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Final Fantasy XIV’s Annual Starlight Celebration Now Available

If you're a fan of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn , you should definitely participate in the holiday festivities.

As announced over at the PlayStation Blog , there will be a "fun seasonal event for players to enjoy." This is hot on the heels of the recently released A Realm Awoken DLC.

The annual Starlight Celebration has returned, and the citizens of the three city-states have decked out the towns. However, the snowmen they ordered from the north were kidnapped (for whatever bizarre reason), and that's where you come in:

"Adventurers around the realm must get to the bottom of this chilly mystery and find out why the snowmen have disappeared. Could it be the mischievous imps behind the attacks? Save the snowmen, save the world."

If you can brave the elements, you'll be "rewarded handsomely" with several new seasonal outfits based on a snowman, reindeer and even a set of "red and white gear" that matches…oh, you know. The Starlight Celebration will be available until December 31, 2013, so make sure to join in while you've got the chance.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIV

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10 years ago

Oh me oh my. Will Lightning be there!?

The Real Deal
The Real Deal
10 years ago

Make no mistake how hard it was to buy this game. Back in 2010 i was still on SE Day One Purchase Guarantee. And could not wait for FF XIV to come too PS3. We know how this story ended. Fast forward three years, SE was on the bottom of my buy list.

Long behold an opportunity came knocking in the form of a sale on PSN. FF XIV was looking me straight in the eye, a game that back in 2010 i would have traveled across an ocean to get. Yet even at 15 dollars and positive reviews i questioned it. Let me be clear i have never been burned by SE, because i don't buy crap X11-2 and 3. I have been playing MMO's for the past couple of years, and this one was too good to pass up for the price.

That's right i bought it not because of SE, or FF, but because it was an MMO. Well long story short (too late i know) Its Amazing!!!!!!!!! Like best MMO on the market hand down, especially now with PvP being implemented two days ago. I am not kidding, this feels more like a final fantasy game then all of them Fabola Novala blah series. Its got Chocobo's you can Ride "FREELY" and "Fight With", all the classic jobs and spells, and most importantly more then one player or party member if you like.

SE might have burned some bridges, and still might burn the bridge that is FF XIV, but as of this writing they haven't. I will put it to you this way, if you haven't played FF in two or more years and are a die hard fan, you need to do yourself a favor and get it. In addition if your currently or "in between" MMO's, there isn't a better one out there!!!!!!

I can only hope this game can consume my life for years to come, because even though Dark Souls (Demon Souls) is currently the king, my heart still runs with Final Fantasy and my hope is they will one day rule supreme!

10 years ago

If you bought the original, why did you buy it again?

It was free if you bought the original.

The Real Deal
The Real Deal
10 years ago

In addition: Shame @Ben for not reviewing this game at launch or re-launch! Why an article on it now, not sure, but Kudos @Ben. That's alright @Ben i am going to do something historic, first time ever for me. I am going to write a review (of the game). Now if you been following me over the years, i have only ever said one thing that I didn't do, that was the COD Ghosts gamestop recording to see if they solicit to young children. Shame on me, I know! But there was a good reason as to why i didn't do it, that i will not get into right now. It might take a week or less but i will post it, Stay Tuned!

10 years ago

Great game. Crystal Towers is nothing but a cluster frack.

10 years ago

Beat CT first go. Had 2 wipes, but still won first go. Just have decent gear and know your role and learn how to dodge shite.

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