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Telltale Announces The Walking Dead: Season Two

One of the very best downloadable experiences ever certainly deserved a sequel.

Telltale Games and Robert Kirkman have officially confirmed The Walking Dead: Season Two , which is scheduled to release later this year on PC and Mac. It will hit consoles and the iOS platform next year.

The second season of the critically acclaimed adventure series will focus on the story of the orphan, Clementine. Gamers will play as Clementine as they struggle for survival in a world where death lurks around every corner.

Said Telltale Games CEO Dan Connors:

"The terrifying nature of Robert Kirkman's world has allowed Telltale to push the boundaries of interactive drama in video games to a place that has had fans anxious to know what will happen next in this series."

We'll face more difficult moral decisions and as Connors said, "no one can be trusted." Season Two will span five episodes and gamers can immediately purchase all five for the price of $22.50, which equals a savings of 10 percent (as opposed to buying each episode individually). However, as this is a very story-driven game, you're definitely going to want to have played Season One.

If you haven't, the developer also announced a Game of the Year Edition for the first season of The Walking Dead . It will be available for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC at retail, and the bundle will include the five episodes, the 400 Days expansion, a copy of the game's soundtrack, and a behind-the-scenes video. You can have it all for only $30, and that's a great deal, so take advantage if you need to.

Related Game(s): The Walking Dead

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10 years ago

Looks like she kept that hair short 🙂

10 years ago

"Interactive drama." Oh yes, it's happening.

10 years ago

I have the first season, it's great but I hope this time my choices matter more, there are characters that I didn't want to join and joined even if I refused, there was also some character that died and I was okay with it but I would love to have the chance other character died instead because it looked like I had the choice like in first ep were I can chose who get saved in one scene and you had that character on the next ep, adding more replayability.

10 years ago

*spends 30 minutes trying to make a hard choice* *everyone dies anyways*

10 years ago

Just finished the first "season", Awesome game! Looking forward to season two!

Having only played through it once, is there any reason to play it over again, making other choices? Will it make a difference?

10 years ago

Tried it, but quit playing it. It kinda dragged on for me. Do you have to be a fan of the TV series to like it? Cuz I had to force myself to watch the first season of WD and was bored at the end of it. I just wanted everyone to die and get it over with. lol. Kinda like the Matrix rave in the second fil, I wanted the machines to get through and kill all the humans so the movie would be over. Ouch.

Anyway, enjoy if its your thing. Admittedly, it could be I am tired of zombies. Market is saturated with it. My friend actually just went over the weekend to zombie survival camp here in Ontario. Not sure they made it back. I am only assuming. :/

Keep playing!

10 years ago

Definitely not, I haven't watched a single episode of the tv series, and in fact have no idea if the stories are even connected between the two, but still love the game.

It's probably just a case of whether you like story-based games or not – if you don't, you obviously won't like it, just like I would be bored to death playing CoD multiplayer for 5 minutes.

10 years ago

well this is interesting my brother might buy it cos he's into the series.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

so cant wait for this, i just hope they actually hand out the checks their mouths write this time.
again another developer running off oh we made a game that changes depending how you act, what you do, who you befriend, or whatever.
so why did kenny blow up at me at the end when i took his side EVERY single time?
right, characters treat you how you treat them thats why being a d*ck to them, or always taking their side, made absolutely ZERO difference!
really starting to get sick of these games, the oh our game changes depending on what you do.
when they really dont.

other than that i hope they dont turn down the shock factor.
some things in that first season, the locked house for instance just made me cringe and in a good way.
that was something that clicks straight away but then say no way there not going to have the balls to do that.
it was nice to see someone stand up to the plate for a change.

10 years ago

Agree Blank Line, what if I never wanted to go with Kenny? I disliked him in the first minutes of the game, why I can't decide not go with him? that would be awesome have at least two paths.

10 years ago

theres allot of paths you can screw kenny over if you want.
well not screw him over, but you can choose to help the other guy instead of his son, you can choose whos side to be on.
what pissed me off though is no matter what you do, no matter who you side with, characters still react to you the same way.
you say to a character f*ck you i hate you, and they react the same way as you saying i love you will you marry me.
so bloody sick of developers flapping about how their game changes depending how you play it, im still yet to see a single game that actually does that!
well, ok maybe alpha protocol but besides that theres zilch!

10 years ago

I was always mean with him xD I saved the farmer son because those characters were way more cool than Kenny and his family, sucks that no matter what you do.. you go with Kenny :(, I hope if Ben does a Wolf Among Us or The Walking dead Season Two review he tell to us if choices really change the game.

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