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Dying Light’s Gameplay, Story, Different Than Dead Island

Okay, so there are some similarities. But that doesn't mean it's the same game.

When Techland announced their new project, Dying Light , many gamers thought they saw shades of the developer's other IP, Dead Island . After all, both featured an open world and lots of zombies to maim.

But producer Tymon Smektala told Eurogamer that in fact, they learned a lot of "hard lessons" with Dead Island and they're putting a ton of resources into making Dying Light a true AAA production. In terms of similarities, Smektala says the new game doesn't really play anything like Dead Island :

"Dying Light is a game that's quite different to Dead Island. It's more mature and more serious. I think people will be surprised by our story to some extent, by our gameplay and how complex it is.

When you put Dead Island's gameplay mechanics on paper, it is a hack and slash game. Put Dying Light's mechanics on a piece of paper and you'll have to use all of that page to describe what the game's all about and how it plays."

To learn more about Techland's promising upcoming title, check out our recent preview . The original Dead Island was fun despite a few technical drawbacks, but Riptide really wasn't impressive at all. Here's hoping the more ambitious Dying Light will strike just the right chord.

Related Game(s): Dying Light

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10 years ago

I grabbed Riptide, I dunno why it gets such a bad rap. Aside from the annoying attempt at movement physics the significant bugs are better (though maybe that's a patch), the quests are more entertaining, and the weapons are much more fun and full of variety.

Still, they aren't AAA games or anything, so Dying Light isn't exactly a top priority but it looks promising with the parkour.

10 years ago

Don t know either , it s more of the same but better .Is nt it what people want from sequels ? .

10 years ago

My problem with Dead Island is I felt like I was just running around the map killing zombies that took too long to kill and took all my resources to do so. Its a sort of survival game I get it but was it fricken redundant or what!?

Never played riptide. But I think this is their attempt to capitalize on their pruduct that wasnt recieved terribly knowing it can be better and instead of using the same title (because of mediocrity) change it so it appears fresh. With that aside if its got zombies im interested.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 9/28/2013 1:03:29 PM

10 years ago

sounds like an interesting change of pace for zombie games.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

I wonder if it is going to take place in the same world as Dead Island?

I actually really liked the first game. Haven't played riptide but the first one with 4 friends was a blast.

10 years ago

really does look great, i just hope there actually going to debug this!
one thing i hate about techland every game they release is buggy to the point you would swear bugthesda made it!
oh, and please, no more go and get me 4 of these things.
i swear to god if i never see another fetch quest in my life it will be too soon!
almost as bad as the horror cliche the lights go out now you have to go find 4 generators…….

10 years ago

I want this. I can't wait

10 years ago

When are we going to get a break from all this zombie BS? It's kind of played out by now. Zombie games, movies, TV shows.

10 years ago

Gonna stay away from this one, waiting for another type of zombie game in next-gen.

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