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Who’s A Fan Of The Season Pass?

There was a time when downloadable content for consoles was unheard of. Add-on content for video games only existed in the PC world, as separately sold expansion packs. Remember those?

But now that the online aspect of the industry has exploded, and most every major game release comes with the promise of future DLC, new systems are in place. One such system is the Season Pass, which has been adopted by many large publishers and game producers.

The idea is simple: The developer has a certain amount of DLC planned for any given game release, and you can pay for all those packs ahead of time. There's a discount involved if you do; for instance, if there are four packs that will retail for $14.99 each, you can grab the Season Pass for $50 and save yourself $10. Plus, you don't have to worry about shelling out when each new piece of DLC shows up; you already paid, so you just download it and enjoy. That's the positive side of the concept, obviously.

But there are downsides as well. For instance, what if you bought the Season Pass, only to find that you really don't like the game much? Then you've purchased all the DLC for a significant sum, and you don't really plan to play any of it. Or, you like the game but the developers release subpar DLC, and you're stuck with it. Essentially, you're betting on the idea that all extra content would be something you'd buy anyway, right? And if it isn't, you can't help but feel ripped off, I would assume. I'm not making any sort of personal commentary; I've never bought a Season Pass for anything and I probably never will. I usually don't do multiplayer.

I'm just wondering what other people think of it.

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10 years ago

I dont really care for them but I don't think they are a bad thing. If someone wants to spend over 100 bucks on a game thats cool, but I haven't played a game where I really wanted to spend that much money on the game except for Final Fantasy 11, but that was an MMO.

10 years ago

If I like the game I'll buy the season pass. I bought it for Uncharted 3 and Borderlands 2 and I haven't looked back, but I doubt I'll be buying it for the Last of Us. The game is great, but the multiplayer doesn't warrant an extra $20 from my wallet.

10 years ago

Seems to em, the best way is to release the game, a month later offer a DLC for free so people can see what they're getting, then sell the Season Pass (SP). People who like the game and the DLC will be more likely to buy, and not be soured on the SP experience if the first two games give bad ones. Each game gives people it's own chance to see if more of the same is worth the price.

10 years ago

I don't mind them, even though I'm one to wait for sales on the DLC's that I want.

10 years ago

I think ultimately it will encourage developers to put out horsesh*t DLC to fill the gaps, then charge more beyond the season pass for the good stuff.

I paid for the Bioshock Infinite Season Pass because I knew I'd want the single player and it will be worth it because I'll have paid less than the full cost for the two Rapture episodes, BUUUUUT Clash In The Clouds is totally lame.

I don't think the term "Season Pass" is apt either, it gives a false impression.

10 years ago

No, "season pass" is the correct term. Because when you buy a season pass, you're only paying for all DLC for whatever time period the publisher deems to be a "season". You are NOT paying for ALL DLC that will become available.

Sure, some (most?) games will only have enough LC to fill one "season" so you'll get all DLC with that one season pass, but there are games which have second seasons (e.g. Injustice: Gods Among Us) that the first season pass will not cover.

As for the season pass itself, if developers MUST do DLC (and in this age of expensive game development and games costing less than they ever have before with respect to inflation, this is an unfortunate reality), then the season pass is at least good to have as an option. Buyer beware is still in full effect though, but that's not the fault of season passes themselves.

10 years ago

Too much flexibility in defining your own "season" I say. Most gamers aren't as well informed as us.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 10/1/2013 9:42:23 AM

10 years ago

If It's a game I want and dlc is for sure, I just wait for the goty edition and get everything for $20-$30.

10 years ago

as a huge fan of new multiplayer map packs – season pass saves me $10.

My only complaint is that you still have to go search for the pack when its released instead of an automatic update download like Steam manages to do.

10 years ago

definitely a great idea for map pack users.

10 years ago

It depends on what the season pass entails.

If it includes a few or several meaty single-player expansions, then it is great, worth the money, and worthy of my support.

If it is something stupid like map packs for multiplayer, then it is not worth the money, and the devs can go get effed for all I care.

10 years ago

Nope. I normally only want certain types of DLC. So say Killzone Shadowfall has a season pass. But I don't play it everyday so i barely know the maps for the multiplayer. Than i would only buy the DLC when i have gotten my fill on the default maps. The same concept applied to me before BF3 turned into p2w. I bought the close quarters DLC like 8 months after it released. Hopefully some devs don't think its ok to leave out good stuff out of a game for people to buy the season pass though. As it is right now, i think its alright. Not something i would buy though.

10 years ago

It makes sense if the game is going to have multiple DLC's releasing in the future. I am a fan of it.

10 years ago

I cannot stand the concept, paying double the price so you get all the content the gme should deliver in the first place, no thank you. DLC has been so exploited on consoles, want an extra character you should be able to unlock? F*** you pay me. Want the ending to Final Fantasy XIII-2? F*** you pay me! And when you throw microtransactions and the recent free-to-play scams in, I have serious concerns fr the direction.

