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PSXE Poll Update: Most Believe Beyond Will Be Amazing

Quantic Dream's anticipated PlayStation 3 exclusive, Beyond: Two Souls , is bound to turn a lot of heads.

But we wanted to know what your expectation level was for the potentially award-winning title. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the majority of readers are expecting nothing less than a winning "masterpiece."

I say "unsurprisingly" because I know we had a lot of people who really adored Heavy Rain and of course, Beyond will be very similar in terms of mechanics and dramatic storytelling. That's where Quantic Dream always shines- a narrative that is compelling, engrossing, and thought-provoking. They've been doing it since Indigo Prophecy back in the PS2/Xbox era and they're gonna keep doing it, because they believe in artistic progression and advancement. They want to explore new ways of delivering interactive entertainment, which we always find ambitious and encouraging.

This week, as the big titles close in quickly, we take a look at two games from the same publisher that are bound to be huge: Watch Dogs and Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag . So, which one is for you? Both? Neither? Remember that both have an open-world feel, although it seems Black Flag will be more about the epic sandbox experience while Watch Dogs is more about futuristic mechanics and a singular narrative.

Related Game(s): Beyond: Two Souls

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Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
10 years ago

@Ben, I can't believe you're putting me at odds with Watch_Dogs and Assassins Creed Black Flags.

I am getting both and I chose the option on the poll as applicable. However, if I was able to get one only, the honor goes to Black Flags. Open world Cuban islands exploring sounds fun. Although, I must admit, after GTA V, it feels like the freedom in the Assassins Creed games is fairly limited. Hopefully there's much to do in BF and it isn't open world with a linear focus. Open world is the future. We must accept it. While it lasts.

10 years ago

Where did the time go? I can hardly believe I've already finished 'Grand Theft Auto V' and am only two days away from starting 'Beyond: Two Souls.' Before I know it, I'll be hooking up the PlayStation 4.

Definitely getting both 'Watch Dogs' and 'Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag.' But I admit I'm more interested in 'Watch Dogs' right now simply because, as much as I love the 'Assassin's Creed' franchise, I feel like I'm about to overdose. This whole annual installments thing doesn't really work for me.

10 years ago

Didn't try or want to play the demo for Beyond, so I'm going in blind. I like going into games without any expectations of how it plays or the story. I won't be totally lost in gameplay if it plays similarly to Heavy Rain which I did enjoy.

I'm going with Watch Dogs although I do plan on picking up Black Flag at some point.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Beyond: Two Souls feels a little bit more like a game than Heavy Rain did. Although I had no problem with the latter's QTEs, I think it's a good thing as a whole as fans won't just bash the hell out of that aspect of it. I think it's going to be spectacular. Just a week to go!

As for this week's poll. I will be getting both, but neither day one and Watch_Dogs takes precedence. I just really like the sentiment and ideas behind it. In some ways, it reminds me of the concept of 1984, but Ubisoft Montreal is turning that on its head by allowing you to control Big Brother, in a way. It's just really cool. I still need to get around to the rest of the AC series… but I went hands-on with Black Flag. It looked really good, but I was randomly thrown into a sea-faring segment and told to blow down a couple of artillery towers while dodging their attacks, as well as a couple of ships. It was more nuanced than Sly 3's pirate ship, but not nearly as fun. My vote in the poll goes to neither, though, as neither is high priority right now.

10 years ago

after playing demos of beyond i just dont know what to expect.
heavy rain was such a surprise, something that really did put you into the shoes of the character and put you through so many different situations.
nothings really had a impact on me the way it did.
i just dont think ill be saying the same about beyond, which is a shame.

as for watch dogs or black flag, its gotta be watch dogs.
its not very often we get a new IP, let alone a new IP from one of the biggest developers in the world!
this is being worked on by 5 different studios within ubisoft, and has been in development for 6 years, so to say it was a pretty big ambitious expansive project would be the biggest understatement of the century!
and its even less often we see a game and say wow thats amazing what a unique brilliant idea, why havent we seen a game like this before!?
security and government meddling, surveillance, has been a big concern of allot of people for years.
and hacking and technology and privacy concernes have been too, so that has just made the concept that much more interesting.
in fact a Q&A was held by the lead writer yesterday and one of the questions asked was what does the team hope gamers will pull away from it.
and his simple answer was privacy.
to go use a piece of technology, than stop and think, hey, those things we saw in that game, that could easily be done today.
and thats whats really scary and really intriguing about watch dogs, its relevance and scary reality.
opening peoples eyes to what is really possible out there.

i cant stand black flag, and the demo given off at the EB expo perfectly demonstrates why.
people wait in line for 2+ freaking hours to be rewarded with a naval combat mission.
yea, that is totally why i play AC!
AC totally became famous for sailing the high seas, not for its brilliant parkour system and its find your own way to kill your target assassination missions.
its just so f*cking frustrating seeing this generations best new IP completely abandoning its roots!
the lead producer even revealed in his Q&A that now that desmond is finished his quest, theres going to be far less future missions its going to be allot more about the past.
you now play as a abstergo employee a new one who does not know about the templars and assassins, but thats all he would say.
so, the series iconic choose how you assassinate your target, its iconic combat, and its iconic mysterious and intriguing finding out about the future, ie, pretty much that made AC so great, is now taking a backseat to the stupid boring naval missions.
f*ck i really want to fly over to montreal and slap everyone in the AC team with the biggest stinkiest salmon i can find!!!!!!!!!!

anyone needs a example why things cannot become popular these days, look no further than AC!
as soon as they do, well, you can kiss everything that you loved about that product goodbye!

10 years ago

Can there really be any question?

1) An annual franchise that is already suffering severely from fatigue because of it.
2) A spanking new and unique IP, great setting, fantastic previews, very promising story.

10 years ago

I cant wait for Beyond: Two Souls. This game is one of now many reasons why i decided to wait to get GTA 5. As for this weeks question i'll be getting both Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag for my Ps3 and Watch Dogs for my brand new Playstation 4.

in my opinion if you call your self a true gamer you should have both games. of course this is just my opinion and i know i'll catch some thumbs down from this but i dont care

10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago

The demo is good. I found out that I ran into some glitches when I played Hunted the 2nd time, it was annoying they where pretty big, the swat members were still/walking ghosts while carrying their armed weapons.

10 years ago

well i selected the option to buy both although i have yet to pre-order watch dogs i will be getting them both cos i love what they are doing with both of them they are games that i am really exciting for and pose something i feel i fresh an interesting in an industry which i feel is lacking fressh interesting games as a whole cos we only seem to have a few dev and dev/pubs that are taking those risks and i'd like to see more.

happy gaming =)

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