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Sony Trying To Rid The ‘Net Of Naked Jodie Holmes Pics

It really is inevitable: If there's nudity of a celebrity to be found, it will be found.

As anyone who plays Beyond: Two Souls knows, nudity is not a primary draw. There are times when Jodie Holmes, played by actress Ellen Page, is naked (like in a shower scene), but it's very tastefully done and never fully revealing. In fact, you can't see much of anything in the retail copy; only in the debug/hacked version can you pan the camera to check out certain intimate parts of her body.

However, that hasn't stopped various nude pics of the virtual Ellen Page showing up all over the Internet. And now, according to various sources including Kotaku , Sony is trying to get rid of all those screenshots. Said a Sony representative in response to one of these pic postings:

"The images are from an illegally hacked console and is very damaging for Ellen Page. It's not actually her body. I would really appreciate if you can take the story down to end the cycle of discussion around this."

Sony is apparently doing this for "legal reasons," so the scuttlebutt is that they may be facing a lawsuit leveled by Page. Once again, something stupid hinders an artistically fantastic production.

Related Game(s): Beyond: Two Souls

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11 years ago

Oh for the love of God, we scared another one away!

11 years ago

hopefully this doesn't blow up in the media and make other great actors/actresses rethink appearing in video games. Having a-list actors in video games only strengthens the argument that games are in fact an art form

11 years ago

i really dont give a damn about a list actors in video games. i rather have david hayter play snake, he sure as hell earned that place in mgs. replacing him with that actor is a huge slapin the face. i know its supposed to be a different character but it didnt stop them before. if the box art of the mgs game has the "featuring keifer sutherland" tag, ill be pissed. i mean, theyre just gonna use his voice, not like alot of people will notice that it was him so why not just let hayter continue. no bs excuses.

if someone replaced nolan north in future uncharted games, that will piss me off too. if they already established themselves as the voice of the character, then they shouldnt get replaced. we dont need more casual people getting confused in mgs story because all they know is that actor voiced it so well try it. only thing that would happen is the game would be dumbed down.

11 years ago

The thing about Ellen Page and other A-list actors in new games is that they are portraying new characters, and I don't think anyone would argue that David Hayter being replaced was a bad move, and that if Nolan North was replaced it would be equally as bad. But, I don't think that having people like Ellen Page and Ashley Johnson voice characters is a bad thing, because they can bring a range of depth and emotion to the table that sometimes people who strictly do voice acting can miss.

11 years ago

I'd wish them luck, but all the luck in the world won't help them. If it exists, there is porn of it. If there isn't, it shall be made. No exceptions. In my opinion they shouldn't even design characters to look like real people, design is part of the process of creating a new person for a story. What's happening here simply adds a more objective reason to that.

11 years ago

Lol, cage should just stop doing these pointless shower scenes.

11 years ago

This right here 😛

His last 3 games have had showers scenes and considering one game was called Heavy Rain… Okay I'm joking on that last bit, but it's a bit weird how often they appear still…

11 years ago

It's kind of funny how obsessed he is but I don't think he should stop. He should make it a mainstay just like 80s movies, do it in every single game just for the hell of it.

11 years ago

I don't know about stopping with them if I'm honest. What Cage is trying to do is bring a depth and realism to games and he's said that he wants his games to be seen as more than just a game, but an experience.

In my opinion, you have to have these elements of real life if you are to transcend the "game" boundary and venture into unknown territory. But, with that, like with any new thing, there will be people that dislike it, misuse it, abuse it, and all the like.

I applaud his vision, but with it comes the rest of the outside world that will inevitably find a way to make it tawdry.

11 years ago

Why do they need to make her fully nude? Anyone here ever played Sims? They get censored when they pee or shower. When ppl hack and uncensor it, its still a blurr in the private area. Some reason david cage modelled it fully nude with nipples and everything.

11 years ago

Time to google.

11 years ago


11 years ago

It didn't take long to find either. 😛 Haha

Last edited by LegendaryWolfeh on 10/24/2013 12:41:56 PM

11 years ago

Such actions by the highly educated who could never get over seeing Lara Croft's polygoned body back in the original games.

Maybe if they have an urge Sony could suggest to them to pick up a copy of Heavy Rain so they could see the Madison shower scenes. Maybe they could get their fix that way.

Mind you it could probably be another attempt to go after Ellen Page by some Page haters.

Keep playing!

11 years ago

There were a lot of nudes of that girl with her real face for years, lol!

11 years ago

This is just stupid.

11 years ago

Or it's a genius covert marketing campaign by Sony.

Think about it:

Step 1, "Mysterious Hacker" finds a way to manipulate the camera angles of a debug PS3 to capture the images.

Step 2, "Mysterious Hacker" uploads said images to gaming websites that he/she knows will get plenty of traffic, and by default, Sony's "attention".

Step 3, Sony asks websites to remove the images and cease discussions about said images to respect the "artistic integrity" of Ellen Page.

Step 4, Sony's requests "backfire" on them, and now every other website has the pictures (censored or not censored) on them, and loads of people are now talking about the game.

Step 5, Curious people buy Beyond: Two Souls to see what the fuss is all about, or just because the game happened to fall on their radar as a result of the "controversy".

Step 6, Sony gets extra sales of Beyond: Two Souls, and everybody (hopefully including Ellen Page) reap the benefits of the increased sales.

I don't think I overanalyzed the situation, but I could be mistaken. 🙂

Last edited by JROD0823 on 10/24/2013 5:19:32 PM

11 years ago

well its sad that this has happened and that someone has nothing better to do than this is sad.

happy gaming =)

11 years ago

"It's your fault that we put a highly detailed naked model in our game! It was never meant to be seen! Which is why we made it!"

11 years ago

yeah considering she could have been a wireframe below the scenes already showed it's a bit weird.

11 years ago

Hey maybe this will hype up the game so it gets the sales it deserves after some shoddy reviews.