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What Will Be The Last New PS3 Release You Ever Play?

Of course, there's every chance you'll go back to play older games on the PS3 after you've hooked up your PS4.

But what is the last new game you intend to play on the soon-to-be-old system? What's the last brand new release you plan to purchase?

Is it Batman: Arkham Origins , which just launched on Friday? It's a little disappointing in my opinion but it's still a fun game. Or, is it the upcoming Gran Turismo 6 ? That's slated to arrive on December 6 and for racing fans, it's an absolute no-brainer. Then again, maybe those same fans are banking on the possibility of GT6 eventually hitting the PS4; franchise creator Kazunori Yamauchi has said this could happen. As for other games, there aren't many more exclusives on the horizon, so maybe you can't really name the "very last" game you'll play on the PS3. Maybe you have no idea.

Right now, for me, it'll probably be GT6. But I may not have time for it and if not, it could end up being Beyond: Two Souls . That came after GTAV, although I'll still be playing Rockstar's latest masterpiece for quite some time. Everything else will be for the PS4, I guess. Hard to imagine that a new generation will be here in only a couple weeks…!

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10 years ago

The Last G.. ame on the ps3! It all makes sense now!

10 years ago

Most likely I won't ever fully stop playing my ps3. But I have a very, and I mean very strong feeling Final Fantasy X HD will be the last game.

10 years ago

Yeah, it will most likely be FFX/X-2 HD for me.

10 years ago

I'm not getting a PS4 until Sony stops being anti consumer. No MP3 playback, no customization, mandatory installs, etc. are you kidding me?

As I knew, ever since 7th gen, consoles just get better graphics and the like but everything gets worse.

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

Final Fantasy X & X-2 HD or Persona 5.

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

Also possibly

Persona 4: The Ultimax Ultra Suplex Hold

10 years ago

I'm surprised they're making another one…

10 years ago

You shouldn't be, they are amazing and popular.

10 years ago

it really is too soon to say, at least for me. I do want GT6. I also want Ratchet and Clank: Into the Nexus. I'm still undecided on Lightning Returns. For me the FF games are as much about the artistry and beautiful and wondrous feeling worlds as they are the actual game play. I can't really seem to find any good replacement for those elements it has done really well for so many years. A big part of that stems from it's Japanese origins. I will say I do expect my FF games to feel epic. That might be a problem for LR: FFXIII.

I suppose there's always the chance that The Last Guardian might deliver.
I'm also not convinced Sony is ready to just jump ship right away with the PS3. I think they may surprise us with exclusive (at least temporarily exclusive) content for the next few years.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 10/28/2013 10:33:39 PM

10 years ago

yah, so BF4 reviews have popped up all over the place.
DF also has a face-off for the game, using days from release code on dev kits. The PS4 spanks the XBoxOne by 50% more pixels (900p vs 720p) for much fewer jaggies and all around more stable performance.
sorry, off topic.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 10/29/2013 1:30:31 AM

10 years ago

I seen that as well, the game looks really good.

10 years ago

The last game I buy for my PS3 with be the same series as the first game I purchased: Ratchet and Clank Future. First game was "Tools of Destruction" and the last one will be "Into the Nexus".

10 years ago

For me it will probably be FFX. Oh the nostalgia!

10 years ago

GT6 or Ratchet & Clank. After playing the Beyond demo, I have zero desire to play it. Also shouldn't we expect more games though? Sony still plans on supporting the PS3 for a total of 10 years no?

10 years ago

The end of a Sony console's life is always replete with JRPG goodness. So it's going to come down to some of those, the last of which will probably be Persona 5.

10 years ago

Or Fairy Fencer.

10 years ago

Good point, easy to forget we have a few more nice looking JRPG gems coming next year…

Having said that, I definitely think GTA V is the last one I'll play BEFORE PS4 launches in a couple weeks. Got mine pre-ordered, can't wait to take her for a spin…

10 years ago

Ratchet & Clank: Into the Nexus for me, most likely. But, that is contingent on Last Guardian, and Devil's third, both of which seem to be in limbo. But, then, there's my back log of games (Ni No Kuni, Tales of Xillia, RE5:GE, Dark Souls, LBP2, LBP Cart). And, I might just hold off until next year's Black Friday before springing for a ps4. Decisions, decisions…

10 years ago

i think it will be Dark Souls 2 for me

10 years ago

My last new game for the PS3 will almost definitely be Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD, which is also my most anticipated game at the moment. 🙂

10 years ago

Considering how much I still have yet to play and or conquer, I think I'll be set for quite some time.

10 years ago

Same here, HUGE backlog of games I still haven't had time to play or finish..

It'll probably be some time before I'll have any interest or time to buy a PS4.

