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The Evil Within: Be Quiet And Set Traps, Or Just Blast Away

Shinji Mikami is the man. Anybody who helped bring us the iconic Resident Evil indeed qualifies as "the man."

And during a recent OXM interview , we learn about the different ways players can approach his latest project, The Evil Within , which is coming to current- and next-gen consoles.

The ongoing trend in gaming today is choice, and Mikami has opted to embrace that trend. If you'd like to be quiet and tactful, you can adopt the stealthy approach and sneak around, setting traps and trying to remain unnoticed. Mikami added that in terms of weapons, there won't be anything "fancy," so you won't be finding the BFG's cousin anywhere. But if you like, you can go full-throttle and equip yourself with plenty of firearms.

Traps, apparently, are a big part of the game, as you will also come across traps set by enemies. This reminds me very much of the old Deception games on the original PlayStation, remember those? It was all about setting traps and either hiding or luring your foes to their grisly deaths. As The Evil Within is survival/horror, my guess is that it would make more sense to be quiet rather than loud…I'm gonna have to check out those traps.

Related Game(s): The Evil Within

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10 years ago

I'm definitely gonna be a sneaker, I'm all in for this game.

However, I still think that a game is much better when it specializes in one form of gameplay. When you have those choices to approach how you want the enemy AI breaks out of their training to adapt and usually ends up acting generically. The developers try to compensate by making non-stealth encounters more difficult and you wind up with cheap deaths by buggy AI. It's best just to specialize, always.

10 years ago

The man, is a way of putting it. The guy needed to come back though. I really hope after this, horror games will make a huge come back. Jump scares ARE not horror. Walking into a dark room hearing something moving around and all you have is a flashlight to see is scary. As for the choices bit, well he knows what he's doing. I have faith in The man.

10 years ago

This game looks sweet. Crapcom is probably sorry now that Mikami is no longer apart of their team.

10 years ago

plenty of traps, characters who are actually scary and seriously f*cked up, and a real dark twisted mood and setting.
yup, its about f*cking time someone got survival horror right!
creating dark rooms and giving people limited resources is one thing, but if the environment and characters are not terrifying than its just going to get really boring and really frustrating really quickly!
wish the condemned series would come back, monolith really were the only ones who understood how to do survival horror right.

10 years ago

I don't mind the choice, but I would prefer if the game was made more on the sneaking side. Like MGS, the game should become nearly impossible to go through when being discovered. Now, it seems when you're discovered, you can just gun your way through. In other words, not much punishment, so the motive to be sneaky may be too low for me.

10 years ago

I like what I hear and see from Evil With In so far. I will be keeping an eye on it in the future.

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