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Work Off Current-Gen Backlog, Or Jump Into Next-Gen?

With the current generation drawing to a close, have you looked at your backlog in total frustration? The only question you ask yourself is- "What the hell am I going to do?"

Ah, the allure of the shiny new generation is powerful, isn't it? You want to drop everything in your current-gen backlog so you can play the latest and greatest ASAP. You want to experience the very best the industry has to offer, despite the fact that you've missed a few examples of that greatness in recent years. You figure you'll just add a few more titles to the "haven't played but gotta someday" list, and it won't be any big deal.

But there's the more practical side of you that's laughing bitterly, saying there's no shot that you'll ever get to all the games in your backlog. That's followed by the defeatist attitude that says you'll just ditch everything in the backlog and start fresh with the new generation. I've done that, you know; I did it during the PS1-to-PS2 transition and I've always regretted it. Then again, even though I thought I had learned my lesson, the alternative didn't work out any better during the PS2-to-PS3 generation. Then I spent a lot of time playing older PS2 games and missing newer PS3 games, which I ultimately never got around to.

The bottom line is that there are only so many free hours in the day. You have to realistically prioritize. That involves making some tough choices but it has to be done. And when I hear of news like the Watch Dogs delay , the practical, logical side of me smiles with relief. It just makes planning for the near future that much simpler.

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10 years ago

What I am going to do is finish my backlog of PS3 games, I have to finish Skyrim, a few Borderlands 2 DLC content, a second play through of The Last of Us on the hardest difficulty, Darksiders 2, Resident Evil 6, God of War Ascension,just to name a few. I really wanted to play Watch Dogs day one of the PS4 release, but since it is delayed I can wait till next year for that and Infamous Second Son. I will wait for the reviews of Assassins Creed 4 and Killzone before I buy them on PS4.

10 years ago

Concentrating on the backlog (on system & in disc form.)

10 years ago

I've just got Arkham Origins and, *cough* wwe 14 *cough*. I'll be able to finish them before my ps4 arrives.
Once again I can never beat racing games with MS Apocalypse that I got for the 3d.
At some point I'll have to pickup Bioshock Infinite, and the Last of Us, maybe Dishonored.

But all in all I can't complain, since I've gotten more games for the ps3 than any other console I've had.

10 years ago

Backlog. It's not even just the major hits that I'm missing, there's a couple of not-so-successful games I've always wanted to try, like Folklore.

10 years ago

Drop everything now, Folklore is a must.

10 years ago

I'm really gonna try to focus on the ol backlog. What helps that a lot is the weak launch lineup for PS4, if it were really strong then I'd be torn. Even though you can technically always go back to play last gen games, it isn't quite the same as it would have been had you done it earlier.

Plus we still have Tales of Xillia 2 and Persona 5 coming.

10 years ago

sigh, the things 'console-only' gamers worry about =p

10 years ago

What do "PC-too" gamers worry about?

10 years ago

New hardware requirements? XD

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Nah, trying to find games that aren't fancy versions of what we had 15 years ago. 😉

Last edited by Ben Dutka PSXE on 10/16/2013 12:50:05 AM

10 years ago

'Temjin alt-tabs to psxe to glance at posts'
sorry to make you all have to put down your game pad and walk over to a computer and log in to make a response =p
'alt-tabs back to greatest game ever'

Last edited by Temjin001 on 10/16/2013 1:36:18 AM

10 years ago

Because who would ever want a fancy version of a 15 year old game, right Ben? *cough*FFVIIremake*cough*

10 years ago

@draguss: *rimshot*

10 years ago

I don't have to move to get to my computer, everything is all hooked up in one area. My PS3 and PC, soon to be PS4. Wish I had a second monitor though, would make multitasking a bit easier, i have to switch between modes on my TV though.


10 years ago

LMAO rimshot… so sexual. haha

10 years ago

lol, you got me there except that my login here usually lasts about 10 hours 🙂

10 years ago

in time there won't be console only gamers. well, except for Nintendo gamers.

some 15 years ago PC game designers marched over to console territory burned everything to the ground and made a handful of PC's greatest experiences dominate the console landscape. =p

Look. even console hardware is now weak sauce PC hardware…..
in another 15 years I'll be visiting PCXextreme in what was once a PS only site muwahahhaha!

