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Online Support Ends In 2014 For GT5, Resistance Franchise, MAG

Games can't stay online forever.

Sony has announced the games that will be losing their online support in early 2014.

Notable titles on the list include Gran Turismo 5 (GT6 was recently released on December 6) and all three Resistance games. GT5 is all done on May 20, 2014, while the Resistance franchise bites the online bullet on March 28. Other games on the chopping block are MAG , SOCOM: Special Forces and SOCOM: Confrontation , all of which will be done on January 28. Calling All Cars , Motorstorm: Pacific Rift and both White Knight Chronicles games will finish up on that same date. JRPG fans won't be happy about the latter.

It's too bad that MAG never developed into the epic online MMOFPS it could've been. Developer Zipper Interactive laid a really solid framework for the future; it just didn't get popular enough.

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10 years ago

Actually MAG was super popular and it was gaining more and more players every day. Problem was Zipper is no more and it lost support. That was the best thing about that game is it constantly was changing for the better. Sure it was CoD or BF in terms of popularity, but it was highly successful and had a great community. As someone (among others here: MaxPontiac) who played it very regularly, I can say MAG certainly developed into an "epic" online shooter. Sadly it just lost support.

10 years ago

Actually MAG was super popular and it was gaining more and more players every day. Problem was Zipper is no more and it lost support. That was the best thing about that game is it constantly was changing for the better. Sure it was CoD or BF in terms of popularity, but it was highly successful and had a great community. As someone (among others here: MaxPontiac) who played it very regularly, I can say MAG certainly developed into an "epic" online shooter. Sadly it just lost support.

10 years ago

Correction: White Knight Chronicles and the others have been offline for some time. They're listed under "Previously decommissioned titles," along with Sony's PS2 games and such.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

The ability to drop support at a whim… and still some clamour for an always connected future. Makes perfect sense.

10 years ago

Ahhh no, Resistance: Fall of Man was my first experience with online play on a PS3. I loved it, I remember the one level by the tunnel which separate the two teams, you just couldn't go near it with all the hedgehog grenades flying about, it was utter manic and utter fun.

10 years ago

MAG had horrible physics and was a letdown, complete load of horseshit.

10 years ago

That's the worst analysis of the game ever…

10 years ago

Well not surprised by's a struggle too find a game on R3. But i could've store the MAG servers were already down?! If I knew they were up i would've played it the last few months..easily the most underrated shooter of the generation. Loved that game

10 years ago

I think the way zipper treated mag was horrible. They had a very successful game types that was very popular,and instead of expanding on those failed horribly with new maps. The people I've met playing that game are people i conversate to this day through phone etc. Its very sad knowing there will most likely never be a game of that type ever again. Being on a domination map and sneaking behind the lines with your squad destroying everything so it made it possible for your whole side to get to the letters was great. It was a game that took planing and teamwork on a massive scale to win either by defending or was a game if a bunker was under attack you went to help fellow players. So people that says it was a bad game don't know teamwork. Why because graphics weren't great? There were 128is people in a server and for the technology available it was great achievement the real issue is zipper took the original team off the continued development of the game. That game hadplayers with an average of a thousand hours, what game can say that?

10 years ago

I know that not everybody cares about trophies but this ability to shut off servers and make it impossible for latecomers to get 100% in games is troubling.

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