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Sorry, I’m Just Not Going To Be Able To Play _______

Generational changeover tends to have casualties.

Whether you have already jumped off the PS3 ship and boarded the PS4, plan to do so soon, or have a backlog that will keep you busy for a year yet, chances are not every game you have interest in will make the cut in your schedule.

This hobby can be expensive for your wallet and your time budget. Even with some of the recent outstanding deals surrounding the holidays there is always a time crunch to consider along with cost. Sure, maybe you could get that Skyrim Legendary Edition for a great price but do you really have the dozens and dozens if not hundreds of hours it will take to fully enjoy the experience?

And then there are the review scores which prevented us from jumping into the mix early on. Perhaps your expectations for Remember Me were not quite met by those 7s and so you back-burnered it and it never gained traction again in your mind. Maybe your love of Heavy Rain was not enough to overcome the mixed reviews for Beyond: Two Souls .

Whatever the reason, these are the games you regret you simply will not have time for. Now it's all about inFamous: Second Son, The Order 1886 , the upcoming Uncharted title, or whatever else has you saving your holiday dollars.

I've had the privilege to play a lot of games this generation and what's happened to me is that I simply won't have time to finish many of the games I already own. Kingdoms of Amalur and Dragon's Dogma are some solid RPGs but I can't see myself ever finishing them. Far Cry 3 and Rage are quite compelling open world shooters, and yet I can't imagine engaging them enough spend my weekends inching toward the finish line in either one. My interest in the Grand Theft Auto world has taken a dive off a cliff and so I didn't even purchase that one; I'm sure part V is fantastic but again that's a massive world that I'm not ready to get involved in once the PS4 is on my shelf. Likewise for Saint's Row IV . Those super powers look fun, but inFamous is where my sandbox mind is right now, and there's just no way I could focus on anything last gen in that genre at this point.

Not everything gets shut out of course, I'll still play the great JRPGs that are coming because to me the generational divide doesn't matter in those cases but not all games are created equal. I'm sure the rest of you have some gaming casualties to report. Which ones do you regret to report you will not be able to get or finish?

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10 years ago

I should cut your head off for not finishing Far Cry 3. It was one of my favorite experiences last generation. Of course that doesn't translate to everyone enjoying it as much as I did.

Anyway, I know for a fact that I'm not going to be able to finish Fall out 3 (the wasteland is just too boring) and probably Skyrim. I've enjoyed playing Skyrim more than Fall Out 3.

In it's entirety, I probably won't be able to complete GT6 because of all the endurances races but best believe I will be playing ALL NIGHt lol. The 1 million preorder bonus will definitely help get a nice car collection

10 years ago

Please let me keep my head 🙂

10 years ago

Unfortunately I'll have to miss GT6 due to budget constraints. I really wanted to support this one with a full priced purchase. Oh well. I'm getting some good entertainment from GRID2 right now.

10 years ago

hahah you're in my exact situation right now.. if only GT6 was on PS4 i would buy it

10 years ago

Sadly, no Beyond: Two Souls, Tales Of Xillia or Gran Turismo 6 due to leaving the PS3 platform for the PS4 platform.

Last edited by Brighat on 12/6/2013 11:09:55 AM

10 years ago

Are people actually getting rid of their PS3's? If I cant play my PS3 games on my PS4 there is no chance I am getting rid of it. It still runs in 1080p (Well 720p) and looks great, so its not like it is extinct like the PS2.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago

Yeah if theres even a teeny tiny chance of a few ps3 exclusives releasing in 2014-2016 ie Agent or TLG then there's no way i'm getting rid of my PS3.

10 years ago

I can't leave the PS3 platform yet, not when there's still a TLoU SP DLC out there!

10 years ago

Not ruling out buying another PS3 someday.

10 years ago

Yeah, ideally I'd probably get another PS3 too someday. It would most likely be as a replacement if it were anytime soon (though hopefully it will remain perfectly functional for a long time), or in addition to the one I have and/or maybe as a spare for the future. 🙂

Last edited by H8WL3R on 12/6/2013 6:52:21 PM

10 years ago

My PS3 still rocks and the games I want to play on it are still stellar in graphics and game-play.
Need to finish all AC games after 2, play RDR, Need For Speed games, Tomb Raider, Splinter Cell, and so on, my backlog is huge.
After finishing college next year I'll hopefully get more of them covered, before a baby comes in and crashes my gaming schedule 🙂

10 years ago

I never played Enslaved even though I still want to. I want to play Tales of Xillia, um, what else, there are a bunch of games I just never played.