10 years ago

I'll lock myself up in a haunted cabin somewhere, grow an immense beard, and replay all my console libraries over and over again when that happens.

10 years ago

props about the immense beard part. get a cane too and a rocking chair. no carpet either, just creaky wood floors.

you could be like Obi Wan Kenobi. The strange old hermit who lives beyond the Dune Sea.
Obi Wan WEWM … obi wan wewm now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time.. a long time.

10 years ago

World, don't forget to have a hat like Gandalf and don't skip out on a cane, so when people knock on the door to give you a gaming PC you firmly stand up and say "You shalt not PASS!!!" and slam the door shut.

Haha. 😛 I can totally see you doing that.

Last edited by Clamedeus on 10/16/2013 7:11:23 PM

10 years ago

alright. enough.
LotR's Balrog has been inadvertently referenced twice now concerning World here within 7 days time =p

I know I know I look forward to the next Hobbit movie too.

EDIT: though, I kinda like the idea of using a Balrog to symbolize a gamer PC.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 10/16/2013 9:11:44 PM

10 years ago

One thing for sure is that I'm not going to finish GTAV anytime soon. I Am Alive and Outlast on PC (if I can fix my Steam issues) I want to finish before jumping to Beyond two Souls and try to finish that before launch. Other than that I'm ready!

10 years ago

I Am Alive ftw

10 years ago

backlog plus ps3 bucket list I made a couple of days ago means I wouldn't get a ps4 till next summer or even later.

10 years ago

I've been taught to value what I have, and this definitely applies to my gaming collection. But being young with spending money and all, I sadly have too much value in my game collection haha

It's been withered down a lot this year due to my anticipated games releasing at a distance from each other (for instance, Bioshock Infinite in March and TLoU in June) but PS Plus…ugh too many awesome free games.

Taking ICO as an example, I'm half done. Once I complete it, I will then start SotC.

And there was my Vita and re-falling in love with the Persona series again, not to mention being completely head over heels over Gravity Rush!

But I see the light at the end of the tunnel and I will reach it!

Last edited by Victor321 on 10/16/2013 12:24:02 AM

10 years ago

Backlog time. I can wait for a bit before I get a PS4. There's a few PS3 games I've yet to finish. Also a few new ones on the horizon. Not to mention the Nintendo games coming out between now and next summer.

10 years ago

When I bought my PS3, there was about 6 months between the console launch, and the time I bought my second game.

That 6 months, I played the same game, constantly, even though I got bored, I still played it, because I had nothing else.

I plan to use my PS3 backlog to fill the gap between PS4's launch, and February next year when inFamous launches.

10 years ago

Backlog, rather not drop the cash on a PS4 anytime soon because of that.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 10/16/2013 1:13:02 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Hopefully gonna be a skint uni student next year, so no money for new PS4 or games. Backlog it is! And there's one hell of a backlog on my shelf 😀

10 years ago

f*ck the backlog!
weve had SEVEN freaking years of the same old games releasing every single week literally, so were WELL overdue for new consoles to HOPEFULLY inject some originality and innovation into this, well, turning worse than hollywood, industry!

10 years ago

With Watch Dogs delayed my purchase of PS4 got insta-postponed. It was the only system seller for me.

Now I'll wait for an Infamous-bundle, in the meantime I'll stick to PC gaming.
Heck, at this rate I might even get me a Steam Machine before I get me a PS4. :/

10 years ago

I reckon that'll set your PS4 purchase off more.

10 years ago

Yeah bro, I don't like where this seem to be heading.

10 years ago

I'm not interested a PS4 at all yet, the launch titles are uninspiring. I'm waiting for a title which Playstation is known for like Metal Gear Solid V or Tekken Seven. Final Fantasy XV is another one but we won't get that until 2017… Realistically, I can see myself getting a PS4 bundle with MGS5, whenever they choose to release it.

To be honest, I feel I have gotten through most of my PS3 games… and I have around 60. I'm looking forward to the Final Fantasy & Kingdom Hearts HD collections. Also from January I will be replaying Final Fantasy XIII & XIII-2 to catch up for Lightning Returns, to finish it off for good.

