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Game Of The Year 2013 May Be An Impossible Decision

It's not that it'll be a hard decision, it's that it'll be downright impossible .

The problem is that the games in the running for Game of the Year in 2013 are so distinct from one another, so wildly different in so many ways, that it's almost unfair to compare them against each other.

There's Bioshock Infinite , which is the shooter that doesn't really feel like a shooter; an immersive, engaging adventure with role-playing elements and an atmosphere and environment that's second-to-none. That's a darn fine pick, isn't it? But what about Naughty Dog's masterful The Last Of Us , which featured amazing acting and quality storytelling, along with a survival/horror theme superimposed over a third-person action adventure…? So good it's scary. But wait, we just got the unbelievably epic Grand Theft Auto V , which showed us just how amazing open-world games can really be.

And the year ain't over. Beyond: Two Souls could pull down review scores similar to Heavy Rain and if it does, if Quantic Dream does what I expect them to do, that game is a definite contender. And again, extremely different from the other titles on the list; it's more of an interactive drama with next-level acting and writing. There's also a good chance that Ubisoft's Watch Dogs could be something truly special, and let's not forget about Gran Turismo 6 . The haters can hate all they want; it'll likely reset the bar for virtual racing once more. None of this even includes any next-gen offerings, either, such as Killzone: Shadow Fall , and I suppose Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag could be in the running as well.

Really, it'll be impossible. It's already impossible. How does one choose between GTAV, Bioshock Infinite and The Last Of Us ? I mean, seriously?

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10 years ago

Haha, well said – there's multiple games this year that really stand out, for a 'transition year' to new consoles, we've been really spoiled :).

10 years ago

Anyone heard anything reviews from the New batman asylum game? If it is at least as good as the previous games, it'll be a huge contender.

10 years ago

Ben gave TLoU a 9.8
So unless Beyond tops that PSXe's goty will be TLoU =)

10 years ago

That's the predictable thing to do, this is a PS site after all. The home turf of TLoU.

But he did surprise me last year with a quite unpredictable GOTY, so maybe he'll do the same this year.

10 years ago

Thing is about last year is that Im pretty sure AC3, Journey, and Dishonored all scored a 9.5.

This year TLoU has a leading advantage.
Ben would have to explain why he changed his mind and felt wrong about his review if he didn't give it to TLoU.
Other sites are harder to predict because a group of editors discuss and battle out who should get goty.

10 years ago

And one last thing. I'm pretty sure TLoU is Ben's highest ever score for this site. He probably knew that too when having scored it 😉

10 years ago

By all means, I'm sure that's what everyone expects.

10 years ago

ha i've noticed something else. Ben basically gets screwed out of reviewing the best games by Arnold.

MGS4, Uncharted 2, Uncharted 3, and GT5 were all reviewed by Arnold.

EDIT: So just wait. Arnold will pop in here and score GT6 a perfect 10 =p

Last edited by Temjin001 on 9/26/2013 11:01:24 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Maybe you guys are forgetting that I can only compare the games to what was out at the time, and I can't retroactively change review scores based on new titles that arrive during the year. For example, GTAV was not out when TLoU released, so…

Furthermore, when comparing top-tier games, it's not so much about scores, but why in particular one is considered slightly better than the other. We all know the games in question are better than 99.9% of all games released in 2013. So it's not a question of quality; it's a question of comparing special achievements.

And by the way Beamboom, yes, this is a PlayStation site, so we can't take into account games that are exclusive to other platforms. That being said, I have a hard time making an argument against the games we've selected over the years, even when compared to other exclusives.

PlayStation is about its exclusives. It's what they do. MGS4, Heavy Rain, GT5, God of War III, the Uncharteds, Killzones and LittleBigPlanets, Journey, The Last Of Us, Beyond: Two Souls; I would argue that most, if not all, are better than any other exclusives on any other platform.

10 years ago

that's well and good Ben but you're forgetting, or don't know about, my time machine. You do in fact award TLoU PSXe's goty =p

and hey, Bioshock, TLoU, and GTA5 are within the same time period. That being their of the standards set by the most current era of this gen. It's not quite like comparing MGS4 to TLoU.

But, yah, I hear you about the special achievement thing.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 9/26/2013 1:50:11 PM

10 years ago

Ben, I do of course not mean that you should nominate games that's not released on the PS platform.

But I do feel there is a tendency of exclusives receiving an extra round of applause on their respective platform specific sites. Whether it is Xbox exclusives on a xbox site, Nintendo exclusives on Nintendo sites or – indeed – PS exclusives on Playstation site.

