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New York Man Sets World Record For Biggest Game Collection

Think you've got a pretty impressive, comprehensive video game collection?

Maybe you do. But you can't compete with this .

According to the Associated Press , a New York man has become the new world record holder for the largest personal collection of video games.

It's 43-year-old Michael Thomasson, who has amassed a library of 10,607 games, which easily passes the previous record of 8,616 games set back in 2010. However, Thomasson actually found even more games after the official Guinness World Records count occurred, which means he actually has closer to 11,000 total titles. He figures his mammoth collection is worth between $700,000 and $800,000, but he has no intention of selling any of it. His assembly of hardware also includes rare systems such as the Casio Loopy and Apple's Pippin console. Ever heard of those?

The ridiculous part is that he hasn't been building this same collection his entire life. He actually sold his first collection in 1989 to raise money for a Sega Genesis, and he sold it all again in 1998 to pay for his wedding. Currently, he purchases an average of two games per day on a $3000/year budget. Thomasson teaches courses on 2D animation, game design and video game history at Canisius College in Buffalo, and he can only play games for about 3 hours in any given week.

Man, I'd want a lot more time than that if I had all those games.

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Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

Wow imagine having all those games that you just can't play. Imagine all the RPGs.

Big ups to the guy it's nice to read he's teaching about what he loves.

10 years ago

This make me think of Biker Saint. Has anyone heard form him lately.

10 years ago

Still alive & kicking, BigT!

My collection's still tiny compared to his though…….

I had a little over 2,350 games in mine, but I recently had to sell off about 250+ games from bunch of my retro gaming collections.

But I did pick up 16 more recent PS3 games, so the hurt didn't feel as bad as it could've felt.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 12/26/2013 1:19:09 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

How's things been for you, man?

10 years ago

for pieces of plastic you will probably never touch again!?
so, this, or a ferrari F12 berlenetta.
hmmmmmmmm, hardest decision ive ever had to make in my entire life………

10 years ago

meh, talk about no life. all he probably thinks about is his games. the collection mean nothing if his was ever was on fire or flooded out if he lives where theres lots of rain. I personally never understand collection of video games that u can never play. a waste of time and money in my eyes

10 years ago

How about a collection of stamps you never use to send mail? Or money you never use to pay?

To each his own hobby and this is a very viable one.

Also how can you know him? He might be a freaking awesome person. I don't collect anything but I have good friends who do. It's a passion like any other. I actually love to go to his place and be like DOOD did you ever play that? Of course he didn't. Then say LET'S DO IT! WE FINISH THAT TONIGHT lol.

Np that you don't understand though. Just kinda evil to say he has no life.

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 12/26/2013 8:22:57 PM

10 years ago

Well, if someone is… well if someone is willing to buy the whole collection of him for that much then I would say give the money to the food banks of the needy. :/

What I would really like to know has the guy actually played ALL those games beginning to end or is he just a collector with lots of money and time on his hands.

Either way, not wholly impressed. Maybe the school should lower his salary so that student tuitions were not so high and costly. Just saying.

Okay back to my PS3. Its Christmas after all.

Keep playing.. leave the collecting to the nutters. 🙂

10 years ago

LOL did you read it all?

3000 a year on games. Not that big a deal. Also your comment would apply to all the collections in the world. Too bad for you we live in a capitalist world. If you want you can start by selling your computer, phone and games to help the needy too. I mean that's all a waste of plastic compared to what your money could do for the needy and students no?

So yeah.. Oh you won't? Ah I see. How different are you from him? Oh yeah… You're not. Because apart from that you don't know crap about his life. He might be giving money to organisations for all you know? Kinda quick to judge? Sand in the V? 😀 lol

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 12/26/2013 8:20:08 PM

10 years ago

Do digitally downloaded games count? If there were any in his collection?

10 years ago

i thought i have alot of games he blows my collection outta the water in a major way.

happy gaming =)

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