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The Fall Lineup Is Typically Crazy, Which Titles Top Your List?

The fall lineup is usually jam-packed but this year, we have the added fun of not one, but two new console launches.

Therefore, it's important that we all have our priority lists. After all, few of us have the time or money to play absolutely everything we want. We may have to put some anticipated games on the back burner, so we can play the games that most excite us. So, what are yours?

In the past, the new Assassin's Creed would've been at or near the top of my list, but although Black Flag looks great, I'm a little worn out on AC this year. I'm sure I'll get to it eventually, but Watch Dogs supersedes it. I'd say it currently places third, as Quantic Dream's Beyond: Two Souls – which launches next week – is easily atop the list, and Killzone: Shadow Fall is second. The latter is my most anticipated game for the PlayStation 4 so it has to be included, although I would've rather had inFamous: Second Son .

I know Batman: Arkham Origins (and Blackgate for the Vita) should be fantastic, but those have never been for me. Not much of a superhero buff. I'll definitely play Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty: Ghosts but neither pins the excitement needle for me; both are shooters and just 'cuz they'll look prettier and feel more dynamic doesn't change that fact. I like 'em just fine, but I know what I'll get. I'd probably say that Gran Turismo 6 is in the top five and if I had more time, it'd rank higher…it's just so damn huge and I may have to wait. Speaking of huge, I know it'll take me a while to do everything I want to do in GTAV…

Yeah, it'll be busy.

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10 years ago

Beyond will probably be it, none of that other stuff is anything that can't wait, mostly been there done that stuff ya know?

10 years ago

Picking up Beyond next week. Probably won't get the PS4 till early-mid next year, let manufacturing work out kinks if any. This fall when it comes to purchases i'll just be grabbing oldish and new complete/goty editions I want.

10 years ago

If I had money to burn I'd probably want to pick up Beyond. But I don't, so that's too bad for me. Maybe I can squeeze out a rental. At the top I think it'd be GT6. Though, once again, things are tight so I may have to wait there as well. I'm hoping the best for Batman, because I loved the last one. I'm unsure about the new dev so apprehension will have me check the reviews and carefully consider.
Other than that, everything else can wait for massive price drops.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 10/2/2013 11:13:49 PM

10 years ago

Beyond:2S next week, preordered KZ:SF, and Watchdogs. Batman, although I'm skeptical, i will still get. hmmm what else….

10 years ago

Beyond Two Souls. Played the demo and wow. Just wow.

10 years ago

Zelda. That's about all I can afford for the time being. 🙁

10 years ago

I've had this urge to fire up Zelda on NES, but I don't wanna do it unless I have time to go through the whole thing!

10 years ago

Looks great at least!

10 years ago

I picked it up for the 3DS. Haven't finished it since I played it on the Wii. Wind Waker is out tomorrow. Can't wait.

10 years ago

Buying the Killzone Shadow Fall Playstation 4 Bundle.Played the Beyond Demo,it's very fast paced.Are there any suspense filled slow paced Detective norman jayden moments in this game?

Last edited by Kiryu on 10/3/2013 12:06:00 AM

10 years ago

Fairly sure this was a demo focused on action, which makes sense considering it's a demo and you want people's attention.

I think I only saw one dialouge option in the entire demo, but you can bet that'll be different for the full game. Those sorta moments will help bring the pace down.

10 years ago

This holiday season looks pretty barren when it comes to games, it looks as if the ps4 is the centerpiece. So far the games this year have been great and beyond is definitely adding to that.

10 years ago

It's not as packed as usual, this year actually felt pretty well spread. As usual, my budget is rather tight so I'll be flipping a coin over Arkham Origins and Beyond.

I'm also pretty interested in AC4. I agree that the series should've taken a break, but the pirate part won me over too easily. I'll be getting that later on though, when I get my PS4.

10 years ago

Forgot, I got Pokemon Y coming.

10 years ago

Beyond is the last game I have as a must buy for the rest of the season. Need to get around to all the games I haven't had time for after that. With first baby on the way, I doubt a ps4 will be in my plans (mostly wife's plans)… at least for this year.
It'll sneak through sometime next year, though!

10 years ago


Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Beyond: Two Souls definitely tops the list. The new Ratchet and Clank gives me a little bit of a wiggle in my pants, too. Also tempted by GT6 and Watch_Dogs, but neither feels like a day one must-have. Everything else is just kinda meh.

10 years ago

It seems Watch Dogs will be the only new game I'll buy between now and the new year.
Well, that and whatever that might be bundled with my PS4.

