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Batman: Arkham Origins Patch Incoming

If you've been experiencing some problems playing Batman: Arkham Origins , don't worry; the developer is on it.

Publisher Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment has apologized for the issues that have plagued the Origins experience since the game launched last week. They say a patch for all platforms is coming our way "within the next week," and it will fix the three most complained-about glitches:

— Inability to continue the story from the main menu.

— FreeFlow Focus mode not unlocking upon reaching “Shadow Vigilante” rank 3.

— Infinite falling/falling out of world (the fix should push you back to your previous save, allowing you to progress).

Also, there's a bug specific to the PC – it stopped players from navigating through the vent in the Burnley Tower – but this has already been patched. Furthermore, Xbox 360 users have reported bugs concerning corrupted save files and crashing/freezing issues. For now, while they work on the problems, Warner Bros. recommends that players disconnect their consoles from the Internet when playing the game.

In some ways, we say the new Batman effort is a bit of a disappointment . But in other ways, it's a really fun, entertaining game, and should be played by the die-hard comic fans out there.

Related Game(s): Batman: Arkham Origins

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10 years ago

There's nothing quite like falling right out of the world to break your immersion.

10 years ago

It's not a glitch, it's a gravity test.

The same as in ACIII

10 years ago

Its not a glitch… its a feature. :/

Keep playing! (or falling)

10 years ago

well i haven't got the gameon PC,ps3 yet and i'm still thinking wether i wud get it if i manage tog get a vita this christmas but for those u who have the game i hope it helps alot.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

so sick of how f*cking buggy games are these days!
i mean games go through vigorous certification weeks before release, so why does this still happen?
whats the point of certification if the games still going to release in a broken mess?
BF4 is the same thing, keys keep locking on so if i let go of walk the character keeps walking, or scoping keeps switching itself as well.
constant freezing and frame dips as well.
really getting to the point where i dont want to buy a game till its been out for 6+ months and all the headaches have been solved, not to mention a nice hefty 30% price drop!

10 years ago

Unfrotunately due to the ability to dl patches EVERY game is faulty. Even the best of the games. Its the new norm, and unfortunately most gamers are okay with it. When I say that I mean… they rant (moi) but most of us still purchase the games.

Keep playing for as long as you can!

10 years ago

For once, I agree with bitter old fart no name dude.

Because ACIII was an impressive glitchfest, I finished it recently until now that the patch was released.

UC 2 and 3 were totally different experiences, though

10 years ago

I brought the game monday & i haven't still gotten around to playing it yet i'll wait till they release this patch then i'll play it.

10 years ago

Its not on my wish list, but I hope the sort out the bugs eventually for the fans.

Keep playing!

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