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Soul Calibur II HD Online Launches

Ooh, fighting fans are so gonna get this.

Namco Bandai Games America Inc. has announced that Soul Calibur II HD Online is now available for the PlayStation 3, and it's also available digitally via the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade. With newly revamped HD visuals and an all-new competitive online mode, this one should be awesome.

Lest you forget, this is the first time the franchise has seen competitive online combat. Plus, all your favorite characters are returning; this includes Ivy, Kalik, Mitsurugi, Talim, Cervantes, Sophitia and many others. The online infrastructure will boast brand new net code overseen by developer Project Soul, and we'll also get all the modes featured in the original game: Arcade, Survival, VS Battle, Time Attack, Team Battle, Practice and Weapon Master. Oh, and don't forget that the special guest characters are Heihachi from Tekken and Spawn from Todd McFarlane's popular comic series.

Soul Calibur II HD Online will retail for only $19.99.

Related Game(s): Soul Calibur II HD Online

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10 years ago

I want this. but I don't want it for $20. I'll give $5, maybe $10, tops.

10 years ago

Why is this one so popular? I thought it was one of the weakest other than part 5.

10 years ago

Everyone I know thinks SC2 is the best. It felt the most free as far as combo creation went. It was really fast and responsive as well.

Not sure which one is "technically" the best according the the EVO fighting masters but this one was my favourite.

10 years ago

I guess the fighter experts know best, that one bored me to tears though, I kept going back to part I until III came out. Loved IV too.

10 years ago

I liked it because the GC version had Link in it. Other than that it was whatevers…I personally liked 4.

10 years ago

World it's because SC made a big splash on Dreamcast and so when this came to Ps2 it held a lot of anticipation. I was more impressed by the original because it presented that generational leap. Most people didn't have a DC and SC2 was their first entrance to SC. The bonus characters made for some excitement as well.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 11/21/2013 12:49:14 AM

10 years ago

Have to disagree, Soul Calibur II took the basics of Soul Calibur 1 and perfected it. A lot of people forget that with Soul Calibur 1 it doesn't have a large variety of weapons like Soul Blade and Soul Calibur II – I have it on the Dreamcast and it was a rather short experience in comparison.

Soul Calibur II's Conquest mode is what really made it. A mode where you have so many handicaps and variety of obstacles within the match format, it was just really unique – Soul Blade did it before but SC2 took it to the extreme and once you think you have cleared all the areas, the game chucks you different taskes for each area you have already beat – you can play this game for hours on end.

The thing is, Soul Calibur II was just so damn good, the following releases struggled to compete of show anything new of real value 3 & 4 are just utterly forgettable other than 4 having the gimmick of Star Was characters, which was just annoying. 5 Was a brilliant idea, the series needed a facelift, but unfortunately the game is just so bare bones, not just in content but in the actual combat too.

I would be tempted to get this on sale, the thing is The PS2 version of Soul Calibur II is one of the rare games in progressive scan, so I can actually still play it on my HDTV! So I am in no hurry to get this. Might even have a go at it today 🙂

10 years ago

I see, I still treasure my copy of SC on Dreamcast. With a stick it's like being at an old arcade.

10 years ago

Whoops, I was confused. It was 3 that had Link. Not 2. I did like 2 quite a bit. It was the first one I played and yes it was on the Dreamcast.

10 years ago

Jawk, SC3 didn't have link. SC3 was a PS2 exclusive 😛

SC2 was the one with different exclusive characters for each console. Heihachi on the PS2, Link on the GC, and Spawn(wtf) on the Xbox.

10 years ago

I'm really temped to buy this. Maybe I will wait for a sale. Was probably my favourite Soul Calibur game.

10 years ago

This one was my favourite too. You mentioned above "combo creation". How does one do combos in soul calibur (it was never clear to me). It's not like tekken where you juggle right?

10 years ago

Well what I felt SC2 did better than tekken was let you "mash" together combos without punishing you. There were combos in the command list, but the game was very fast and fluid so you could string together moves more easily and it didn't have to be the combo that was in the command list.

Basically this made the game very accessible for beginners so that people could have fun right out the gate, but there was still a lot of depth for the advanced players.

No there isn't as much juggling in SC2 as in Tekken, while you can juggle, there are several ways to break juggling.

10 years ago

If you got an xbox360 you can try the free game trial. Looks like its 1080p and the textures seem better than Ps2's in some areas.
Does feel a bit slower than SC5.

10 years ago

I will always have a spot in my heart for the Soul Blade.

10 years ago

Especially that opening FMV!

10 years ago

well that's interesting i was just the other fay watching a video on youtube and the guy said that soul calibur 2 was the best of the series in his opinion so he'll probably get this i play 5 on my friends xbox it was a decent game i don't play fighters much cos i find after not so long i get bred of them.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

This actually sounds good. I might just get it for multiplayer purposes.

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