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How Often Do You Shell Out For A Pricey Collector’s Edition?

It seems like every major release these days comes with a special Collector's or Limited Edition (or both).

There are more than a few scheduled for the holiday season, for instance. Which of them are you considering? In general, how often do you spend your hard-earned dollars on these pricier editions?

If you're a collector, I suppose you spring for such sets just because you get a bunch of cool collectible items, like figurines and keychains and decals and stuff like that. It's also nice to look back and say, "Yep, I had that game and I bought the Collector's Edition and I still have all of it!" It's a source of pride for all the collectors out there; those who just return every game they buy probably won't understand what I'm talking about. If you're not a collector, you'd probably have to be a big fan of the franchise to pick up a Collector's or Limited Edition for $70, $80, $90, or even $100 and up.

Then again, what if it's a new IP? What makes you go for the Collector's set then? Just confidence that you'll love the game? Or do you not care as much about the game, and you really love the stuff the publisher has tossed into the Collector's bundle? Back in my day, such things were very rare but if Square had put out Collector's Editions of Final Fantasy games, I would've bought every one. My idea of splurging on that was to buy the game on day one and pick up the strategy guide along with it. That was like a sacred ritual, damnit, and I stuck by it.

These days, though, I just don't care about all the extra goodies. Trinkets have never been my thing, anyway. What about you?

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10 years ago

I'll buy them for games that I'm eager to play but I don't know why. That Songbird from Bioshock Infinite will never leave his box and that Los Santos hat from GTA V will never be worn. Art books are nice but they're generally small things that I'll look at once and never touch again! At least the developers see so extra money so that's not such a bad thing I guess.

10 years ago

Pretty much everytime if it's for a game I really like. Unless I look at it and see it's trash…like GTA V's was.

10 years ago

I always buy the COD hardened editions as they include the map packs and end up saving you money. Halo did the same thing last time round. Not interested in knick knacks other editions include.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
10 years ago

If it's a trusted franchise or developer I'll dish it out. I'm glad I did it for TLOU. Any kind of art work or poster is reason enough. Not to mention the fear of losing digital media.

On a side note did anyone ever get those FFVIII action figures?

10 years ago

I kicked myself for not getting the Last of Us collectors so I went on Amazon and bought the art book by itself. I did wish I had gotten that one that came with the Joel and Ellie statue.

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/21/2013 12:08:51 AM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

Same here. I desperately called a few gamestops and best buys to see if anyone had one. After a few hours, only one GameStop had it. It was a 100 mile drive. I wanted it so bad, extremely bad as a matter of fact; just not 100 miles bad. I could have pre ordered if I wanted to, but I didn't really keep a close eye on the game until it was a month from release and the better trailers started rolling out.I was a very sad panda.

I think I'm going to stop buying them. Unless I get the dlc for a discount on say, battlefield 4. If there is even a premium edition.

10 years ago

If it's a franchise I particularly enjoy, then I'll get them pretty much every time. I grab others as well if they include stuff that looks really appealing. Though nothing lately has come out worth getting. Last one I picked up was the Deus Ex Revolution Collector Edition that came with the figure.

10 years ago

I used to buy them, but I'm more hesitant now. I haven't bought one since Mass Effect 2, and I doubt I ever will again. They're too much money. I don't even pre-order unless I can get a discount (such as during E3). I can just wait 4-8 months for a price drop.

10 years ago

Infamous Second Son i am cause i need the Legacy of Cole Missions.
Story DLC is the only reason if i buy a special edition

Last edited by Kiryu on 10/20/2013 11:36:43 PM

10 years ago

I ponied up for quite a few this gen. GT5, U3, inFamous 2, LBP2, and Bioshock 2. I won't be doing as many in the future. I think my next and last for a while will be that sweet looking A Link Between Two Worlds black and gold Triforce 3DS. It's cheaper than a PS4 and the fact that none are a available for preorder anymore, I think I'm going to spring for that and just get a PS4 next year when demand is lower.

Last edited by Jawknee on 10/21/2013 12:05:07 AM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

How can you possibly wait until next year? It's your ps4 and you need it now! Use it when you need it!

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
10 years ago

I won't be getting a PS4 this year either, as far as I know. It's not going to be easy waiting that long, but all things considered it's the smart move. If someone else here doesn't have a PS4 it will help me feel better.

10 years ago

Because the only launch game I want is Killzone. I can wait to play another shooter. I'll likely pick one up when Infamous final launches though.

10 years ago

Not very often, depends if I see if the content is worth the price. I usually go for physical objects opposed to digital content.

10 years ago

Not at all. If I want it… I will wait months later when stores are trying to get rid of them and discount them. Mind you, if I go in and the upgrade from the regular game to a special one at no extra charge as part of a pre-order…. I can't complain. 🙂

I just don't pre-order that much anymore.

Keep playing! Watch your money!

10 years ago

I usually pre-order Collector's/Special edition for the games that I like but it's the pre order bonuses that makes them extra special for me.

10 years ago

I don't go for the collector editions. Games are expensive enough in Australia to go and have to splurge more cash on them for the trinkets.

What I do like are the pre-order specials. The art book for Dragons Crown is pretty nice. Demon's Souls strategy guide that came with the game was brilliant. Really helped me to get into the spirit of the game.

Wanted the Killzone 2 helmet or the Game of Thrones "bust" but really have never had money to burn.