They are after all a sort of "the home team". That's what I meant with "home turf".

10 years ago
Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

That's probably true Beamboom, except we all know that PS3 exclusives are better than 360 exclusives in the first place. 😉

10 years ago

It's pretty hard to argue that PS3 exclusives don't top out over multiplats in quality.

10 years ago

As of right now its The Last of Us. No game does what it does as a total package. It nailed everything from graphics to gameplay to story telling.

Also open world is still being done better than anything else by The Elder Scrolls. So its hard for me justify saying GTA because of its size. GTA's story isnt anything compared to either Bioshock nor TLoU and the control doesnt top them either. Put it in that perspective and it shouldnt have a chance. Bioshock has a better chance than GTA and based on everything this year is TLoU's clear competition.

But heres the real deal. Those three are at the top right now no question. I also would put Diablo 3 on consoles in the mix too as a top 5. It playes so much better than its pc counter part and surprisingly despite the controller being a negative Blizzard did it justice and it plays very well. As Ben pointed out theres still a ton of games that are cross gen and the upcoming KZ and Beyond. This could be the best year in gaming history. How do you really decide when it comes down to it? I look at the game regardless of size, genre, and style and look at how it acconplished everything as a game.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 9/25/2013 10:25:43 PM

10 years ago

Skyrim better than Witcher 2? No.

10 years ago

Witcher 2 is not that open, Kid, not at the level of Skyrim.

10 years ago

I agree with you on that, Beam. I just think that Skryim, while massive, makes way too many sacrifices to achieve it that pure sandbox feel. Witcher 2 is a lot less open by comparison, but it achieves a razor sharp quality not normally achieved in a non linear game.

10 years ago

Witcher 2 is more like the Bioware games in this respect. They are not really open world, at least not by my definitions. Ergo you can't compare them.

When we talk about open world games Skyrim is indeed one of the absolutely most impressive games this generation. Of that I have no doubts. I haven't played GTA5 yet so I can't say if I think it's better or worse than Skyrim, but nothing I have played so far beats Skyrim this generation.

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/26/2013 8:51:15 AM

10 years ago

Kid –
Come on now. Are you trying to start an argument? One I didnt even mention The Witcher 2 or compare it to anything and two its not even open world like Skyrim.

Beam –

Personally speaking Oblivion is still far larger than everything else released this generation aside from Skyrim. So thats saying something. I think Fallout 3 is right in the mix with Oblivion considering the expansions. Considering the amount of time you can consume in any of those 3 titles, it'll take a huge feat to dethrone a game like Skyrim of the most expansive.

10 years ago

Bioshock was an excellent game but I just can't seeing it win GOTY anywhere really. It should be The Last of Us but I have a feeling the over rated GTA series will take it.

10 years ago

Yea i think most places are gonna look at overall sales and GTA is gonna win there hands down

10 years ago

I think we can all be sure that there'll likely be at least THREE 'goty edition' releases for next year.

10 years ago

Jawknee – sir, I agree with you again!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 9/25/2013 11:10:30 PM

10 years ago

It's a real shame to say it but I think you're right jawknee. A hype juggernaut like GTA I fear will just steam-roll it's way to the top spot though the awesome, to me, the amazing experience that was The Last Of Us was by far the better, more engaging and fulfilling game. Getting my TLOU platinum was one of the years highlights on my gaming calander so far.

10 years ago

Well to me imo, not just cause of sales have a affect on it but GTAV is more open world compare to the others.

10 years ago

Yeah good luck with that decision Ben 🙂

I loved Bioshock but since it came out there has been some pretty amazing things happening. Despite my personal reservations about TLoU I do think it was probably the best quality production this year. Only Beyond can probably challenge that level of gaming.

Kind of doubt the crossovers or Shadow Fall will quite be in that league.

10 years ago

At least you recognize quality. Most reviewers dont if see it that way, its what they had the most fun with or went back to the most.

10 years ago

I say the last of us wins goty cuz it a new game byt gta5 is still very good but it grand theft auto we expect it 2 b nd as far as bio shock I think it close but more likely will win best shooter or adventure gsme or both

10 years ago

I hope you don't get thumbsdown because of your avatar.. She's hot, nice figure baby 😉

10 years ago

I think Beyond Two Souls has a very good chance because unlike Heavy Rain the focus is on one character and the videos Ive watched it seems far better than Heavy Rain also you dont know where the story is really going and I dont believe story will be predictable.

Bioshock Infinite was damn good from story to gameplay.

GTA V Rockstar breathe life into their games.

