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DICE Won’t Develop The Next Battlefield?

If there's going to be a new Battlefield in 2014, it may not be developed by DICE.

Publisher Electronic Arts has told Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter (as cited by Kotaku ) that a Battlefield entry for fiscal year 2015 hasn't been confirmed just yet. But if it happens, series veteran DICE won't be at the helm.

Rumors around the Internet say that Burnout developer Criterion Games might be on board for the next Battlefield installment. Interestingly enough, studio boss Alex Ward didn't shoot down these rumors; instead he said on Twitter that he's "not in a position to comment." Criterion isn't entirely ignorant in the field of shooters; they produced the 2006 title Black for the PS2 and Xbox.

The other possibility is Dead Space developer Visceral Games, as Pachter told Eurogamer . The Dead Space games are third-person shooters but hey, they're a talented group so maybe they could make the jump. Maybe DICE is going to focus all their energy and resources on the new Mirror's Edge and if that's the case, we're all for that.

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10 years ago

Thats seems like a step backwards. I suppose if DICE is on board it is what it is.

10 years ago

Man, a first person platforming game would be the death of me. I could see myself having over 600 deaths by the end of the game. People say Demons/Dark souls was hard, nothing is more difficult than being good at jumping over stuff.

10 years ago

I did fall a lot in Mirror's Edge but they handled it well.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

EA has already said that they have no intention of annualising BF. In fact, they were seeking to make BF, Titanfall and Star Wars Battlefront into their rotation last I heard, so I get the feeling that this is just Pachter blowing hot air. And if either Criterion or Visceral is working on an FPS, then I will despair. Both studios are more creative than that, especially if it's nothing more than another bombastic modern war scenario for Battlefield :/

10 years ago

It's always time to bail when they shove a franchise over.

10 years ago

I'm all for this! What I've played of Battlefield is good, but nothing mindblowing. Mirror's Edge, on the other hand… Yes, I fully support their focusing on that! And anything else they may come up with that isn't a military game.

10 years ago

I think dice has done a good job with the series, but I think swapping studios could keep it fresh. All of the studios mentioned are great and I'm sure they could do a good job.

To be honest I'd rather them do this and have a fresh perspective then go the route of Cod and produce the same thing over and over again.

10 years ago

This could or could not be a good move. Over-familiarity with a franchise leads to complacency and we possibly end up with crap like Call of Duty where little changes. However, gamers tend to shy away from innovation – particularly the casual – so shooters with too much beyond pointing and shooting tend to slip from mainstream success (i.e. Rainbow Six Vegas 2). This move is hardly surprising what with the thrashing, tumultuous seas that comprise the gaming industry. As long as whoever helms the next installment doesn't assume they KNOW what gamers want, that'd be a good first step.

10 years ago

criterion wont do a BLACK sequel, they wont do a burnout sequel, but they will do a battlefield sequel?
not saying its a bad idea, they would probably be the best ones to inject some actual excitement into the campaign.

10 years ago

I don't see how it could be Visceral because EA assured us that Dead Space is NOT cancelled LOL. And we know EA never lies.

10 years ago

Last I heard, Criterion had shed all but 17 employees to Ghost Games.

I wonder if EA is going to be making BF into a NFS type franchise where the game title *says* Battlefield but there is a wide variety of game play… Battlefield: Black?

Having a game with "Battlefield" in the title will probably sell more units than a game without it.

10 years ago

the decline of FPS its coming the RPG Regeneration.

10 years ago

pack your bags, you've made millions for EA and now they don't
need ya.

imo, Dice working on a new Mirror's Edge just seems like a waste of
talent and does'nt just seem right.

10 years ago

damit seriously i thought they said they weren't gunna annualise battlefield the one game i thought wudn't get touched urg i getting increasingly frustrated and disappointed with these pub/devs

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

Battlefront is set to come out in 2015 which means a DICE made BF game probably won't be released until 2016 or 2017. My guess is since the MoH franchise has been retired a smaller studio will probably make a game under the Battlefield name to fill the gap year.

Nas Is Like
Nas Is Like
10 years ago

Didn't DICE announce that they're already working on Battlefield 5 and that it will be less about the story and more about the explosions/environmental collateral?

Pretty sure I saw that article on this site.

10 years ago

I can't see this being true.

DICE were talking about BF5 after BF4 was released.

IF a new BF game was releasing in 2014, then it would have been in development already, and DICE would know about it, so why would they talk about it in that way if it was already in development from another studio.

Also EA themselves have said that BF is not an annual franchise.

10 years ago

This is all because of something Pachter said by the way. He said that EA told him the news.

Because Pachter has never been wrong before right……

10 years ago

After reading what Pachter actually said, they simply say a new Battlefield game is launching next year. They never said a numbered BF title.

I think it is going to be Bad Company 3. That is the most likely candidate to release next year. I believe that DICE will retain control of the numbered BF titles.

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