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Amazon Deals Include Gran Turismo 6, Battlefield 4, Forza, More

Christmas is over and now, maybe you've got a bunch of Amazon gift cards burning a hole in your pocket.

If that's the case, you'll be happy to know that there are plenty of fantastic games currently on sale at the world's largest online retailer. For one, you can nab Gran Turismo 6 for only $39.99; it's a fantastic simulator and it just launched on December 6, so that's a good deal.

Other games include Battlefield 4 (PS3, 360) for only $34.99, Killzone: Shadow Fall (PS4) for $49.99, Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (PS3, 360) for $34.99, Forza Motorsport 5 (Xbox One) for $39.99, Batman: Arkham Origins (PS3, 360) for $39.99, and Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time for just $14.99, which is another darn good deal. For the full list of the games available for sale right now, check out Video Game Deal News . You can also just head over to Amazon and see if the title(s) you want is cheaper than you expected.

After spending like mad around the holidays, it's nice to be able to save some money here and there, isn't it?

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10 years ago

Not bad

10 years ago

Not bad at all

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

Your face.

10 years ago

Damn. I just bought The Wonderful 101 for $29.99. Had I not, I'd be picking up GT6. Oh well. It will drop down to GT5 prices soon enough.

10 years ago

yah, when games like GoW: A, Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider, Ni No Kuni and other 2013 games can be had in less than 9 months time for under $20, sometimes under $15 or $10, it makes it real easy to just wait.

I'm for voting with my dollar and all, and I pretty much always buy new, but when gaming is plentiful in quality and quantity as never before in gaming history, the competition for the consumers dollar has never been more fierce and price competitive.

EDIT: it's not just competing with our dollar but for our time. there's simply more games to play than any rational human being could have time to play.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/26/2013 10:54:56 PM

10 years ago

Yea, 2014, i start waiting on games to drop in price unless it's Zelda or The Last of Us. So many games I bought at full price on day one either dropped in price quick, got a GOTY edition released or ended up free on PS+. Gonna save money this year for sure. I'm done wasting cash on day one purchases.

10 years ago

there's those undeniable redefining games that come about that ask to be played asap, budget permitting.
I'm about an hour or so in on TLoU and I'm impressed.
I really like the more natural and realistic feeling combat and movement. and that hearing ability to help sense where your enemies are is excellent. being a guy who can appreciate good stealth mechanics finds this to be very engaging.

10 years ago

and I absolutely loved how when I was engaging a couple dudes in a firefight with my female companion the enemy had his pistol aimed at me trying to lineup his shot, I then ducked to cover and my companion on my right was still standing to take her shot, and the enemy naturally shifted his arm over to her to change targets, seamlessly. it's nice dynamic ai branching. rather than having him first drop to cover and re-initiate a behavior loop from start, he instead modified it mid-cycle. very cool

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/27/2013 12:26:09 AM

10 years ago

Nice. I'm happy you're digging the game. The feel of the controls and camera work are quite excellent. AI too except for a few quarks here and there. When you complete the game, give it a try on the Survival setting with the listening mode turned off and a nice pair of head phones. It's a great experience.

10 years ago

I wouldn't give BF 4 to my worst enemy.

10 years ago

sly's probably the only game i'd take from that list atm.

happy gaming =)

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