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GTA Online Microtransactions Confirmed, Many Content Updates

Yesterday, microtransactions for Grand Theft Auto V Online were unofficially confirmed. Now they're finally official.

Rockstar Games has confirmed the existence of microtransactions – real-world money utilized to purchase in-game items – in GTAVO. Of course, players will also be able to earn money in the game by performing heists and other daring, dastardly robberies, such as knocking over armored cars.

However, don't think that you need to spend your real money in order to enjoy the online component of GTAV. The developer wanted to make it plain that they prepared for the "vast majority" of players not shelling out for in-game items:

"There is no in-game paywall and nothing that should disrupt the balance of the game. You don’t have to spend real money to attain the cars, guns, clothes, flash, and style of a high-roller in Los Santos, but can if you wish to get them a little quicker."

They also added that the online portion is balanced a little differently than the single-player economy, and revealed that cash will not transfer between the single-player and multiplayer modes. For instance, you will earn cash "much faster" when playing online. Lastly, Rockstar asked gamers to be patient when GTAV Online launches on October 1; there are bound to be "growing pains" for such a huge game:

"This sort of thing is inevitable in a massive open-world game and there'll surely be lots more unexpected oddities like this in the Online world next week. Rest assured we'll be monitoring and actively doing all we can to smooth such things out as they happen, but we need your help to find them, as well as your feedback to help fine tune all of the game's systems so everything is perfectly balanced."

You can expect plenty of content updates, which will begin to roll out several weeks after the launch. There's a Content Creator coming, for example, which will let players devise their own deathmatches and races, and there's the Beach Bum Pack, which includes four new vehicles, 300 new articles of clothing, and a couple new weapons. Oh, and Capture the Flag and fresh Heist missions can be expected as well.

The world of GTAV Online is gonna be massive…as if anybody is shocked.

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto V

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10 years ago

I really hope they keep their word on that. If I spend 8 hours throughout the week to get an Aston Martin and some kid who got 22$ from his parents, blows the car up with a Buzzard, I might never play GTAVO with strangers ever again.

10 years ago

That's the thing, I am hoping when you buy a car or something, you will have it unlocked permanently. It wouldn't make sense for you to pay for a vehicle only to have it destroyed for good 2 minutes later. If they're sensible, once you buy a vehicle you can keep it at you apartment. I imagine you'll have to upgrade apartments for a helipad, but that is fair enough.

10 years ago

I would hope it always respawns if you purchased it. Cripes, I have that same problem/feeling in single player. 1. I go spend money pimping my ride only to… 2. destroy it driving on a mission, only to… 3. abandon it during the mission.

If you do get car jacked a lot, it's going to be annoying pulling out that sweet ride you just bought only to go about 3 blocks and have it stolen, only to go back to your garage to get it again! HA

Stay Classy PSX…

10 years ago

I am against this, but I thought it would be interesting to see online car theft. Like if someone buys a ferrari with real money, a real player will try to steal it and keep it in their garage for a week.

It'll probably turn out to be some high speed car chases and rocket launcher battles to either destroy your own car or die trying.

10 years ago

I look forward to the news about the unforeseen chaos this will cause in the game.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

I hope that they include some Episodes from Liberty City-style content some time later on down the track.

10 years ago

and thats where most games go wrong.
whats the definition of "a little quicker"?
a little quicker, fine.
a metric f*cking sh*t ton quicker, ie give us your cash otherwise you wont get these items till you put 10 hours in, well, thats why so many people hate microtransactions!
they need to ballance it properly too, dont put people who have these additions against people who dont.
one of the biggest reasons i stopped playing online games, how the blazing hell am i suppose to compete with people who have weapons more powerful than mine, more health than me, more armour than me, more equipment then me?
putting a 20 year old beetle next to alonso F1 car is not exactly a fair fight………..

one thing thats really pissed me off with this is the weapon store, its half freaking empty!
so were expected to pay for half of the games weapons?
GTA has always been famous for its really cool quirky weapons, but all you have to enjoy here is the boring mundane crap every other game has!

10 years ago

Micros unless cosmetic always disrupt the balance in some way. There will always be the whales who drop huge amounts of money to get an advantage.

10 years ago

"However, don't think that you need to spend your real money in order to enjoy the online component of GTAV. The developer wanted to make it plain that they prepared for the "vast majority" of players not shelling out for in-game items"

So let me get this straight, the money you've earned towards single-player can be used to purchase items thru multiplayer or do you have to play thru to earn cash like by leveling up or something?

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 9/26/2013 1:57:16 PM

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

"They also added that the online portion is balanced a little differently than the single-player economy, and revealed that cash will not transfer between the single-player and multiplayer modes. For instance, you will earn cash "much faster" when playing online. "

Single player cash doesn't carry over to multiplayer.

10 years ago

Haha, I didn't read it carefully. Anyways that's a bummer. Imo that is a better route to take, "Single player cash carry over to multiplayer."

10 years ago

There will be plenty of spoiled brats who get $$ from daddy and/or mommy and will have the advantage over you and best believe they will talk a lot of smack on the headset…

I think I'll have more fun offline.

10 years ago

Way to milk it Rockstar.

10 years ago

It's real simple things are going to happen but if the so called gaming community doesn't speak up in the forums. Then nothing will change another words get off your lazy poor excuse of a gamer Heineken & post on those forums sheesh.

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