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GTAV Title Update Brings GTAO, Multiple Story Mode Fixes

A game the size of Grand Theft Auto V is bound to have a few bugs when it first launches.

But developer Rockstar has been working on those issues from the start, and the first update has arrived. This title update also includes the debut of Grand Theft Auto Online , which lets you explore the vast landscape with a multitude of other players.

The update has repaired several issues found in the Story mode, as explained at Rockstar's site . Here's the list of fixes:

That problem concerning the loss of saved vehicles was wicked annoying, and I'm glad that was fixed. Now I feel better about having some ultra-rare vehicle that I don't want to lose, and feeling moderately safe that I can store it in one of my garages. As for GTA Online, it isn't my thing, but I bet a lot of people are enjoying the action even as I type this.

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto V

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10 years ago

Ben, no one is even able to play the online mode. Its completely broken. I've been up since 6am attempting to play it, and reading constant updates. The thing is shattered. This morning when i made my character i spent around 40 minutes working on it. It was deleted once the game crashed at the cannot connect to server screen. The very first crash i've experienced from GTAV. The only time i managed to play the online mode was this morning, and that was on the solo mode. Which was broken and didn't load missions. I'm guessing you weren't home today or something lol Check the R* support twitter for more details. Thousands of people cannot connect or play the online mode, and everyone seems to be avoiding the issue. Even though twitter for R*, MS, and Sony are blown up with people complaining about it.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Yeah, well, reason #856,026 why I don't bother with online.

10 years ago

dude what did you expect, when millions of people try to access servers right at the same time this is what happens.
just give them a few days to work out the kinks and add extra needed servers and it will be back up and running.

10 years ago

Underline is right, for a game with this amount of players a launch of a service like this is in practise comparable with a DDOS-attack.

Last edited by Beamboom on 10/2/2013 9:32:26 AM

10 years ago

They should be ready ready for it.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

There are a lot of excuses. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work.

10 years ago

In regards to the server issues… IT'S 2013! 'nuff said. Jebus, come on R*.

Stay Classy PSX…

10 years ago

I think you all should cut Rockstar some slack here.

The load on an online service on launch day is something the servers will never ever during the entire lifespan of that service have to cope with again. You can't scale a service based on estimated traffic on launch day.
This *must* be expected.

Last edited by Beamboom on 10/2/2013 12:50:16 PM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Beamboom, I don't care. I'm sure you're right, and I really don't care.

Why people bother dealing with all that is beyond me. That's all I'm saying.

10 years ago

Yeah me too. They just need to show *some* patience. Enjoy the single player game for just a few more days, maybe a week, how bad can that really be.

One can compare it with opening day on a new store. If you don't like to stand in line around the block then just don't show up on that opening party. Wait a few days and you can browse the store all calm and quiet.
Same thing here.

Last edited by Beamboom on 10/2/2013 2:33:47 PM

10 years ago

The big difference is that retail doesn't scale while online can (or at least should). Rockstar could have rented servers to handle the load and then scaled down from there, right? It's all handled in the cloud, right? Plus, character info was getting corrupted and taking progress with it or you'd just hang on the tutorial race with Lamar and be unable to proceed.
Not only that, but single-player is unstable as well. I'm on my second playthrough and when I tried the Papparazzo mission to tail Poppy Mitchell, I couldn't take the picture that I needed to complete it. It went into a load screen before dumping me to an error message that said it couldn't access the Social Club. I failed a mission-in SINGLEPLAYER-because the game couldn't phone home! The game is big, beautiful and in many ways magnificent but game breaking bugs are simply unacceptable.
They may have claimed to have fixed the bug that caused the internet not to function after the campaign is complete, but that's simply wrong. Just a couple of hours ago, I loaded my post-campaign save and when I tried to access the internet it dumped me and took the mini-map and character switching function with it.

10 years ago

Yeah at one point the Vanilla Unicorn door would not open for me and I could not start the final heist. That was super annoying.

10 years ago

Online sucks.

10 years ago

So do u need to update ur system or what to have this new updates 4 the game

10 years ago

I didn't update my PS3 and I was able to get the update for the game.

10 years ago

Games are just too complicated nowadays. Updates have become the norm, and plenty of it too. Yes, even Rockstar has problems sometimes.

10 years ago

cant believe people are b*tching about the servers being full and stability issues, i mean WTF did you expect!?
this is THE biggest game releases this year, and one of the biggest of the generation!
no sh*t sherlock theres going to be server issues.
this is like putting a lynx can in the microwave, than ringing up the company and suing them because the thing exploded.
no sh*t sherlock the flamable metalic can exploded when you put it in the f*cking microwave!
just like no sh*t sherlock servers crash when millions of people try to access it all at once!
ahhhhh, takes me back to the good old diablo days.

10 years ago

When a broken rollout is the norm, something is wrong.

10 years ago

Is anybody having this problem in gta your car get stuck on a rock or something nd won't move is it a glitch or wtf

10 years ago

I've been high-centered on rocks a couple of times. I think it's just something that happens on occasion.

10 years ago

Surprised how basic and amateurish some of those bugs were… Simple if statements/bools to sort them out!

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