I cant comment on The Last Of Us as I chose not play to it. GT6 looks cool but its not my thing I like Criterion games. GOTY will indeed be difficult but I think many will end up choosing TWO winners.

10 years ago

Let's not forget about Beyond: Two Souls. Wonder where it'll stack up…

10 years ago

I think Beyond:Two Souls will win Game of the year. Naughty DOg and Rockstar have already won GOTY.

Any of these games are Game of the Year in my opinion
Ni No Kuni
Ryu Ga Gotoku 5( Yakuza 5)
God of War Ascension
The Last of Us
Grand Theft Auto 5
Beyond:Two Souls

6 games i will remember in the PS3 Classics catalogue

Last edited by Kiryu on 9/26/2013 1:29:22 AM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

It's gonna be a mission, alright. In my mind, the four main contenders will be the ones listed in the article, and I'm discounting ACIV, Watch_Dogs and Killzone just because I don't see any of them as being as great as the other games that have released this year. I also get the niggling feeling that Gone Home is going to pull down a few awards here and there. It's going to be an interesting awards season, that's for damned sure.

I don't even want to try to pick.

10 years ago

The games are too good these days. The GOTYs should be rewarded within a few main categories.

As for me, I've not played TLoU nor GTA5 (yet) but my heart belongs to Bioshock Infinite and my mind belongs to GTA5. My ignorance is facing TLoU. 🙂

But I believe Watch Dogs will harvest most GOTYs this year. Yup.

10 years ago

It's a very tough decision and I for one am grateful to be in such a position in comparison to 2012 which was such a boring year for gaming. In 2013 they're really made up for it and packed quit a punch, I think I have had a new release every 2 months or so that is top-tier quality.

But I think the article does round up the Majority of opinions. For me it is certainly out of Bioshock: Infinite, Grand Theft Auto V & The Last Of Us. But each game is so different from one another it is very difficult to choose from… No, I just can't decide yet, I'll wait for Beyond: Two Souls before I make my final verdict – Which I will get a chance to play at a gaming convention this weekend 😉

10 years ago

If there will be some surprises in GOTY, then i bet on Knack and Puppeteer :). Almost all of us forgot about Journey as contender and kablooom!! Journey got GOTY.

10 years ago

its quite easy actually.
TLoU was a brilliant experience, but a really poor game.
not a survival game at all, which kinda makes it useless since thats kinda the whole point of the game!
gameplay wise it was pretty basic and empty, there was not much stratergy difference between enemies either.

bioshock infinite was, well, bioshock, a game thats now six years old.
in fact its even less than that, all the things that made the original so awesome, the hacking cameras and machines to set traps, is gone.
never thought a sequel would manage to be so bare bones, and even more so due to the point that its stripped out half of its predecessors features!

even tomb raider which was better than TLoU and infinite put together, was still seriously flawed.
gameplay wise it started off really well, your a scared girl trapped in a satanic ritualistic cave.
then you find a bow, go hunting, kill 1 guy, and all of a sudden from killing 2 things, it has turned you into a 20 year army veteran!

only GTA can win GOTY so far because its just simply had the best gameplay, and once for a change, a games actually FUN!
christ cant believe i just said that!
after IV was!?
surely not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

id like to think beyond will be in with a shot, but after playing the demo yesterday, im a little worried.
the new QTEs that force you to finish off jodies moves is really weird and hard to get use to.
just does not seem natural at all, the complete opposite quite jarring.
at least before you saw something coming and the game told you what to do, now the whole thing slows down taking you right out of the experience, and have to anticipate how to counter a movement.
dont like it at all!
hopefully story wise it will be typical cage, hopefully it will be as effecting and as much a rollercoaster ride as what heavy rain, and even TLoU was.
but as for GOTY, not a chance!

Last edited by ___________ on 9/26/2013 5:40:59 AM

10 years ago

(slightly spoilery)

"not a survival game at all", "there was not much stratergy difference between enemies either".

It's a survival-action game. Between the Hunters, fireflies/military and the 4 stages of infection, you do have to adapt your strategy between how much stealth you use, or avoiding them altogether. But there are consequences to the latter – if you sneak past some people, get seen before exiting the area (or are forced into action gameplay), means you're liable to getting hit from behind. I can tell you one time this was fatal for me.

When you're searching for Tess and Ellie in the museum, I sneaked past the clickers, and got to the runner trying to get through door. Little to my knowledge, you can't sneak up on him, so you have to make at least some noise to kill him. Then the clickers came up the stairs. And because of how narrow the corridor is, and because there was like 3 of them, I was effectively cornered. And what did I have to get out of this situation? About 7 9mm bullets. I actually had a brick but, it all happened so fast.

