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PSXE Poll Update: Watch Dogs Trumps Assassin’s Creed IV

Ubisoft has two gigantic games scheduled to launch over the course of the next month. Which one do our readers want most?

It's the hotly anticipated new IP, Watch Dogs . It outstripped Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag , although a fair amount said they weren't interested in either title.

Perhaps people are simply tired of an Assassin's Creed franchise that produces a new effort every year, and they're excited to try something new. Then again, maybe it's just that the ardent AC followers aren't all that jazzed about the new heavy emphasis on naval adventuring. Either way, it's clear that Watch Dogs sits atop many a gamer's priority list, and for good reason. Everything we've seen has been awfully encouraging and provided the mechanics are sound and the narrative is intriguing, it should be a great experience. Gotta love the idea of a futuristic bad-ass hacker!

This week, we want to know if your feelings have changed concerning the PlayStation 4. It was officially confirmed back in February; has your anticipation level changed since that time? Are you even more amped than before? No change? Or are you less excited, perhaps due to the arguably less than impressive launch lineup?

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10 years ago

Me wants it more because we're getting really close and I'm gonna be jealous of the rest of you until I get mine. Yeah I have a million PS3 games to play first but I want the hardware so I can be cool too 🙂

10 years ago

I must admit that I have become more more and more annoyed by the mandatory fee to play online. That issue grows on me – negatively.

And now with the SteamOS system coming up that potentially can offer much of the same experience as a console I must admit that this mandatory PSPlus membership is starting to become something of a thorn in my side.

So yeah – I'm still at the point where I will get me a PS4, but I can no longer ignore this thorn.

10 years ago

not only for free online, its going to be really interesting to see how the steambox does especially if its priced well.
with the specs it has im not too hopeful, i mean a i7 and a titan?
in a console sized case?
but it will be really interesting to see if valve can bring it down to a next gen similar price, with similar or better specs, how that will effect the market.
especially now with their new controller, i cant say how joyed i am to see someone FINALLY bring touchpads instead of analog sticks for aiming.
WTF $ony and M$ did not do this is beyond me, i mean precision and ease of use wise it really is comparing black and white TVs to todays 8K sharp OLED!
not to mention the openness of the OS, never been a big fan of linux but i can imagine there will be a bazillion community mods to try help that.
the fact that im way more excited for a mini console PC, more than the successor to the ps3 or 360, is just so sad!

10 years ago

Maybe do all your online play on PC?

10 years ago

or the wiiu.

10 years ago

@World, that very idea has struck me too.

Problem is, I'm a coop gamer at heart, and all my favourite franchises are multiplat anyway. So if at first I do decide to reserve all the online gaming for PC we are very close to the next, very uncomfortable question: What do I need the PS4 for *at all*, then?

I don't like to start going down that train of thought – case I *want* a PS4.
But yeah – the voice of reason has started to bug me.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Yeah… I want it less. Partly because back then I figured that there would be no barriers to me getting it on day one, apart from possible variation in my level of excitement, but mostly because only two of the games announced for it strike me as absolute must-haves. You'd think that, a month out from release, there would be a greater selection of proper compelling games that we know are coming to the system… I would, anyway.

10 years ago

I know what ya mean I'd like there to be some announced titles, but ya figure all the big franchises both first and third party will return too.

10 years ago

definetly the latter.
i mean the head honcho for the game travels all the way from montreal to sydney to show off the game and what does he show?
you as a pirate in a boat hunting sharks.
im sorry but is this a assassins creed game, or a episode of japanese whaling wars?
since when is AC famous for its boat based spear hunting?
then you go play the demo, which you had to wait in line for over 2 hours to play, to be greeted by a naval mission.
oh joy!
again, since when is AC famous for its naval missions?

