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Kojima Hints At Startling Size Of MGSV: The Phantom Pain

The video game landscape has gone open-world crazy.

Even franchises that have traditionally been linear are beginning to branch out. This is definitely true for the upcoming Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain , because Hideo Kojima just tossed out a pretty insane statistic…

As translated by NeoGAF poster raven777 , it seems the Ground Zeroes portion of MGSV is only about 1/300 the size of the total area found in the rest of the game (the Phantom Pain section). Kojima has said before that The Phantom Pain areas will be much bigger, and Ground Zeroes will act as a prologue and give players a chance to adapt to the new sandbox style. We're assuming Kojima is referring to the entirety of the rest of the game as compared to Ground Zeroes but still, that's impressive.

And it gives us a good idea of what to expect from MGSV. If you're a long-time series fan, what do you think about this new open-world focus?

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

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10 years ago

I fear open world attacking games and messing up developers' focus, it generally does not bode well where it hasn't belonged before.

10 years ago

so this is basically sneaking in ever quest with a gun? c'mon…
imo i would've preferred a linear play

10 years ago

Anyone else see the english MGS5 trailer?
Its in Gameinformer. Check it out if you wanna hear more Sutherland Snake's voice.

10 years ago

Don't like it.

The part where he goes "Kept you waiting huh", it was my first time actually seeing his face talk with Sutherlands voice, and boyyyyyy it does not fit one single bit.

it looks like a video on youtube where someone has dubbed sutherlands voice in it.

10 years ago

oh my God he sounds so stupid!

10 years ago

I think his voice is fine.
But "Kept you waiting, huh?" is just not his line to say.

10 years ago

I thought it'd be fine, but his voice is much too mellifluous for the character.

10 years ago

He is too soft. He has a very low voice for sure, but it isn't as rough as Hayters.

10 years ago

Way too soft. For the first time I believe Kojima made a bad decision

10 years ago

I love the fact that there is going to be so many open world games but only if they can create a rich, dense, lively environment like a linear world can create.

PRO: I think that MGS going open world will raise the tension level for those that actually try to play as stealthy as possible.

CON: It won't be as story centric (or cut-scene heavy) compared to the other games.

10 years ago

If that's so that is very impressive… On the demo the base had at least 12 camps surrounding it that were as big as the one Snake infiltrated.

I just wonder if it you are able to travel from one place to the other with you truck or if you have to be transported out of areas via helicopter. The appeal to an open world is having the ability to travel not just jump from area to area.

My concern is the structure of the story and gameplay. I noticed on the demo it started with a mission select feature… this to me breaks the mold of previous Metal Gears heavily. I enjoyed going from one area to the next in Shadow Moses or The Plant of course the scale was not anywhere near s big but the places really began to grow on you because they weren't cut off as levels, the more you explored the environment the more it took its toll and engrossed you in the game.

As for story, I am not too worried as the trailers for the story we have seen so far look superb.While I can imagine there will be less interruptions I think after MGS4 that might be a good thing, I think anyone who has replayed the game will agree on that.

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