia
Dragon's Crown
Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark
NCAA Football 14
Hotline Miami
Time and Eternity
Grid 2
The Last Of Us

EDIT: and GTAV from individual stats tops TLoU only in replay value whereas TLoU trumps it everywhere else.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/30/2013 8:31:16 PM

10 years ago

It had one of the best soundtracks that I've ever come across. That main theme is just so unspeakably good. I just wish that I liked the game itself better.

10 years ago

Picked up TLOU for Christmas and now looking forward to it even more. Bioshock Infinite I can appreciate the intent but wasn't too impressed. Haven't got round to the others. I thought Beyond Two Souls was impressive as well. All in all an excellent year for gamers.

Shouldn't forget Dragons Crown and Tearaway for the Vita. Brilliant (though Killzone Merc has taken all my time).

10 years ago

This is the first year where I've not played most of the GOTY contenders.
I've played only one single title, Bioshock Infinite, and that game were absolutely fantastic. But still, during the reader voting I gave GTA5 my vote based on what I've seen, heard and read about that game.

slow and smart
slow and smart
10 years ago

I gave my vote to The last of us,i like the gameplay and it has also a very good athmosphere and great graphics.
Tombraider i liked also but as mentioned before,i found it to easy could have been better.
I finished Bioshock and it was ok for me,i sold it

10 years ago

Of course the last of us well win here its a playstation friendly site. If this question was asked at a site that covers all systems the last of us probably wouldn't win. My vote want to GTA 5. and we all here know what ben is gonna pick here. The Last Of Us. Now i've said that i know hes gonna pick something else.

10 years ago

It's game of the year and Sony loyalty makes no difference. The majority of the games in contention were multiplatform. 2 of which i personally played on the 360. I said this before..i have yet to playa game this year as good as Last of Us.

10 years ago

I would love to see TLoU sweep the board in game of the year awards across the media, unfortunately I think GTAV will probably nudge it into 2nd, including here 🙁
I cannot stand GTA at all but feel that the overwhelming majority of the gaming community feel completely the opposite and will just see more bang for their buck with a game like it and most reviewers and commentators will edge towards it despite my personal dislike of the game to reflect this

10 years ago

I'm gonna say TLOU. That is all

10 years ago

i dunno. it'll have to be one of the three. TloU, GTA5, or Bioshock.
I've played little to none of all.
Maybe it'll be a 3 way victory for GAMES OF THE YEAR!
Heavy Rain and GT5 shared it a few years back 😉

10 years ago

I think TLoU will win but I voted for Tomb Raider as I've done in all the votes up to now as it was my GOTY and I'm not switching my support now.

Can't say I'll be disappointed in TLoU winning as it was a good game (though I do have some gripes I'll keep to myself for now) but Tomb Raider won out for me.

Also I'd of liked to see Diablo 3 show up on one of the lists for nominations. That game is like crack, though I wouldn't of given it GOTY, an honourable notice would of been appropriate as it got little to no love on the site after it released on PS3.

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