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The Last Of Us Map Pack Revealed, Single Player DLC Update

If you've been waiting to expand upon the amazing experience that is The Last Of Us , your wait is almost over.

Naughty Dog has revealed the first batch of downloadable content; it's called the Abandoned Territories Map Pack and it will be ready to go on October 15. This is included if you purchased the $20 Season Pass; not sure what it will retail for separately, but you can probably guess.

The Pack will include four new multiplayer maps: Suburbs, Bus Depot, Hometown and Bookstore. This is pretty standard stuff but perhaps even more interesting is the developer's update on their single-player DLC: They say they've just completed "a long casting process" for a new character, and performance capture will begin next week. This untitled bit of content is currently scheduled to release in either December or January; we're hoping sooner rather than later. As for the third piece of DLC, that will be multiplayer-oriented and is slated for the first half of 2014.

Lastly, bonus items were added to the Season Pass today. There are no fewer than 60 different heads for multiplayer characters, ranging from a Pigskin Hat to a Nightmare Mask. Try 'em on.

Related Game(s): The Last Of Us

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10 years ago

Last of Us Multiplayer sucks ass. Bring on the single player content.

10 years ago

Actually it doesnt. I imagine you just had a hard time with it.

10 years ago

Teh games are hard…drrrrrrr!!!!

10 years ago

The only complaint I would have is that you cant play characters like in uncharted. Multiplayer feels disconnected from the main story without the characters and infected.

I assume the New heads dlc might bring them in, but I assume you need an ellie body to go with that.

10 years ago

@Godsman: I agree with the MP being distant thing. I mean according to TLoU universe, the infected are attracted to sound so why arent they appearing in the maps when everyone seems to blast each other away. + the maps seems to be part of an area from SP too.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

No, you just can't be ADHD.

10 years ago

Yeah, TLOU mp is amazing. This guy proves yet again to be loopy.

10 years ago

Multiplayer is amazing I liked it more than the SP 🙂

My only complaint is that I honesty am a mouse and keyboard guy and this for me would have been just about the best multiplayer game if I could have used mouse and keyboard.

Anyway ethird I strongly disagree with your statement.

10 years ago

Interested to see this sp dlc. Im not a fan if it expands on the original storym however with this "new" character it would be cool to see an alternate story of characters.

10 years ago


I'm hoping it has to do with the captain and the little community he ended up building…before someone left that door open/unlocked!

10 years ago

Yeah Jawknee and I have talked about the same thing before. That would be cool!

10 years ago

Ish!!!! Loved that section of the game. He was my favorite side character.

10 years ago

I rather they keep the effort to make TLOU 2. If they have free time thats fine, but to go through all the effort just for an hour or two gameplay wont satisfy me. It'll just delay the release of a sequel

10 years ago

That logic is flawed. If the amount of gameplay in the SP DLC is only an hour or two, can't imagine the delay(if any) caused by its development would have much of an impact on an unconfirmed sequel. And many have already bought the season pass knowing SP content was on its way. ND can't exactly go back on that and leave those people high and dry.

Last edited by Jawknee on 9/27/2013 1:16:45 PM

10 years ago

Not saying ND should take his word back. I mean there shouldnt be SP dlc to begin with. Considering the quality of the game, and they are still at casting, it probably a long way to go. It will definitely take time and effort off from uncharted 4 or next ip.

From a business point of view, dlc targets the 3million Last of Us owners, sequel targets 80 million ps3 owners. Many sequels do outsell the first titles.

10 years ago

Godsman –

I know what youre saying. And I agree. I dont like to see dlc that continues a story thats already been told in the developers vision. If they feel the need to continue the story do it with a proper sequel.

However, if they used a different characters story like say, Ish, then they can expand on the universe without disrupting the main story that was finished. Thats how I feel they should proceed. I just get an unneasy feeling when there was a conclusion to the story but its continued without being a sequel. Like its just there. I dont like that.

10 years ago

ND has a different team working on Uncharted games so your worrying is pointless. Not sure why anyone would complain about getting more content to a great game.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
10 years ago

Can't wait for the SP DLC! What a nice addition to a story that's already worth playing more than twice!

10 years ago

Cool, I've been meaning to get back on this. Been dragged away from it by Metroid. I should be done

10 years ago

Looking forward to the single-player DLC!

10 years ago

Ummm… pass on MP. Took a look at it and just not my thing, but the quality is there for the genre for MP.

As for the single player I think the DLC purchase will depend on exactly where in the time line it takes place. If the single player is a prequel dealing with Ellie and her best friend, I will pass. In fact if its anything that is a lead in to a portion of the game where I know how it ends… I will pass. Reason I say that is because I find those to be just a cash grab. If its characters, such a Bill after Joel and Ellie leave him, okay with that. That might be interesting and fun.

We shall have to wait and see. Sooner hopefully rather than in to the new year as it seems they are still working on it.

Keep playing!

10 years ago

Some games just shouldn't have M.P. content…this is one of them. I would be FAR more interested if they could keep expanding the single player missions.

10 years ago

well i'll probably get it with the platium/collections edition with all that crap with it in a year or two.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

sigh, knew i would regret buying that season pass!
i mean whos going to be playing this a whole month or two after next gen systems release?
knew i should have sold my copy as soon as i finished it.

10 years ago

umm…. people who like playing the games, thats who. i still like playing ps2 games, even ps1 games because i like playing them. not gonna let a new console generation to stop me from doing that. you bought last of us knowing ps4 is coming and you still bought season pass. thats on you. theyre not gonna release dlc that fast. one reason for dlc is to keep people interested when they start to lose interest. thats when they reel them back in. bf3 dlc came at set intervals and since i love playing the game, i playedit since lauch till now. i have people on my list still playing borderlands and killzone 3 still.

Last edited by johnld on 9/28/2013 5:03:52 PM

10 years ago

exactly they release DLC to stop people from losing interest.
after waiting 6 f*cking months people have lost interest!
very few are going to throw away 200+ bucks for their ps3, plus 40+ bucks for the game, plus their time, so they can play DLC for a game that released 6 months ago!
especially when they could be playing next gen games, games which their friends are actually playing!

Last edited by ___________ on 9/29/2013 9:52:06 AM

10 years ago

Hopefully they will add zombie survival either 5 or 10 players against waves of zombies in a big map.

Last edited by Mannemarco on 9/30/2013 11:22:47 AM

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