10 years ago

I pretty much just don't. All of the games that I would have sprung for have already had their day (Suikoden II, Star Ocean: The Second Story, etc). I guess I am just failing to have that level of attachment to much of anything anymore, so why would I spend so much money on something so temporary? Granted, I can't say I'll never have that desire… I just haven't yet.

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

75% of RPG and the elite shining lights of Japan.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

I did for GT5, but that's it. Art books are kinda cool; I got the ones for Demon's Souls and Bioshock 2 for the same price as the standard editions, though. Dunno, I guess I just don't see the appeal of it. I like my spaces to be fairly clean and straightforward, rather than cluttered with unnecessary stuff.

10 years ago

Not interested, with very few exceptions.
Like the next Fallout – that's gonna be a collectors edition for sure. I still to this day got my bubblehead from F3 on proud display on my office desk.

10 years ago

Yaeh I might hafta do that too if the stuff is cool

10 years ago

I usually only get them for games I really want or if its a free upgrade for pre-ordering. Throwing in free DLC helps my decisions quite a bit as well.
Now breaking up Limited and Collector's Edition I very rarely get collector's Edition.
Think the last full on Collector's Edition I got was for FFXII I simply couldn't pass up on that metal case it was simply too damn nice. Also didn't hurt local gamestop only wanted $30 for it. Almost bought the KZ3 one but my local Best Buy sold out and my local Gamestop had been long sold out.

Limited Edition if it's not overly expensive I always get it luckily with the way things have been going it's usually a free pre-order upgrade. Last Limited Edition I got was for The Last of Us and if I had a PS4 pre-order I would be getting the Limited Edition of BF4, though I guess they're not even calling it that this time around.

I just feel there aren't very many Collector's Editions that are actually worth the price nowadays I am not going to pay $60+ dollars more for a statue and a metallic case when those statues always end up on Ebay a couple months later for $20.

Think the last Collector's Edition I found really cool was the Fallout 3 one that came with the lunchbox and the replica pip-boy.

Now if the recently announced Infamous-Second Son Collector's Edition came with Delsin's vest/jacket instead of the beanie I would be all over that I am just not a beanie kind of guy.

10 years ago

i use to do it allot, back in the day where collectors / limited editions were actually, you know, collectible or limited!
but now most are DLC crap in a steelbook case, and mass produced.
gotta love it how almost all EA games now are limited editions, even though thats the base stock.
so BF4 sells 5M units worldwide, 5M units is hardly what i would call limited.
most collectors editions are not much better, most of the time they dont have much content and what they do feels really cheap and flimsy.
last CE i got which i felt was worth the CE name was the GT5 signature edition, that was super sweet!
super overpriced though at 300 buckaroos……..

10 years ago

I buy collector's and limited editions for JRPGs I get. Besides that, I don't buy any for Western games.

10 years ago

I used to buy special editions of a game I anticipated, but now I have to say I am not to bothered. Most of the content is utter rubbish anyway – A sample of a soundtrack for example. Beyond had 4 tracks in it's special edition then had the nerve to sell the other 11 or so seperately on the PS Store, utter joke.

The worst offenders are the special editions which bump the price up over double just because it includes a toy. I got one once with a special edition and I never know what to do with it, probably just stuffed away in a box somewhere now.

I think now, the only thing that would get me interested is if the Edition offered an artbook. No, now one of them tiny A5 ones. A full A4 hardback artbook. The Metal Gear Solid HD Collection did this and it is something I actually go back to look at and use. I recently bought the special edition of Final Fantasy XIV for dirt cheap, no intention of playing it because of subscription fee's but the art book looks fantastic.

10 years ago

I do on occasion, but most of the time it's a long time after the game is released and I see it on sale somewhere for $20-$30.

There have been maybe 2 times I bought one at release.

10 years ago

Whenever Metal Gear Solid or Megaten/Persona games are released.

Last edited by MRSUCCESS on 10/21/2013 9:55:02 AM

10 years ago

Only ever got inFamous 2 that way, except whenever games do the free upgrade to the limited edition when you pre-order, in which case I like to get that whenever possible. Japanese games do this a lot, I like the art books.

10 years ago

I only go for it if there is something really awesome in the collectors edition. I haven't gotten too many recently, but the book that came with Ni No Kuni was probably the best thing to ever come with a game.

Sir Dan
Sir Dan
10 years ago

Been gaming since I was shoving quarters in a Space Invaders arcade cabinet and I've never bought a collectors edition. Proudly so.

10 years ago

usually I just buy SquareSoft ones since the SNES era, but after many disappointments. I stop buying them.

10 years ago

The only special edition I can recall in the Squaresoft Era was a PAL version of Final Fantasy VIII – it came with a T-shirt, memory card with stickers and a poster all in a lovely box… what I would give to get one of them….

10 years ago

Every GTA, COD, GOW, and anything Naughty Dog makes.

10 years ago

yeah i think i depends of the game and if theres different versions of the collectors edition and if you can afford one

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

I have purchased many collector's editions over the years, more so during this generation than others, but I think I may be tapering off for some time.

Between being mostly broke pursuing my Associate Degree in Nursing, only being able to currently hold two part-time jobs, and the sudden jump in price of some of the collector's editions out there (for no apparent reason other than greed), it will take something extraordinary for me to shell out the cash any time soon…

Unless Polyphony surprises me with a collector's edition of GT6, then I'll be all over that thing faster than you can blink. 🙂

Last edited by JROD0823 on 10/22/2013 1:49:11 AM

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