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Activision: Don’t Compare Guitar Hero To Skylanders Franchise

Many experts and analysts believe Activision ran Guitar Hero into the ground due to immense over-saturation of the market. Numerous spin-offs, pricey bundles; it all got to be too much, and the bottom fell out of the music/rhythm genre.

In only about a year, the genre went from being worth billions to being worth only a few hundred million and as a result, we haven't seen a new Guitar Hero or Rock Band in quite some time (with the exception of the no-plastic-instruments-needed Rock Band Blitz ). It could happen to any franchise, really. But not Skylanders , Activision says; there's just no comparing the two IPs.

UK managing director Roy Stackhouse told MCV that Skylanders is "certainly not another Guitar Hero ." He says the two franchises have "completely different target markets" and there really is no comparison. Stackhouse went on to say that the retail-driven Skylanders franchise is a "creative goldmine" and the possibilities are limitless:

"As long as the innovation continues to be as great as it is, then I don't see it having a limited shelf life. The reason I say that is because if you think about the possibilities in this category, what has been achieved with Swap Force and its innovation, and the endless possibilities in terms of the Skylanders universe. This must be a creative goldmine to work on because a child's imagination is one of the most fertile in the world, and if you can tap into that then there is endless opportunity for innovation."

Well, it was a brilliant idea. Rather than including a bunch of unlockable characters in the game, create little physical figures of those characters, sell them at a huge profit at retail, have each figurine represent a new playable character, convince kids they're worth collecting, make about a zillion of 'em, and boom…another billion-dollar IP.

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10 years ago

This is actually a pretty neato game. Im glad I did not get into this though. Have friends who played with their kids and had to buy all the toys lol. Gets expensive.

10 years ago

but…. you hate disney?

10 years ago

It will depend on just how greedy they get with it.

10 years ago

Yeah. I have a hard time believing skylanders can be more creative than thousands of professional musicians.

10 years ago

nice to see antivisions thought of innovation is still taking last years rock and putting a nice pretty new hat on it.
and this is why the industry has gone to sh*t!
you either have this crap, or the idiots who take it far too far and turn assassins creed into pirates creed.

10 years ago

My 7 year old son loved the first Skylanders. Quite liked the second. Doesn't care anything about the third. He's moved on to Pokemon now. Skylanders are so 2011 in the schoolyard apparently…

10 years ago

yeah well it seems that ever series of games they do has to be a billion dollar series not several hundred million not gud enough has to be billions i think thats a bit ubsurd personally but i'm not a 20billion dollar multi nation coporate public game publisher so what wud i know aye. i think any other pub or dev wud be happy with hundreds of millions but yeah i guess expectations are up there when ur are the "biggest" in ur industry

happy gaming =)

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