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Activision “Exploring Ways” To Bring Crash Bandicoot Back

It has been a while since we've seen Crash Bandicoot . But the once revered franchise isn't dead; it might still return.

Recent rumors have stated that Activision may have sold the IP to Sony, especially after the publisher erased any mention of the series on its site. But as an Activision representative told Game Informer , Crash Bandicoot is still in the company's possession:

"Activision owns Crash Bandicoot and we continue to explore ways in which we could bring the beloved series back to life."

There have been a few spin-offs of the classic platforming franchise, but many fans of the original games don't care about more spin-offs: They want a true-blue sequel that feels like the old titles with a next-gen gloss. Maybe Activision can get a developer to take on the project, but remember that this is a publisher that has to be fairly convinced of a game's potential success before taking the plunge.

They always say they're "risk-takers" in the industry, which I personally find to be one of the most comical statements ever .

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10 years ago

I never got into Crash but as long as Activision has it fans shouldn't hold out much hope. They are notorious penny pinchers.

10 years ago

Not sure they can bring this back or not. It was fun in its day. There are not too many decent platformers these days to choose from that are not rehashes. Depending on your definition of "decent" platformer.

Well, like any franchise that is given the breath of life once more, I hope it does not turn out bad. Maybe they would be better off giving it to a indie dev to have a try. Certainly would keep their costs down and maybe something fresh would come from it.

Keep playing!

10 years ago

How about selling the franchise… I 'm sure another developing company would be more than happy to revive Crash.

The thing is Crash did have live after Naughty Dog. Twinsannity was an amazing achievement in not only advancing Crash to an open world game structure but also the script – It was genuinely funny top that wit ha very unique soundtrack, solid graphics and plenty of imagination – It was all there. I would have loved a second game in the same style of Twinsannity – Not the God of War ripoff where Crash would control monsters to smash stuff up, it was dull as dishwater and is why the franchise crashed.

I honestly would still like a new Crash game, our generation is in dire need of a platformer that doesn't rely on guns. However I don't want to see Crash involved as part of a franchise like Spyro in Skylanders – He's too precious to be lumped with such generic character designs (As is Spyro for that matter). There is still plenty of opportunity in this – Though considering the poor reviews on Knack… I am doubtful.

10 years ago

They better not make it go multiplatform. Crash is a playstation Icon.

10 years ago

Sadly we lost that claim with The Wrath of Cortex… While the Playstation needs a strong Platformer again I cant see Crash ever staying loyal again if there were to dig up the coffin in the first place that is.

10 years ago

do i smell another HD remake coming on? i wouldnt mind a remake, with all the original games, none of the spin offs though

10 years ago

Please no, the last publisher I want to be responsible for the revival of Crash is literally Activision. Please just sell it to a Sony dev.

10 years ago

There is actually an easter egg in a PS4 commercial that shoes a sign with crash bandicoot on it. Someone on reddit spotted it.

So what this means is either Sony bought it back, or that Crash will be a multi platform game.

I do miss me some crash. Would welcome a new crash game if they made it well.

10 years ago

Or it means that they threw in a Crash Bandicoot easter egg for old-school PlayStation fans

slow and smart
slow and smart
10 years ago

I liked crash,i would also like a new blood omen:soulreaver game on the pS4.
also I finished deus ex dir.cut,and man what a topgame it is,also a new deus ex game i would welcome on the PS4

10 years ago

Crash was awesome when Naughty Dog created and developed it.

The Wrath of Cortex was OK, but the controls never felt fully user friendly…it felt off somehow.

From then on, I lost my interest in even finishing the games. I prefer to go back and play the original 3.

If Activision do want to bring Crash back, I say go for it but they must do it properly. not rehash it like they do with COD.

On the multiplat issue and 'icon' status, Crash will always be a PS icon regardless and multiplat just means that more people get to play with the awesome bandicoot.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
10 years ago

There's no way in hell Activision is a risk taking publishing company.
A true Crash Bandicoot would be great, but only if it reached the caliber of it's old school popularity. Twisted Metal was a good game, but not up to the standards Black and earlier set.
If Crash was handed back over to ND we could see something really special. But anyone else would be asking for a lot with the new gen.

10 years ago

Bring back da Bandicoot!!!!!!!

10 years ago

man i really hope they bring back crash it'll just like the ps1 and ps2 days oh the glory days.

but yeah another CTR and/or proper CNK with a proper sequal to crash 3/wraith of cortex i'm telling you if they do it right they'll be on a winner there are millions of people who wud line for these games or that just me.

but even if there was success i wudn't want them to do a dual studio annualised garbage cos thats the last thing we want.

i long for the days when platformers were great and sort after games like the ps1/ps2 days.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

yeah i wud hav say i agree with the people who say they sud sell it sony cos i think they'll(activision) leave a bad taste in a lot of people months(doing a bad job /try to annualise it).

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

I dunno… from ND to Activision… I'm not sure the quality could continue.

10 years ago

I have a feeling it's just going to go down hill from here..

10 years ago

no thanks, as if the desgrace of the ps2 games were not bad enough!
either give it back to $ony, or just do a HD remake and let him live in peace.
i wouldent be surprised to see a HD remake happen to be honest, crash returns was suppose to be exactly that, a cry engine 3 mod, but that mysteriously disappeared.
and about the same time the DN3D remake disappeared, what made that one so peculiar especially is the guys doing the mod actually had a license from gearbox to do so!

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

Activision you cannot do Crash goddamnit!

10 years ago

The only way I'll touch another Crash Bandicoot game is if Activision gets their grubby hands off of it… otherwise, the game would be bound to be a disappointment, most likely. I'd really love to see a Sony studio acquire good ol' Crash again. Those games were great.

10 years ago

I don't know about this.Knowing Activision, I'm sure the results wouldn't please the fans.

I think there are only a few developers that would do this right, and no Activision studio would.

10 years ago

I think they should hire developer Way Forward to bring back Crash via a 2.5D platformer with all the next-gen graphics goodness (with inspiration from New Super Mario Bros WiiU and the like). I still play the first 3 PSOne Crash Bandicoot games often and are part of my most favorite games ever collection =)

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