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The Walking Dead: Season 2 Launches, Will Test Your Mettle

The anticipated second season is here, and it's time to delve into the emotional firestorm once more.

The Walking Dead: Season 2 launches this week; the first episode of the new series, "All That Remains," is just about ready to go. PlayStation Network users in North America can expect to see it go live tomorrow, December 18. Our gaming friends in Europe will have to wait until next week.

To celebrate, here's an exclusive new video that teases an upcoming interview with the title's developers at TellTale Games. These guys have become experts at delivering singular interactive experiences that put a strong emphasis on narrative and character development. If you enjoyed the first season, you've got to sign on to take the roller-coaster ride that is guaranteed to be the second season.

Related Game(s): The Walking Dead: Season 2

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10 years ago

Finished Episode One today. Really nice set up to begin the season. Definitely had a few unexpected moments that caught me off guard. Looks to be another stellar season, that could surpass the previous one, and I look forward to playing the final four episodes when they release.

10 years ago

I loved the first season, but I will probably just wait until all of the episodes come out before buying it…same thing I did with season 1.

10 years ago


10 years ago

Got the first episode. Can't finish it. Slow and not compelling for me. Art style is not a thrill for me either. I guess you need to a be a zombie and Walking Dead fan. TV series bored me as well. It got to the point I wanted them all to turn. Actually that would be interesting. Story about zombies having to fight off humans who are trying to kill them. Could work.

Anyway, if its your thing glad its continuing for you.

I will save my money.

Keep playing!

10 years ago

I simply cannot wait for the next episode!
Has anyone seen Episode 4 on the Episode Selection Screen? Look at it, trust me.

10 years ago

EU gets the finger, AGAIN!
oh well, ill just go download it off steam tomorrow.
thanks $ony!

i just hope this actually has a little more consistency and actually changes depending on your choices as promised.
one thing that really pisses me off about games this past generation is how many games have promised exactly that, changing outcomes depending on how you play, and how many actually delivered that?
i mean TWD really did not change at all, like the first time i played through i stuck up for kenny and chose to side with him every chance i got, then at the end of the game when you need him most its screw you man you never help me.
so i replayed the game and said f*ck you kenny, screwed him over every chance i got, and you get to the end of the game and again same thing he turns his back on you.
so, wheres the changing depending on your choices and how you treat people part?

10 years ago

Relax, mate. It's only a one week delay. Not like the old days when we had to wait months after the US release date before getting our games.

I agree that the choices in games like these tend to only make superficial changes to the overall experience though. So Kenny betrays you either way? Good to know. I never sided with him cause he's kind of a jerk.

10 years ago

It may just be one of the many glitches, because I know you can befriend Kenny in the game. But I know that in mine, for whatever reason, Hershel always accuses me of lying, no matter what choices I make. Now I know that it's possible to get a different outcome, but personally, I've never experienced it.

10 years ago

sorry, but im sick and tired of EU constantly getting the short end of the stick!
as for kenny its not just him, its all the characters.
even the girl who ends up stealing from you then ends up running away, if you accuse her of stealing and kick her out, or if you say nah it couldnt of been her, she still acts like a prick to you in the end anyway.
the games constantly doing that, no matter how you act to people, they just act to you in the same way anyway.
even ben the guy whos a little shy and a coward, you can be mean to him and constantly call him useless, or you can support him, but at the end his still a coward and pays for it.
you would think being nice to the guy would build up his confidence and prove to himself hes not a useless PoS and do things for himself, but nope your actions literally have NO effect on ANYONE!

Last edited by ___________ on 12/19/2013 7:55:23 AM

10 years ago

I downloaded it right away, but I'm not going to play it yet, because it keeps saying 'Unable To Find A Save.' And I had my save all ready and waiting for this, only to get screwed over. Looking it up, I'm apparently not the only person having this problem.

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