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Swearing In NBA 2K14 Will Earn You A Technical Foul

Okay, so it isn't realistic. But it's civil, right?

According to Polygon , 2K Sports has confirmed that swearing in NBA 2K14 will earn you a technical foul.

In an effort to create a "more civilized online environment," you will be penalized if the PlayStation Camera or Kinect catches you using profanity when playing the game. There was a rumor about this after YouTube user "randomfrankp" posted a video proving that his cursing was indeed penalized in-game with a technical foul. Now, in reality, a referee can call a technical foul on a coach or player for unsportsmanlike conduct, and that can include the use of profanity on the court. Of course, swearing is still a big part of the game.

It'll be interesting to learn what the game considers "swearing" but the 2K representative confirmed that "the obvious ones are there." Wanna try?

Related Game(s): NBA 2K14

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10 years ago

I got a technical foul for cursing a few weeks ago. The camera is also used to call plays and timeouts too.

10 years ago

This is pretty cool, makes it more realistic.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

But at the same time people are angry they can't use their freedom of speech in their homes after paying $400 or $500 plus tax, plus $50 or $60 for PS+ or XBL, plus $60 plus tax for a copy of the game. That's what I got from a YouTuber at least.

10 years ago

100% with you killa.

If I want to swear at my tv screen in my private time… Let me do it FFS. I can understand banning it online with chat but when playing solo… Don't interfere with my freedom. Anyway that's one of the reasons I greatly favor PS4 over XboxOne. No need for a stupid camera that listens to you on PS4 😀

10 years ago

I've always considered freedom of speech to mean you can publically share your beliefs and opinions without fear of persecution. You know… to prevent things like in the old days when people voted publically by saying who they vote for… and they could lose their jobs for not voting the right way. :p

One could argue they have a right to civility!

10 years ago

what if i Curse in a different language =)

10 years ago

Is it really cursing if no one understands you?

Think about that…

Lone Wanderer
Lone Wanderer
10 years ago

When online with others this makes sense,but when by yourself ABSOLUTELY NOT! its my right,my personal space and I'm in my own seclusion. I am not infringing on anyone if I swear,curse or what have you when I'm playing single player. More realistic or not that IS infringing on my right and the more we sit and allow this the more rights we lose.
This is fact, not an opinion. Hopefully common sense oversee's this damnable infringement of our rights and is not allowed any further. This settles wether or not i was going to get a camera.Unbelievable!

Last edited by Lone Wanderer on 12/6/2013 12:35:57 AM

10 years ago

It also works with a plugged in headset. Caught me off guard the first time I played and it gave me a tech.

10 years ago

Every game with online multiplayer should have a feature like this with some sort of penalty for having a foul mouth.

10 years ago

online MP only right?
fair enough for online, but if its for the whole game than lets just say im glad i never have and never will buy into the cash cow that is the sports game.
biggest racket in the history of the industry!
rub out 12, and write 13, and hey we have a all new 100 dollar game!

10 years ago

That is what Activision and Ubisoft are doing each year. Ubisoft does it right though and has improved their AC games each year but COD is just getting ridiculous.

Gamers played Goldeneye 007 for years and it was still very fun. As long as there are fools willing to spend $65 each year, they will keep making them.

10 years ago

dunno if id say improved them each year.
but with the "improvements" they have been able to make, imagine how much better the game would be if the team was given more time.

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