I have a massive steam library of games that I either haven't finished or even started so yeah its like there are just too many games not enough time.

What really sucks is I might be overlooking some real gems that just grab my attention.

I'm super thankful I didn't overlook Binary Domain because it remains one of my favourite TPS games of this gen.

10 years ago

Enslaved is worth the 10hrs it will take you to finish it.

10 years ago

enslaved has a story and atmosphere going for it. the combat, platforming, puzzles(the few there are), and the shooting are all lagging behind other notable games in similar genres.

if i remember right, the game won't let you jump until it says you can at predetermined points….

Last edited by Temjin001 on 12/6/2013 12:02:13 PM

10 years ago

Enslaved has a new edition with the DLC, never played the DLC but the game is good though very brief (not sure where LV got his 10hr stat) and the ending kind of doesn't exist.

I'm also glad I made time to play through Binary Domain, it starts out like "meh, generic TPS" but then it just gets more and more unique and awesome. Way better than Vanquish imo.

10 years ago

I could really go for a Vanquish sequel right baout now.

I'm sure World can't wait for the Binary Domain sequel called, Decimal Range. weeeeeakk =p

10 years ago

Unfortunately Ill miss a few: GT6, Beyond, Far Cry 3, Portal 2, and sadly Ill never finish Skyrim.

But Im not regretting it, Im really enjoying my PS4.

10 years ago

Portal 2 I probably can't get around to either.

10 years ago

I almost had it for $5 the other day too and I would have made time for it. But I guess it fell through never heard back from the person.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 12/6/2013 9:06:36 PM

10 years ago

Well I have a pretty good track record with my PS3 games, I have completed most that I have bought (Which is more than I can say for my DS collection 20 games, not even finished 1 yet…)

Well I might not be buying a PS4 in 2014 so if I am missing out on any titles I still need to buckle down on, I'll do so in 2014. At the moment Ni No Kuni is one of the bigger titles. I just lost interest due to the slow pacing and backtracking. I love the imagination of Ghibli, but the gameplay mechanics were frustrating – Not being able to guard your entire party at once until 15 hours in…

Yakuza 4 is another one, I loved Yakuza 3, but 4 seemed more of the same without the interesting character motive. I like being the father figure of the orphanage in 3, it just had more heart than I experience playing in 4. Also the lack of a Y5 anytime soon, if ever is also slightly off putting.

I would say Silent Hill: Downpour, but I think I might just sell it. It's not the franchise I loved back when Team Silent were in command. Other than that, I still need to complete Zone of The Enders 2 HD – Which is damn hard in comparison to the first game! – Then I am all good.

10 years ago

Yes that is right… I never finished Zone of the Enders 2 for the PS2. It's possibily harder than the original Devil May Cry 3.

10 years ago

Could well be. I Platinumed ZoE1 in a day with ease playing it on hard mode. On ZoE2 I have to play on Easy… which is still harder than ZoE1 on hard – Quite a surprise.

10 years ago

I really need to get that ZOE HD Collection.

10 years ago

It was initially given average reviews, but then did a lot of work in patching ZoE2 – Which included bring it up to 1080p. The game runs perfectly now, I got mine dirt cheap, very happy with it.

10 years ago

Very unfortunately Far Cry 3 is a game that I barely unsealed, due to me just being so darn tired of the PS3. I will buy it for the PC the next time it is on sale, cause I HAVE to play that game.

And The Last Of Us is a game I'll never get to play unless it is ported to the PS4.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago

Not playing The last of us on PS3 is a CARDINAL SIN.
I might have to invoke Nemesis.

10 years ago

I'm just overwhelmed when I put in Far Cry 3. Shooters aren't my preference so now that it's last gen I just can't get amped about the missions and the prospect of pumping tons of time into it.

10 years ago

I picked FC3 up in August for $20 and had a blast with it. It filled in the time up until GTAV was released (was rushing to finish the game the last weekend before GTAV). I enjoyed the game very much and am looking forward to the next instalment.

I do agree with Lord Carlos, that if there is only one PS3 game I could experience from that generation it would have been The Last of US.