10 years ago

It was going to be Dark Souls 2, now it's looking like it'll be Kingdom Heart 2.5

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

2.5 forgot about that!

10 years ago

Well I still have quite a few things on the to-play list. Beyond, Batman, Splinter Cell, GOW, and Metro Last Light. There may be one or two others I'm missing but at the moment it looks like either Splinter Cell or Last Light will end up being my last title for the PS3. Unless I decide to do the Bioshock Infinite DLC at the end to wrap everything up instead. Seems more appropriate.

10 years ago

For me it was Dishonoured. That was the last new game I played on the PS3.

10 years ago

You is a strange person. There has been a lot of games since then.

10 years ago

What an awesome game though! Maybe my favorite new franchise of this last generation. OK, Last of Us is my favorite, but Dishonored is right up there… 🙂

10 years ago

Indeed World, but none of them have been played on the PS3.

Dishonoured was the game who made me fully realize how darn tired I had become of that machine, so I've gone all PC until I get me the PS4+Infamous bundle.

Last edited by Beamboom on 10/30/2013 9:29:57 AM

10 years ago

Ratchet and Clank: Into the Nexus I'd say, unless something surprises next year.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
10 years ago

Still holding on to the dream.
The last guardian & Agent

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

*shrugs* Could be Castlevania, Dark Souls 2, Drakengard 3, Murdered: Soul Suspect, Xillia 2. It'll definitely be something current-gen exclusive, though, that much I do know.

10 years ago

ill be getting rid of mine soon so it will probably end up being arkham origins.
really not interested in GT6 after the RE5 disappointment GT5 was!
plus we already have 2 better racers in NFS rivals and forza 5 releasing weeks sooner, so thats enough racers.
and after the BS $onys pulling with the new R&C i lost all interest in that.
no problems $ony thats how you treat your fans, well than f*ck you too!

10 years ago

Will you do us the favor of leaving this website permanently once you switch to Xbone?

We the community would thank you if you would.

10 years ago

Mmmm well looking at next years line up it is getting rather thin. I know I will be buying Final Fantasy XIII: Lighting Returns in Feb…. beyond that? Well I'm interested in Drakenguard 3 if I can get it boxed. There is Metal Gear Solid V, but that will be the first title I get for the PS4. So that's about it to my knowledge. Oh and the Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Remix Without Dream Drop Distance Edition.

10 years ago

i see nothing on the horizon that interests me,

the last game i bought was Beyond Two Souls.

10 years ago

I'll buy Beyond soon, but the last game i buy for my PS3 will most probably be Castlevania Lords Of Shadow 2.

10 years ago

I'll be keeping my system "active" meaning plugged in for the next two years. So far my last game well be Castlevania Lord of Shadows 2. So far its only confirm for the xbox box1 for next gen so i guess i'll be playing it on my Ps3.

10 years ago

GT6 for me!!!

10 years ago

Dark Soul's 2 but because it's on the PS3 I can't see myself putting in the same amount of hours as previous titles. Like the new consoles, I'm not really backwards compatible. I'm also going through some gamer fatigue so I may try find more time to get out in the real world. Though I really am excited with getting my day one PS4 KZ bundle.

10 years ago

An RPG that gets release years from now.

10 years ago

fifa 14 for me. but i'll be getting that for ps4 so. i'd prefer to just say last of us and diablo 3

Sir Dan
Sir Dan
10 years ago

I still need to finish my first one… Resistence Fall of man. heehee

10 years ago

I've already played it, GTA V. Was really looking forward to Beyond but everyone here is massively disappointed in it, so I passed. Demo didn't get me either.

And after all these delays, Battlefield 4 is the only next gen game out right away that has me interested in it and that bums me out for the beginning of the PS4.

Stay Classy PSX…

10 years ago

The poll disagrees with you on Beyond.

10 years ago

I did see that, but based on the general vibe here from you all, it deflated my interest. Then the demo lacked enough air to float my boat again.

Do YOU think it's worth a buy right now?

Stay Classy PSX…(and check out my new movie this holiday season)

10 years ago

If you appreciate Cage's style I'm sure you'll find some enjoyment out of it but nothing groundbreaking or inspiring.

10 years ago

It's a rental at best, something to experience but has nothing to offer after the initial playthrough. I would actually say playing it again and seeing how your actions don't affect the story as it should have makes the game worse…

10 years ago

There are many more endings than what you get in your initial playthrough, but if you aren't excited then there's no sense in blasting $60 on it. Wait for price cuts, which will come fast after PS4 comes out.

10 years ago

Yes, but I am sure I am not the only one who just reloaded there same multiple times on the last two chapters… That is the games biggest problem your actions before the last two missions have no affect. I enjoyed Beyond, but I cant see myself ever going back to it…

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