I mean yes, because it's an action game you can get past any of the above enemies with straight-up shooting. But because it's also a survival game, there is a pragmatic element to it; you have to think about ammo and health also, because they are both persistant. Even then, dropping in and out of stealth means less chance of being hit.

So it's actually a perfect blend of survival and action. Especially when it becomes an all out action game, making you feel all powerful (to a certain extent), but then stripping it all away when you get cocky. Meaning survival comes more to the fore, for example when you're in the sewers. Did anybody else notice there was plenty of rags, but zero bandages for about 3 hours? And there is a time through the game where you just won't get shotgun shells (contrasted to the sewers where you find the sawn-off shotgun). And because I find the shotgun the most versatile weapon in the game, it made me feel bad about using so needlessly.

So it uses the fact it's survival-action to shape the flow of the game, and how you approach differing situations.

(Sorry guys, I can't help myself when someone mindlessly bashes TLOU)

Last edited by Ludicrous_Liam on 9/26/2013 10:47:04 AM

10 years ago

thats exactly the problem though i never had to worry about my resources because they were always fully stocked.
so many times i used a health pack to replenish 1% of my health just so i could pick up a bottle of alcohol or a rag instead of leaving it sitting there going to waste if i never return.
never ever ever did i run out of ammo, even against the ridiculously overpowered bloaters i still had plenty of resources to deal with them.

if your playing a survival game then you should be forced to constantly make tough decisions on what to use and when.
you should be forced to customize and create equipment for yourself and use your ingenuity to improvise weapons.
it just feels far too much actiony, and no where near enough survivaly.
exactly why i was against ND doing this type of game in the first place, ND have always been obsessed with mindless hollywood set pieces they never were going to do this justice.
putting ND on a survival game is like asking michael bay to create a realistic car film.
all its going to be is, well, fast and furious six!

10 years ago

My bet is on The Last Of Us. It's just a beautifully crafted game. And I think The Walking Dead won last year if I remember correctly, so it won't be just about who is the biggest seller. The story plays a significant role.

10 years ago

TLOU deserves GOTY the most.

10 years ago

Out of all the games I have played thus year so far, I would have to say that 2 titles stand above the rest: The Last of Us, and Bioshock Infinite. I tried Gta V and I think it is way overhyped, and wasn't all that enjoyavble. The Last of Us and Bioshock Infinite left me with a feeling of awe. No game has made me feel for my charachters like these 2 titles have since Final Fantasy X. So needless to say if GTA V wins I will be sorely disapointed with the gaming community. I am looking forward to Beyond: Two Souls and can't wait to see how it stacks up against these other great titles.

10 years ago

Been playing FF12 international edition and so far its one of the best games I've played this year. Sure it didn't come out this year, but i had more fun with it than i did with Tomb Raider and Bioshock Infinite.

______ was spot on. 19 year old girl kills one guy and suddenly shes a rambo/terminator hybrid. I liked bioshock a lot but i haven't gone back for a second playthrough. TLOU is just… I've replayed it on every difficulty and the greatest experience is on the hardest difficulty. Having 6 bullets against an army of Clickers is the most thrilling thing i've played in a horror game, any game, in a long time.

For me, so far anyway, TLOU = GOTY, GTAV = action/adventure GOTY, FF12 IE = RPG GOTY, Metro Last Light = FPS GOTY. Metro is so good. I thought FPS's were dwindled down to the same crap over and over, besides Killzone and some of Halo. Aliens Colonial Marines would be my "The Room" GOTY. Its so bad its good. Actually, single player is horrible. But with friends it completely changes into something else.

I hope The Last Of Us gets game of the year.

10 years ago

yeah man its gunna be so hard to pick i mean i can't pick even though tgrough personal bias i'll probs got with "the last of us" but been then GT6 and beyond dam i hate to be the person who judging this year they cud get their heads ripped off.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

I think if we're being brutally honest, it's only between two games: TLOU & GTA5. Bioshock winning GOTY would be undeserved with those two releasing in the same year.

But there really is only one game that truly deserves GOTY 2013, and we all know what it is 😉

10 years ago

yup! GTA V 🙂

10 years ago

Only The Last of Us deserves GOTY recognition.

The other games are great, but they pale in TLoU's shadow, there's not even a debate to be had.

10 years ago

Thank u achillia cool avatar as well

10 years ago

Next time, hit the reply that's below the person's name, it makes it a lot easier. :]

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