10 years ago

mass effect,assassins creed and any rockstar game.

by the way i've finished yakuza 1,2,3,4 & 5 100% more engaging and thrilling in completing than any other game mentioned above

10 years ago

Mass Effect 3 will probably remain unfinished for me, which sucks because I put so much time into ME2. I wanna see the end but it feels chorish now.

10 years ago

I must admit. My backlog will not suffer casualties. More like mass murder. Since I get access to too many games I have quite a few that are unfinished. Some may remain that way forever. Stains on my trophy list. I am a random gamer. I play according to my mood. One day it can be GTAV yet I replayed Flower on PS4 and Vita not long ago. I finished CODG yesterday and will probably try Alamur and Dogma this weekend. PSPlus hasn't helped this at all. My library gets bigger and bigger. Played RAIN for one chapter so I'll try that out between the others this weekend. PS4 in the living room and the 3 in the bedroom. Vita everywhere else. I don't care how old a game is so I don't think I'll ever run out of something to play. Some I won't ever touch again.

10 years ago

I like to put a game in that fits my mood and see if it sucks me in, if it doesn't then I'm disappointed and shelf it in hopes my mood will change. I swear it's a terrible way to play but I can't help it anymore.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago

I shall be waiting untill uncharted ps4 is released or that i know for certain that TLG & Agent have jumped ship.
Agent has been bumped up to 'coming soon' status and its just logical for Rockstar to release an exclusive game on the platform with 80million plus users & as for TLG,it could just as easily be going through heavy optimization rather than being totally redone on PS4.The Last of us wipes the floor with ALL the next gen launch titles & i know the PS3 can do a tiny bit better……so i'm waiting.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Probably most of the games that I haven't yet bought but want to. I fully intend to get through as much of my current gen backlog before jumping ship, but that still means that I'm going to miss out on some fantastic titles unless they end up going cross-generational.

10 years ago

None! I shall play all the games I wish to play or die of sleep deprivation trying. No game left behind!

10 years ago

yeah i think i'll end up going bk to the ps3 for the new rachet and maybe some others that haven't been finished or played or opened yet but i've just been to involved in knack and ac4 to think about playing ps3 last few days. so yeah the ps3 stuff will take a bk burner probably till rachet and then idk.rachet is something that always gets me on the ps3.

happy gaming =)

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Sadly, it'll probably end up being Gran Turismo 6. I mean, I'll play it long enough to do the review but I'm not sure I'll be able to invest my normal GT-like time into it (which is to say, at least 100 hours).

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

All of them.

10 years ago

Games do not cease to exist after 6 months. I've never understood why people only focus on new releases when there is a wealth of games they haven't touched which are still very high quality and now very cheap to buy. Example: People fawn over 8-bit imitation new releases and ignore genuine 8-bit games that are just as good but old.

If it falls in line with my interests, who cares what system it's on or how old it is? Knack or inFamous 3 certainly aren't worth upwards of $500, and they'll still be the exact same game when I get to them in a year or so. I'll be playing my PS3 for quite some time to come.

10 years ago

In fact, I'm reminded of a recent scene in my local indie game shop.

Clerk: "Game X for [old system] is really amazing! I think it's one of the best ever offered by that genre."

Customer: "Hm, really? Oh, but I bet it's really expensive, like $30!"

Clerk: "Well, yeah, it's $24.99, looks like."

Customer: "Nah, I'll take this $60 new release."

10 years ago

most of the indie titles i normally have to miss.
really want to play legends of grimrock and the stanley parable to name a few but ill never get a chance to.
not to mention i still have not finished reckoning, RDR, blur, the last PoP, split second, castlevania (but with stupid konami spoiling the ending its kinda hard to justify finishing it).
havent touched my wiiu in ages either, really want to finish zelda wind waker HD, but i just am not enjoying it at all its such a grind so i cant justify the time for it.
same goes for mario 3D land, i mean come on this is how we usher in the first 3D HD mario?
WTFs mario galaxy 3!?
the first 3D wiiu game is a port of a 3DS game, yup that describes the problem with the wiiu PERFECTLY!

10 years ago

I haven't played The Last Of Us.

10 years ago

Sorry, not going to be able to play the PS4 for at least two or three years. So many great games on PS3 and many I haven't played yet. I'm perfectly content with waiting for the PS4 to become 300 dollars as well as flesh out its software library before I even remotely consider buying one.

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