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GTAV Online Cash Cards Appear Real: Expected Pricing

A few days ago, we heard that Rockstar may be implementing microtransactions for the upcoming Grand Theft Auto V online component.

Now we have unofficial confirmation: According to "people with early access" to GTAO, as cited by Eurogamer , those cash cards are indeed real. They range from £1.99 ($3) to £13.49 ($22):

GTAV's online mode will launch on October 1. It's also interesting to note that while the online world is set in the same environment as the campaign, the prices for in-game items are different. For instance, a car that costs $1 million in single-player may only cost around $150,000 online. Franchise fans will also remember that generating money in any of the past entries wasn't difficult; usually, if you participate in most of the activities, by the end of the game, you have more money than you know what to do with.

But we're hearing reports from those who have immersed themselves in GTAV right from the start that money is a lot harder to come by. Well, at least in regards to the big-ticket items. And it seems the cash cards are Rockstar's way of saying, "if you want 'em, you may have to actually pay for 'em." I'm not down with that but maybe others will be.

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto V

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10 years ago

2 Questions:

1. If I were to buy a Vehicle through this online service – Would that vehicle be bought or if I were to destroy it would I have to buy another one.

2. Is there a way to earn money in the game through missions etc. Because I won't be paying with real currency…

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Of course you earn money throughout the game. It's just a matter of how much, and that depends on how much you do.

10 years ago

Well that is fair enough then. I wont really be buying much anyway. I'll just thief a car and keep it in my garage if I want one. I imagine the main reason I'll want money is to customise my character, nothing I would ever consider paying real money for of course…

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

You can play the stock market, buy real estate, and of course, do as many missions and activities as possible. All of that will earn you money to purchase property, vehicles, equipment, character and vehicle customizations and upgrades, etc.

You just may not be able to earn enough to buy something like a fighter jet, and that's where the microtransactions would come into play. Just a guess.

10 years ago

Whats more interesting is if I can steal your car in multiplayer. They have to allow you right? That's the essence of the franchise.

Im sure your car will get totaled constantly by the other players. Either ppl will buy more cars or everyone just steals. A dangerous bet to use micro-transaction, Win all or lose all

10 years ago

If they have any sense in their heads at all the car will respawn in your garage some time after you destroy it. Otherwise it's just extortion in a game like this.

10 years ago

The R* website says you buy car insurance. So most likely the car will reappear in your garage as long as you get insurance.

10 years ago

So now you have to buy insurance to secure your purchase? WTF? Thats rediculous.

Money on top of money on top of money. I hate that. Worlds right thats borderline extortion.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 9/25/2013 3:53:38 PM

10 years ago

It is.. It's a video game not the real world.

10 years ago

All I can do is smirk about this. I hate this business practice.

Although this reminds me of what DS3 did. Where all the items were conpletely obtainable without paying for them. However if you wanted them early or didnt want to work for items, then you could pay for them. So I didnt have to participate.

Im just not a fan of paying for items. I dont mind big dlc and expansion packs but when purchasing an in game car or gun is where I draw the line.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 9/25/2013 11:40:42 AM

10 years ago

Wow, are you kidding me R*, playing in a fantasy world in game w/real life money involved to have to pay up to buy a car/buy another one with more real money if we destroy it in game (assume weapons will be involve to). If this is the case this is just ridiclous absurd business guys!

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 9/25/2013 12:02:12 PM

10 years ago

Why would I buy a car in GTA when they are everywhere for the taking?

Anyways, this cash card model would be a lot more enticing if it would also work the other way: exchanging in-game money for real-world money. Like that would ever happen. Unless you're able to send in-game money to another player (and get paid in real life).

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

You'd obviously only buy very rare vehicles that you can't just take.

10 years ago

As usual those who pay more get the advantage in online play.

So, why sharks?

10 years ago

because they eat yo green home skizzlee

10 years ago

It's a reference to in-game bank ads, a parody comparing banks to loan sharks.

10 years ago

Do the banks break your legs if you don't pay up?

10 years ago

looks like R* games is looking at Pay 2 win MMOS and taking ideas from them and incorporating them into their own franchise which has a die hard audience of sheep

id expect nothing less of a company whos biggest franchise based around stealing

i guess their game got to their heads and now they wanna steal $$ from sheep that are blinded by their love of GTA

also those prices are ridiculous those tickets just scream RMT just a dev doing it to the fans how low can they get

Last edited by Lunar_Miyuki on 9/25/2013 5:00:27 PM

10 years ago

Not something very pleasant I wanted to come home early to. Well, GG.

10 years ago

i dunno about money being harder to come buy in V.
you can play the stock market and do side missions to advantage a company you have invested in.
there may be fewer ways to make money, but the payout is always allot bigger especially with the big heists.
theres allot less to buy in V, in previous games you were relying on safe houses and businesses to supply you with missions.
no more spending half your bank account just so you can continue with the missions like previous games.
money now is just for lavishes, and the heists supply you with more than enough to spoil yourself rotten!

10 years ago

That $$$ "exploit" in the game (OOPS SORRY) will come in Very handy then eh?

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