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This Seems Wrong But Somehow, It Just Feels So Right

I am well aware that the PlayStation 4 comes out on Friday. I'll have mine on that day, like many others.

And yet, as much as I want to try out games like Killzone: Shadow Fall and Knack , I find myself caring far more about a current-generation title. Actually, a current-gen remastering of older titles: Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD .

There was a time when I'd play and replay every new Final Fantasy that came my way. But that hasn't happened in a while; although I completed FFXII, FFXIII and FFXIII-2, I never really had any inclination to go back and play them. At least FFXII was a full-fledged RPG; I just didn't like the story enough to replay it and besides, I did absolutely everything on my first play-through. I put in 120 hours and took down Yiazmat, and I figured that was plenty.

But FFX and X-2 are fantastic entries that I always look forward to playing, even though I haven't touched either in many years. I so miss the old-school turn-based style, and I loved the combat mechanics in both games. I never did replay X-2 and I think I only got halfway through a replay of X (got sidetracked with one of the GTAs, I believe), so I'm definitely itching to enjoy and appreciate both again. Is it wrong that I want to do that more than I want to play any of the PS4 games I'll get?

It may be wrong and yet, it just feels so, so right.

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10 years ago

I'm with you Ben! Can't wait for these remakes!

10 years ago

i can't wait for mine to be release. bummer the PS4 can't play this. guess I'll have to take the playstation 3 from the room so i can use it in the living room so I can enjoy it in the BIG SCREEN via 1080P

10 years ago

I agree completely. Another jrpg HD remake on my radar is Tales of Symphonia Chronicles, and once the 2nd one is out the 2 Kingdom Hearts remakes. Never played any Kingdom Hearts games or Symphonia. Add to that list I plan to get Xillia and its sequel which comes out next year as well. Helps I recently got into tales, but next year is gonna be huge for jrpgs, even though most are remakes. Speaking of.. Where's DQ8 HD already!

On a similar note, Sony missed out big by not including BC, sure I still have my PS3, I unfortunately need another one asap, its loud as hell and may YLoD again. It'd be lame getting a new PS3 when there's a PS4 on the shelf next to it.


Last edited by Wrote on 11/10/2013 11:11:18 PM

10 years ago

Have my copy reserved 🙂

10 years ago

I'm in the same boat here. I cannot wait to play both X and X-2 (pretty equally, as I like X more, but only went through X-2 once and didn't 100% it) most likely waiting on a PS4 for awhile, as I always do with a new console launch. By the time I get to it there should be more than a few great games to play.

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

Yessss. Going through the good ol memory lane.

My HD collection replay list:

KH final mixes
Zone of the Enders (never played 1)
Symphonia Chronicles (never played any)

10 years ago

Nope it's not wrong because nothing made on PS3 and probably nothing that will be made on PS4 will compare to the greatness of the older FF games.

I want this more than all the announced PS4 games combined. ATB, here I come.

10 years ago

I love your avatar.

10 years ago

True, but Xenoblade on the Wii got mighty close. So much so I have already got a Wii-U in hope for the next game. It really did bring back everything I could ever ask of a JRPG and if we can get other games like that in the genre the JRPG will have a fighting chance next gen.

10 years ago

That X JRPG for Wi U does look pretty sweet. It's on my list for sure.

10 years ago

Thank you Dragon, gotta love Persona series too 🙂

10 years ago

I really want to play KH final mix.

10 years ago

one thing i really hope changes this gen.
now that developments allot easier hopefully that will bring budgets and man hours down to a more sane level and instead of developers spending all their time just getting the dam thing to work, they can spend on designing and improving it.
GTA IV and ACIII to GTAV and ACIV are perfect examples of that.
both felt so rushed and poorly designed and implemented, but both the sequels were the complete opposite.
GTAIV was in development for what, roughly the same time as V.
but which is more ambitious?
which is far more flushed out and detailed?
never thought id say this, but if someone came up and asked me after i finished GTAV would you rather a HD remake of VC or SA but that means we have to wipe your memory because V would never happen.
i wouldent do it, never thought id say this but i actually enjoyed V allot more than i did VC or SA!

hopefully once next gen gets started will see the focuses shift and once again will be looking to new IPs, new ideas, instead of wishing for HD remakes of old memories.
hopefully sequels will become sequels, ie better than their predecessors!
or at least as good.
and not what they normally are, ie total betrayals to the principals the franchise stands for, and a spit to the face of fans everywhere!
well, hopefully, but ill bet my left nut it aint gonna happen!

Last edited by ___________ on 11/11/2013 2:37:09 AM

10 years ago

This will really test if I'm over JRPG's or if my love of Final Fantasy was just a aberration. When I think about it there really isn't a JRPG that I loved as much as Final Fantasy. Chrono Trigger is really the only one I enjoyed as much. I want to get back to Ni No Kuni. It's a great game but I see myself playing this before I get back on that. And there's nothing wrong with enjoy old remakes with the dawn of the new gen. Wind Waker in all its cell shaded, 1080p, 60fps glory is still considered a better game than most of what I have played during the PS3 years. IMHO.