Last edited by Beamboom on 10/3/2013 4:13:22 AM

10 years ago

um well i sud have enough to get the 1st and 3rd party games that i want on luanch but the februrary games though will be another question i'll have to make a list then but fir now i will be lucky enough to have saved enough for all the games i want on ps4 at launch if ur wondering they are they consist of watch dogs,AC4, BF4, killzone, knack and drive club

and i'm getting 2 out of 3 3rd party games(AC4 and watch dogs) with proper collectors editions steel game cases etc the BF4 is just with a t-shirt and the 1st DLC pack free but oh well i will probs get BF4 on pc with the steel case and dog tags cos i want them real bad and it comes for the PC 1st and my comp sud run it at med well enough and so i can play it with my friend on PC so yeah i am amoung the blessed i think as far as games go i'm not sure how much ps plus i'll get cos of all the games but i'll figure something out.

oh yeah and i almost forgot about the new rachet game and pokemon X will be the other two cos they aren't too expensive i'll have just enough i think but no more ps3 games for awhile unless i find some money out of thin air cos there are still about um 5-8 or 5-10 other ps3 games half being exclusives i haven't got yet

happy gaming =)

Last edited by PlatformGamerNZ on 10/3/2013 4:46:14 AM

10 years ago

Well have yet to play Grand Theft Auto (V) Online, that will be the next game I try out. The next actual purchase for me is Beyond: Two Souls. Already Pre-ordered the Special Edition from Amazon looking forward to it.

And really that is it for this year, While the big releases of the PS4 and Xbox Inconsistency are huge, I just don't have an interest for them right now, none of the games have really caught my attention, Watchdogs looks very good, but not a game I would buy a console for. So yes, Beyond:Two Souls is the last game of the year for me. I imagine Lightning Returns will be the first of 2014 for me.

10 years ago

The only games I pre-ordered about 4 months ago were GTA V and Beyond Two Souls. They're the only ones I have time for these days, or that I will set time aside to play.

Christmas, I'm asking for Watch Dogs and Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix.

Assassin's Creed IV looks brilliant, but I'm kinda burned out on the franchise.

No interest at all in CoD Ghosts or Battlefield 4. Me and my friends are completely over realistic war shooters, modern day or historical.

Not getting Gran Turismo 6 because I've barely touched GT5, and it's there if I want a great racing game, so I might as well play GT5 and save the money.

GTA V is eating up most of my spare time these days. Between working 2 jobs, I'm lucky to fit in more than 5 hours a week of gaming.

So, here's Dancemachine55's most wanted list for 2013:

Day 1 Purchase:
– Grand Theft Auto V
– Beyond Two Souls
– Watch Dogs
– South Park: The Stick of Truth
– Final Fantasy X HD Remastered

Get it later:
– Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag
– Gran Turismo 6
– Batman: Arkham Origins
– Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix
– Lego Marvel Superheroes
– Fable Anniversary (Xbox 360)

No interest:
– Call of Duty Ghosts
– Battlefield 4
– Skylanders Swap Force
– Need For Speed Rivals

10 years ago

im mostly looking forward to watch dogs, ryse and dead rising 3, and R&C into the nexus.
little iffy on the last one simply because insomniac gone loco lately, the past few have been sh*t, and its a DL game so im worried it wont feel like a fully fleshed out R&C.
wish they would do a retail release, i can just see this turning out to be just like QFB.
a great game, but just feels really held back and limited because its a budget DL title.

everything else im not really excited for.
BF4 looks ok, but im all military shootered out.
in fact if we never see another military shooter ever again it will still be too soon!
batman origins looks cool, but im worried its going to feel too stripped out.
after playing as the experienced veteran batman im worried going back to his origin days hes going to feel too stripped out, too basic.
plus theres really not much new stuff added, so whats going to make this feel completely different to city or asylum?
AC4, well, thats no more assassins creed 4 than pirates of the whatever.
so f*cking sick of developers taking a famous franchise and turning it on its head, WTF was wrong with the way revelations was going?
new IPs should be new IPs, not new IPs slapped with a well established IPs name onto it because it will sell better!

10 years ago

Knack is one that I'm most looking forward too.

I miss having a decent platforming game.

Glad I bought the full Crash collection a few months back too. It's nice to have something just so damn fun and colourful to play again!

10 years ago

1. Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2
2. Gran Turismo 6
3. Beyond: Two Souls

That's it.

10 years ago

Well, there is a lot I am excited for. However, money is tight so there are going to be some tough decisions. I am getting Marvel Super Heroes, BF4 and AC4 for the PS4. That line up is pretty much set in stone.