I miss the day when I could buy a game in day one for the respected retail price without fear of being ripped off. Now unless I really, really want the game, I will wait until the DLC edition is released. I have never paid for a season pass, for the moral standpoint and the fact that you don't even know what you're paying for. You could pay this money only to find the content very underwhelming.

10 years ago

They suck. 3 months later the season passes come down from 49.99 to 14.99

10 years ago

From that perspective it sucks to buy *anything* on day one. And, well, it can easily be argued that it does. Most games drop in price within the next six months.

10 years ago

i don't like the idea i you buying a game and thenhey guys we've actually got the rest waiting for you but you have to pay more and then it's a question of how much more and thats where the season pass comes in buy it all seperately or individualy or like myself but it with the game or not at all the only exception to this rule is if it's on sale i guess but i really don't want to encourage this. it's bad business habits make lots of money but it's not gud for every one and if shore isn't gud value for money and that what hacks me off the most you usally get crap all for ur money

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

theoretically there a great idea, get all the DLC at a discounted price.
but thats the problem, practically everything sounds great on paper because they always forget to put things down.
1 you have to pay up front no idea whats going to be included.
2 you have no idea when its going to come.
3 you assume its going to be all the DLC, but then they announce 5 more packs and expect you to pay extra for those.
if they stuck by the principle, ie you pay for ALL the DLC, and they at least gave you a idea what it will be and when it would be better.
and give people a option to cancel and get a refund, that way if you decide you dont like the DLC on offer, or its releasing stupidly late, ie the last of us, than you can back out.
ive always hated them because games never get SP DLC, than TLoU FINALLY changes that trend, i pony up, and now its not releasing till SIX months minimum after release!
and a whole month after everyone sells their ps3 for a ps4.
yup, suffice to say last time ill be changing my policies.
every time i change my mind on something i end up regretting it!

Last edited by ___________ on 10/1/2013 5:50:51 AM

10 years ago

I've never gotten a season pass before think its a bad idea in all but 2 exceptions. Rockstar and Bethesda. I'd totally get one for GTA5 cuz their dlc are basically full games. Same with Bethesda. Odd part is, is I don't think either of those companies have done seasons passes for their own games. But yeah sign me up for that Fallout 4 and the Elder Scrolls 6 season pass.

10 years ago

$30 season pass are ok in my book but when they have $50 S.P.'s with games that come out every year is simply put unacceptable!! Looking at you C.O.D.

10 years ago

I'm a fan of waiting a year and buying the 'Deluxe/Special/GOTY/Ultimate' edition of the game that includes all the DLC and is often cheaper than the original game was.

10 years ago

I think it's a joke. I've never bought any DLC and never will. You shouldn't have to pay more than what you already did when you bought the game, especially if it affects the main story/campaign of the game. If it's multiplayer DLC I don't mind that much since I don't usually play online, but if it adds to the story it really pisses me off.

10 years ago

Season passes are too risky for the expense.
I only play single player so don't want to pay £30 for a pass which gives me £10-£15 single player content and the rest is multiplayer.

10 years ago

I don't like the season pass. They are almost always announced before a game is even out, which to me means they were planning on DLC before even making the game. And it could end up being horrible DLC.

10 years ago

I have a day 1 ps3 an played about 70% of the games produced since then usually from beginning to end.. N have to say I never once bought dlc or map packs or any of that.. Think it's just a big scam.. Shoulda already been included for the 63.59$ I payed for the game..

10 years ago

I'm totally with that on your last paragraph.

10 years ago

The only game I have done this with is Battlefield 3 Premium on PC. I was able to get Premium for $40, so it was under $7 a piece for each of the six expansions, Then there are the other benefits of having Premium. Well worth it in my opinion, because I already knew I wanted those expansions.

I can't speak on it with any other game though.

10 years ago

I passed on the whole Season Pass thing. Pun intended.,, as weak as it was. I buy the DLC if the reviews are good as it comes out or when discounted or when bundled in a GOTY edition. Of course it depends ont he type of DLC as well. Costumes do not really cut it for me unless I am bored and want my protagonist looking good…. or bad.

Season Passes are right up there with the micro transactions. They pretty much are the same thing in a different guise. Maybe one is slightly better than the other as was suggested with the savings… maybe.

Will be interesting to see if people/gamers feel elements missing from their games next gen prior to DLC purchases in whatever form they come in.

Keep playing!

10 years ago

i never waste money of season passes… i usually just wait for the game of the year editions of games so i can get all the DLC for free… in fact, i like it when games didn't have DLC… sure developers couldn't make new story/level content to add on months after a games is released, but it also meant you had to work at it to unlock new characters, costumes and abilities.. now you just pay to get it, in stead of having to work for it.. it seems lazy. You feel proud of yourself when you unlocked new characters/abilities/costumes in games before DLC. now you don't.

10 years ago

I think as long as a season pass for a game is priced right I don't have a problem purchasing it. Like for UC3 or KZ3 & TLOU.

10 years ago

season passes imo are a rip off and ill never buy one because they dont tell you how much dlc your getting or what dlc your getting

as is i already hate dlc because 95% of it is on the disc already

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