But as for this fall, I'm now focusing on my Wii-U. I'm loving Zelda Wind Waker, much more than I did with Ocarina of Time if I am honest. The art direction, huge vast environments to explore and sailing is so fun to me. I've also Got Sonic Lost Worlds lined up and I bought Earthbound on the Virtual Console and beyond that I have a back catalog of Wii games to get through so it is turning out to be a worth investment.

10 years ago

I'm honestly jumping straight into the PS4 when i get my hands on it, way too excited really. 🙂

10 years ago

Definitely the backlog. There are also a number of games I have I love replaying more than I find any of the new titles appealing.
When I start to get bored of what I have then I'll look to pick up new hardware.

10 years ago

yeah i will have a bunch of games in my ps3 back log when the ps4 comes around but thats okay i'll end up going back to then at some stage i always do so it's not such a big deal to me and cos i will have a few new ps4 games to have a crack at and i'm planning on having the ps3 and ps4 either one on top of the other or side my side some how so i can play what ever i want so i hope that sud work out and make playing both easy(easier at least) if it works the way i plan. and as i mentioned on a few occasions i still have a few games for ps3 i'm yet to buy newer and older

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

Definitely backlog for me. The games that I want to play the most are still in the PS3.

Beyond Two Souls
rain (hoping it will be in physical disc someday)
Remember Me
Tales Of Xillia 1&2
Bioshock 1, 2 and Infinite

And the only game that I want from the PS4 is Knack and MGSV.

10 years ago

I have a massive PS3 backlog. The worst it's ever been going into a new hardware generation for me. I can't justify a PS4 with all these great games sitting on my shelf that I have yet to play.

I've gotten the last 3 Sony consoles at launch, but I can't justify it this time. I'll keep working on my PS3 backlog for a while before I get a PS4.

10 years ago

I am a bit behind but not as bad as it could be. For some reason I never got around to Metro Last Light and I know there's a few others but for the most part the titles coming out are the only ones I have to allocate any real time to. Batman will most probably end up being the last title I play on the PS3 :'(

10 years ago

Well, I am not switching for a long while, but I have a number of games I still need to purchase and play. A few I feel as well I need to force myself to play.

I still need to restart and finish Folklore. My PS3 60gb died on me along with my…near to the end save files so thats a redo. UGH! But loved the art style and mechanics. Bioshock Infinite a must, AC3… I will have to force myself to buy so I can finish the Desmond story. And there some old ones that passed me buy.

Still plenty to play and enjoy.

Keep playing!

10 years ago

I don't like the idea of a back-log. It makes gaming sound like a Job when it's actually meant to be just fun.

I remember playing games as a kid was so magical. There is a joy that we get from playing games and kids experience this joy more strongly than adults do. I think it's because children haven't built the goal-oriented way of thinking that we adults have. Because we adults have a goal-oriented way of thinking, we experience a need to accomplish something. This leads to things like back-logs. So I'm saying that back-logs exist because people are trying to accomplish something; in this case the thing they are trying to accomplish is "experience as much of the best as possible (i.e. have the best experiences)".

This is ironic, because the best experiences are the fun and joyful ones. And we can have more of these fun and joyful experiences if we stopped turning gaming into a job.

Last edited by kokoro on 10/16/2013 6:21:52 PM

10 years ago

It really depends on how quickly the PS4 gets a decent sized library of good games. If they come out at a faster pace than my backlog will allow me to play, then most will fall by the wayside.

Banky A
Banky A
10 years ago

B-b-b-b-b-bbaaacklog. Till the end of time.

10 years ago

I've no backlog, thankfully. I've just been replaying PS1-2 games again until the PS4 arrives.

10 years ago

Since there is barely anything of interest in the first 6 months ( in part thx to drive club and watch dog ) , most people will have maybe 3 game they care for in those months .

We can still jump in next gen and be able to work on our backlog .

Last edited by berserk on 10/18/2013 4:38:56 PM

10 years ago

I have bought two used PS3s and am about to buy a brand new one for the first time… so…. yeah, I think I'll stick to the PS3 for a while longer.

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