I am on the fence for Beyond Two Souls. I may try out the demo tonight. I know the story is going to be amazing. The folks over at ps3trophies say the demo is awesome so that's a good sign.

I am also thinking of getting KZSF instead of B2S. Like I said hard decisions. I will get Batman and Watch Dogs on the cheap later next year. I may be renting some games this next year as well to save money. A Gamefly membership may be in my future.

10 years ago

Beyond, Beyond, Beyond! Loved Heavy Rain, have stayed away from developer interviews, editorials, previews and what not for the last three months or so.

Not trying out the demo. Since I'll be knee deep in developing my own game until May, I have no time to play anything, so I'll probably get it during the holiday when we have some down time.

Also haven't gotten Rayman, so Rayman Legends for sure. Batman Arkham Origins is also a game I'll be getting.

I'm GTA'd out after just finishing GTA IV, but I watched some people play V and it looked very impressive, like a huge upgrade over IV. I'll get it at some point.

I'm staying current gen for a while. So for me, Beyond: Two Souls, Rayman and Batman.

Have no interest in Assassin's Creed or COD and haven't for the last couple of years. Just way too much over-saturation.

10 years ago

My thoughts on the Beyond demo:

Please, please tell me there is an option to take away those black bars at the top and bottom of the screen. There is no need for them, and it felt like it hampers your view when you're looking for those visual clues, because there is less of the world on show. It's not a film, David.

I got confused in the self-defense tutorial. It tells you to move the right stick in the direction of Jodie's arms, but I get confused whether it's the direction of her arms, or the direction the camera angle is hinting to. Like if it's Jodie-centric or if it's camera centric. For example, when she goes to kick the trainer away, do I press up, as that's the direction Jodie's movement is going, or do I push it to the right, because that's what the camera is telling me to do? I honestly failed it about 20 times, which made me feel pathetic and useless. Then a man started getting shouty with me…where's Aiden when you need him/her/it? 😛

Maybe that's something I need to get used to as it's Quantic Dream's distinct way of doing things, but I feel like communication to the player is perhaps slightly lacking here. Because you often switch between the camera between behind Jodie, and then to camera angle that can be angled anywhere. That's why I get confused with the whole 'Who's direction is it again?'

That's why I think a dedicated button for some things would be better, rather than one button having different uses depending on context. Like up/right/down/left will always be those directions, depending on where Jodie is facing, and triangle is always the action button. I sure hope the 'one size fits all' ethos wasn't implemented because of the smartphone integration…not that I think it was.

But aside from that tutorial, it really did flow well, even when I did screw up. I mean this is one kind of an experiance, even if you might struggle to call it a game in the rawest sense. But there's enough room in the gaming world for a TLOU, a GTA, and a Beyond. I mean, don't you guys feel proud that we've come this far in the year 2013, that we can enjoy these kinds of games in their seperate ways, even if they're entirely different experiances. Awesome.

So uh yeah, I really enjoyed that demo, lol. The voice acting can still be a little spotty though, in my opinion.

10 years ago

(For lack of an edit button…)

The more I think on it though, not knowing which direction to push/which button to press until the moment arrives adds a certain tension to the scene. Which, once you get past the fustrating bit where you're learning what's what (for me the self-defense fight), does come across really well.

Though I do recall David Cage saying game over screens show that the game is a failure, and me saying in the comments that he does still employ 'invisible' game over screens. I'm just saying, they are still here, and David should be more considering when he makes comments like that. Game over screens are part of the DNA, and you have to remember that when making a game. Otherwise…you're making something that isn't a game. And this is still a game, by the way.

Why I struggle to call this a game in the rawest sense though, is that, this isn't something you can 'master'. There is no such thing as being good at Heavy Rain or Beyond. I don't want every game to be like this, as I think it's very important for a game to have the ability to be 'mastered'. You do still get the sense that "*breather* that went well" if you make all the right choices, so I still like to see it as a game. Just that I want this to just be the Quantic Dream way of making games, rather than the be all end all of how we play games, if you get me.

10 years ago

GTA V was the big one, and it's a lot of fun so far. I'm really excited for Killzone: Shadow Fall simply because I can't wait to see a graphical show piece on the PS4 (also, the Killzone franchise has LOT of potential and it looks like this new game is really going to make good on it.)

Definitely looking forward to getting Wind Waker HD for Wii U in a couple weeks for my birthday, and the new Mario looks fantastic as well. The Wii U has a ton of problem and Nintendo drives a lot of folks up the wall with their policies (me included sometimes) but there's nothing quite like that Nintendo Magic.

10 years ago

i'd say watchdogs, beyond, bf4, kz and fifa 14. I'm going to redbox beyond though

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