watch dogs on the other hand looks a epic breath of fresh air!
something that has had me screaming WTF did we have to wait for next gen consoles for this to release!?
why hasent this been done before?
but eh, at least its FINALLY happening!
im a little worried though how little hands on demonstrations there are.
i mean i havent seen many videos of a non ubisoft employee playing it, and when i asked the lead writer why it was not playable last week, only a month before release, to say he skipped and danced around my question, would be understatement of the century!
im a little worried why there being so controlling and evasive about it especially only a month from release!
i just hope it holds up to all the hype……….

as for ps4, way, way, WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY less!
ever since those updated cell n RSX specs leaked, the ones which listed 32 SPUs i was giddy as a schoolgirl!
than the systems revealed to be a 2009 PC in a console box.

then the box is finally shown and its FUGLY!

than the ridiculous 550 price, only 50 bucks less than the xbox one, was announced.

than the launch titles were announced, a shooter yay we totally dont have enough of those!
a facebook racer yay we totally dont have enough of those!
and a platformer, definitely my most anticipated but platformers are not exactly A system sellers, and B replayable games.

then the rest of the games announced since then, nothing really grabs me as OMFG I SO HAVE TO PLAY THAT!!!!!!!
second son looks probably the best so far, but still nothing worth blowing 650+ bucks!

then last week seeing the demo of second son, playing knack, driveclub, and shadow fall, i cant help but say WTF they look WORSE!
going back and looking at the footage of SS, and watching the exact same demo last week, the game looks no where near as good!
WTF is going on!?
and when i confronted their community manager in a QA all he had to say was this is still alpha build so the final game will look allot better.
i reaffirmed that was not my question my question was how come this demo looks worse than the footage previously shown, to that he said i cannot say anymore than what ive said.
hmmmmmmmm, sorry but somethings fishy here!
people have been so paranoid that the games demoed have been running at much higher specs than what ps4 and xbo will give us, and now im actually starting to believe them!
so thats another 🙁

so yea to say my excitement for the ps4 has dwindled would be the biggest understatement of the history of the omniverse!!!!!!!!!!!

especially now that valves FINALLY opened their mouths about the steambox.
really cant wait to see what this things going to offer!
i7 + titan in a console sized package?
all on a linux base, with high open customization, massive community support, and finally a controller that does not use the archaic ancient f*cking useless as precise as pissing in a hurricane analog sticks!
OMFG, i think im in love!!!!!!!!

10 years ago

I ll upgrade my pc beofre i ever buy the steambox .Gonna cost an arm , the titan alone cost the same as a ps4 and One together .

As for the ps4 , i m less excited then before because there have been no exclusive announced since e3 and i already barely want killzone 4 ( buying cause it s the only exclusive i care about some and need to see what the ps4 can deliver ) .Deep down being announced as a free to play game did nt help at all too .

The future is why i m buying a ps4 but it s hard getting hyped for stuff that will come out in 6-9 + months .

Last edited by berserk on 10/14/2013 10:02:27 AM

10 years ago

Paying to play online doesn't really bother me that much. Sure it sucks we have to pay to play online but it's pretty much industry standard. i still prefer that to free to play with online transactions to get anywhere in the game. Times have changed and it's hard to move on from free online play but ps plus is far from a bad deal by any means.

Oh and AC: BF is a pirate game!!! Since when did they ever do a pirate game.? Naturally they are going to show naval missions because thats probably a huge part of the game!!! LOL. Come on now. That argument holds no validity as it IS a pirate game. I don't really know what you were expecting…

10 years ago

Oh and really… The launch lineup isn't spectacular but it's waaaaayyy better than ps3 launch lineup. Maybe not exclusives but Watch Dogs, BF4, Cod:Ghosts (Meh), Fifa 14, AC:BF, KZ, Knack and Drive Club just to name a few. I'm sorry but that is in no way a bad launch lineup!!! What i am a tad disappointed in is the fact that it's once again saturated with shooters. I love shooters and i will get bf4 and kz but i wish there was a tad more variety.

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