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Analyst: Grand Theft Auto V May Have A “Shorter Sales Tail”

Well, it does make sense that most gamers who really wanted Grand Theft Auto V already have it at home.

And that's why Cowen & Company analyst Doug Creutz says sales are "extremely front-loaded." In an investor's note , Creutz said the game will have a shorter sales tail due to "high gamer expectation" and the launch of the next-gen consoles in November.

He's now expecting sales of 25 million units in the first year, and estimates that based on the $1 billion three-day figure, Take-Two has already sold at least 15 million copies. The publisher has yet to announce any official numbers for the blockbuster title, besides that $1 billion update. Reaching that lofty plateau in only three days shatters the previous record of fifteen days set by Call of Duty: Black Ops II .

Creutz added that GTA Online will offer "ample opportunities" for content packs and microtransactions, which will result in even more income over the next few years:

"Call of Duty generates several hundred million dollars per year in digital revenue, and we think GTA could do the same. Success here would take significant pressure off of next year's as-of-yet undetermined title slate."

Nobody has officially confirmed the existence of microtransactions for GTAO, but they definitely appear to be coming . Will you be willing to shell out actual money to get in-game big-ticket items? Either way, Rockstar and Take-Two stand to make a ton of very real cash.

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto V

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10 years ago

Clearly this gentleman didn't take into account the additional sales once the PS4/Xbone/PC versions are released, sometime during 2014.

… Yes, it will. 😉

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/25/2013 11:57:59 AM

10 years ago

Doesn't seem that he did. I'm waiting for the PC or PS4 version to buy it, so I'm sure there have to be others waiting for the same reason I am. Though I'm sure there will also be people who purchase it again for PS4/XboxOne/PC after already having the PS3/Xbox360 version.

It's really hard to wait knowing that I could play it now, but I know I would regret buying it now, when the new versions come out. I don't want to buy it twice.

Last edited by FoReVeR_0515 on 9/25/2013 12:35:18 PM

10 years ago

You and me are in the exact same boat, my good man. And we're not alone in this boat.

There's just no way I'm buying a game like GTA5 for a machine that I will dump (trade in) in just a couple of months time. Forget it.
That is my main gripe with consoles, the fact that a game dies with the machine. It's not something I've fully realized the implications of until this last year. It really sucks hay-balls.

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/25/2013 3:32:58 PM

10 years ago

It only dies with the machine if you get rid of it. I'm planning to hang onto my PS3, as it's got a stack of games I enjoy, and there's a few games I'm still keen to play on it that I won't have got to before PS4 hits.

That said, I'm waiting on PS4 for GTA V – if only for a higher resolution, higher framerate and less loading times :).

10 years ago

Axe: Well that's what we are forced to do, isn't it. But the very idea of keeping all the computers you purchase just to run the software you bought for that particular machine is just so fundamentally dumb. This is how it was in the eighties.

The PS3 was my first console so this whole issue of non-compatibility didn't dawn on me until now. Come next gen I'll most definitely be a lot more picky with what I buy for the PS4, knowing that in the bigger scheme of things the purchases are only of temporary nature.

10 years ago

I'll be a later purchaser they can count on like my fellow Norwegian Mr. Beam.

10 years ago

The more the merrier – the faster R* will bring the goods to us.

10 years ago

Even with all my reservations about it, there's just nothing else like it, so eventually I'll end up buying it and just playing it while my wife sleeps or is out of the house.

10 years ago

pass on online and DLC online will be plauged with hacks and mods
DLC some hacker will most likely prove its on disc DLC and im not a fan of on disc DLC

"Call of Duty generates several hundred million dollars per year in digital revenue, and we think GTA could do the same."
when i see comments like it makes me wonder if their going to try and milk the Lambs dry

10 years ago
10 years ago

yeah GTA ha blown everything outta the water.

happy gaming =)

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