10 years ago

No, I have to say considering the PS4 is released this month I should be far more excited for it. But the console simply has no titles, certainly not the the quality of Final Fantasy X. I am tremendously excited for Metal Gear Solid V, but with this modern convention of releasing games in bits I don't know what to make of the GZ/TPP split. It does sort of ruin that excitement for me.

Final Fantasy X is a game I know I will enjoy and will be worth the price considering how much work is being put into it. it's got the best battle system in FF and I just love the structure of the adventure and story how it is set around the guardians on the pilgrimage and how goes even beyond that. I was content with X's ending and did not need X-2 and considering the tone of the game and how it ruined one of my favourite FF characters in Yuna there is a lot to dislike about it. However I will be willing to give it another shot, especially as this edition is now adding that exclusive content we never got before. This release has a lot to offer, I cannot say the same about the PS4 right now.

10 years ago

As the first game after the Enix merger X-2 was problematic, but I feel like having the best form of the battle system and still letting you control all characters plus a story that makes logical sense makes it a better game in retrospect than it was at the time. Yuna hasn't really changed except her clothes.

10 years ago

I have to disagree, Yuna was such a brave and sweet character in X. She went on with the pilgrimage, evening knowing the outcome it would lead to. But she is also very calm and serene and playing as a gaurdian, I felt like she was someone I wanted to look out for.

X-2, broke the character completely, she became loud, tarty and completely dependent on others. Here and Rikku were basically identical and there is even a scene where she if states she is just trying to copy her… I understand what they were trying to do with the Charlies Angels persona, but it jsut did not work for the Yuna I love from X.

However, I am willing to give the title another shot with this HD collection. I have the strategy Guide, so this time I will get the 100% ending, its just a shame the game requires you to have it in order to get he games true ending – Which to be honest, is the only event within X-2 worth noting.

10 years ago

My reply to that would be that without Tidus she is heartbroken, lost and in need of companionship. Her purpose in Spira was fulfilled in the last game and she now has nothing to fight for, so she joins her friends who she sees as strong and independent, latching onto the mission to find out who Shuyin is to fill the gap.

By copying them, even taking on their not-so-sweet clothing style she does what a lot of lost young women do: copy the people they see as strong. Underneath she's still thoughtful and nice and naive.

My opinion anyway.

10 years ago

Nothing is wrong about loving classic RPG's. Especially when they are being remastered.

10 years ago

yeah i know what you mean when i got my ps3 i was on it alot but i still went back to the ps2 to play old games again that i loved. personally i plan on playing them both(ps3 and ps4) even though the ps4 will get that inial launch time i'll go back to new and older ps3 games for a long time yet got alot to work through yet on the ps3

happy gaming =)

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Not at all. I mean, it's well established that classic FFs were, in the minds of many, absolutely brilliant, while the PS4/X1 have some interesting titles, but none that seem to capture that same magic yet. And judging by the comments above, you're not Robinson Crusoe in feeling that way. I just want to see how the 2014 line-up compares between the PS3 and PS4, and which one will have had the better or more appealing generational exclusives released by year's end. Right now… The PS4 is looking sexy, but the PS3 has Castlevania, Dark Souls, Drakengard, Murdered: Soul Suspect and several other interesting looking titles (primarily good-looking JRPGs).

Anyways, FFX/X-2 will be mine and they will be played at long last 🙂

10 years ago

I don't think so. I feel the same way, tbh.

10 years ago

Ben, you're not on alone for sure. After FF8, FFX was my second favorite in the franchise. I would definitely play it over any lauch title for PS4.

10 years ago

One of the best legacies of the PS3 era is, in my opinion, HD remasters/remakes. There were SO many classics from the PS2 era that immediately appeared dated the moment we switched to HDTVs. HD remasters like the Metal Gear Solid Collection and FF X are (I assume) going to age much better than their standard def forebearers. Really cool.

10 years ago

Ben, I would recommend on your first play through to stick as close as you can to the main storyline. I don't believe much level grinding is even necessary to complete it.
Then during your second time around get wrapped up on side quests and other involved fetch quests, also be sure to go to the monster ranch battle arena -that was my favorite part of FFX

10 years ago

Sigh, when is the remake, or re-issue, of Impossible Mission coming out…?

10 years ago

I've never played a MMORPG since ultima online.. back in the old days, but i have been addicted to FFXIV since it launched in end of august..
seriously, if you are a FF fan you need to play FFXIV.
Vivi anyone?
I think even after i get my ps4.. i will still be stuck playing ffxiv..
where's the time to play ffx 0.o 0.o what to do

10 years ago

Ben you said it all and till nowadays i feel like i became less gamer just because the turn based Japanese RPGs disappeared and the game im looking forward the most is indeed FF X and for me this is one of the best games i ever player and it sits right beside Metal Gear Solid 1 and Gran Turismo 3

10 years ago

Wouldn't say that you're wrong Ben, it's just your personal preference – works the same in many types of media;
just as an example many people prefer the first 3 star wars films (in terms of when they were filmed!) to the later 3.

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