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Beyond: Two Souls Cost About $27 Million

It sounds like a lot, but some massive AAA productions require well over $100 million in development, marketing and distribution costs.

According to a report in French publication Le Figaro (as cited by CVG ), Quantic Dream's promising new PlayStation 3 exclusive title, Beyond: Two Souls , cost about $27 million (£16.8 million/€20 million) to make.

We don't know if that number includes marketing but we know that Quantic's previous project, Heavy Rain cost $22 million to create, $10 million to distribute, and about $8 million to advertise. Of course, as the critically acclaimed drama ended up generating $100 million, the developer definitely turned a profit. It looks like they're aiming for a similar – or even greater – financial success with Beyond . With many more PS3 owners now as compared to 2010 when Heavy Rain launched, it's definitely possible.

Beyond features some serious star power, with Ellen Page ("Inception," "Juno") assuming the lead role and Willem Dafoe ("The Boondock Saints," "Spider-Man") playing a scientist. Kadeem Hardison ("A Different World," "White Men Can't Jump") is also involved, and they even got Hans Zimmer ("The Lion King," "Pirates of the Caribbean" to produce the soundtrack! Beyond: Two Souls is slated to arrive on October 8.

Related Game(s): Beyond: Two Souls

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10 years ago

Ill wait for the Ps4 version. And if its not free to play I'm just not interested altogether.


Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
10 years ago

This is a cross gen title? I wasn't aware of this.

10 years ago

He's being facetious.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
10 years ago

I suspected that, but also really wanted it to be true. Anyone know when the demo is going to make it's debut on the PSN?

10 years ago

But Im not being facetious when I say "someone give me a lot of money because I just got my fourth PLATINUM trophy!"

Yah yah I know it's nothing compared to Ben's rack of CoD platinums =p

10 years ago

Wow that game sounds like a downright bargain to produce. Yep, Sony and QD should have no problem turning a nice little profit for themselves. But jeeze, with Heavy Rain, 45% of it's total costs were in just getting the game to consumers? Yikes!

10 years ago

I have not a doubt that this will top Heavy Rain as my favorite game of this generation. I usually don't root for a monumental success of any one single game, but, for this one, I'm making an exception.

10 years ago

I have mine all paid for, so excited!

10 years ago

If pre-orders are anything to go by, they should make at least half of that back in opening week. I know I have mine pre-ordered and time set aside to dive right into this as soon as it releases.

10 years ago

That's not much at all.

10 years ago

GTAV cost 265mill (plus marketing)…but they did make over $1bill…so seems like video games are worth the investment – IF…they're marketed and made right of course.

10 years ago

wow i mean with respect to other projects it didn't cos so much aye and it looks like a top notch game.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

and what half of that was spent on names?
im hoping the big name actors are actually going to bring some extra believability to the characters, and not just be another big expense just for the sake of writing it on the box.
plus, who buys a game just because of who did the characters voices?

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