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Pissed Off Gamers Attack GameSpot’s “Feminist” GTAV Review

This is almost too sensitive to touch, but I'll be gentle.

GameSpot's review of Grand Theft Auto V is now live, and the score is a solid 9.0. That's pretty darn good, but the score isn't the object of many a gamer's wrath right now.

Thanks to this "news" publication , which really heated up N4G, everyone is taking notice of the reaction to that review. Many gamers are annoyed that the critic in question, Carolyn Petit, called the game "misogynistic" and because of that apparent feminine bias, gave the game a lower score than it deserved. One especially irate poster even started a petition to get Petit fired for the review. Yes, fired.

Having been a critic for over 13 years, this is not an easy debate. First and foremost, though, let me begin by saying this- the idea that a critic should be fired for stating an opinion is not only laughable, it's illogical. You hired that individual to state his or her opinion, yes? Granted, that person should be an expert in the field, and understands that there are various qualitative aspects in all video games. And that person should be able to properly evaluate those aspects, as Petit clearly does (and has done) in her reviews. I'm also fairly certain she didn't break any company rule.

That being said, the issue of opinion affecting a review score is a difficult one. For instance, you will notice a comment on N4G that says, in so many words: "So, just because I don't like Japanese games, I'd give every Yakuza a 1/10?" That's a valid point. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's lacking in quality; personal preference has no bearing on quality. Unfortunately, because gaming is very complex, and there are both opinion-based and fact-based elements in any review, the issue becomes awfully hazy. How can we prove Petit docked GTAV a half-point or something like that because she was offended as a female gamer? And even if she did , would that be acceptable in that particular situation?

For my part, I have no problem with the review. And do you know why? Because all Petit's reasons for the score were explained in full in the analysis. If the review had been posted and nothing about misogyny had been mentioned, and we found out later that she had indeed lowered her score for that reason, without explaining why, I'd take issue with that. But we can read. I would read that and go, "oh, so this game maybe got to her a little, and she scored it a mite lower." My conclusion is that the game is probably worthy of a 9.5 or even higher, and I have the information I need; I have the information for which I read reviews. And I have it because she gave me every detail I required.

Whining about the score is just childish, and has absolutely nothing to do with the critic. Rather, it has everything to do with the immature nature of some gamers who unfortunately plague many a forum and community.

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto V

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10 years ago

Isn't the "she" really a dude?

10 years ago

Maybe she's a hermaphrodite.

10 years ago

Dude look like a lady.

10 years ago

Good to know Im not the only one who noticed it….

10 years ago

Its a trap! Not a very good trap tho.

10 years ago

You all may not know but he/she started going through "gender reassignment" a few years ago. he/she was born a man but transferred over to a female look. The point I was making is he/she is still a dude and I find it hilarious that the backlash he/she is receiving depicts he/she as a female with a female mentality.

Last edited by LimitedVertigo on 9/16/2013 11:39:53 PM

10 years ago

Shows you how gender identity really throws people off who can't look at somebody and tick a box.

10 years ago

I am aroused.

PSN French
PSN French
10 years ago

I agree it isn't fair to call a game misogynistic, when it's trying to be satirical. Part of the dark humor requires an exaggeration of perceived qualities in our society. However, I still thought his/her review was good.

10 years ago

I thought she did a good job on the review as well. But I really believe that Gamespot wanted to rile up the readers for more hits on the site with the critic they chose to use and they knew she would rub the readers the wrong way. This is going to be a 2 for 1 ratings boost for Gamespot. They know this is going to get all the irate, egocentric, elitist who think there opinion is the only one that matters to release their nerd rage. With all the irate comments they will be receiving, they will have plenty of fuel for there next segment of Feedbackula.

Last edited by BigT_1980 on 9/16/2013 10:27:18 PM

10 years ago

I'm not even going to bother to read it, they wanted her to do it so they wanted her input and she gave it.

Unless it's purely unreasonable like Tom Chick or Jim Sterling then there's nothing to be upset over really. It's not a 2 or even the dreaded 7, maybe she thought GTA's parody has headed into dumb territory I dunno.

10 years ago

yah, haven't read it. Don't care to.

…but I wonder what she'd say about DOA. haha

10 years ago

Fanboys gonna fanboy.

10 years ago


You can't review a game based on your views of society. And BTW this game reflects society anyway. Saying what she said just means she denies all that happens on a daily basis.

She should be fired because I don't want to read a review that is affected by someone's view of society. EX: the person does not like gay couples so gives lower score to ME or something. That person should not be allowed to review for a big source like GameSpot. It is also unfair for the developer in question to have a biased person judge and rate their game.

All in all when I read a review I want a neutral opinion. IF the reviewer has disdain for certain subjects, just don't review that game. Go review the next Dora or something. You know what I mean. This is a mature game based on society. For sure it's going to be messed up.

Or at least state your opinion but leave it as a side dish. Like: Part of this game was not for me blah blah. Don't let your own personal tastes impact the review.

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 9/16/2013 10:57:31 PM

10 years ago

GTA reflects society??
Hmm… I guess you shoot a lot more bazookas while casually walking down the street than I do.

10 years ago

Yes! Thank you OverBerg. This review I don't mind, Keza's from IGN was annoying. Apparently GTVA is some kind of social commentary/essay on everyday American life. She needs to go.

Last edited by Jawknee on 9/17/2013 12:48:47 AM

10 years ago

Well it's pretty much a mature satire of society. Im not talking about how you can shoot people with bazookas. Although you could and if you would cops would try to kill you. Only diff is that you can do w/e you want in gta. But the attitude of the characters are society stereotypes. She knew what she was playing beforehand. Her opinion was un-needed it was just there for her to have her little propaganda moment. You don't review GTA thinking it will reek of respect with poneys and chidren holding hands singning a choir. What she said was totally out of place. And if she has so little experience that she did not know gta was a mature satire of society, she should not have been allowed/hired to do this.

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 9/17/2013 10:22:40 PM

10 years ago

By now no one should be surprised by any of the actions in a GTA game. If the Hybrid reviewer ( credit to LV ) has been a critic for over thirteen years, there should have been some foreknowledge of what to expect and it shouldn't affect the score.

10 years ago

Gamers are getting worse and worse…

10 years ago

They are. Its starting to get ridiculous.

10 years ago

Nope. Reviewers are. A lot of them are trying to push unjustified feminist propaganda at us and force their opinions. It is actually good that people get angry so maybe they stop doing it.

10 years ago

Eh, as far as crazy gamer behavior goes this is pretty tame. I think we can file this one under "internet culture" more than "gamer culture".

10 years ago

Sorry I file this under Gamers whining yet again and acting like fools.

10 years ago

I accept your apology.

10 years ago

Oh come on. Has Gamespot ever really score a game higher than a 9. I don't think I've ever seen it. As far as I'm concerned that's a perfect score from them.

10 years ago

gta 4 scored 10.

Now what say you?

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 9/16/2013 11:35:05 PM

10 years ago

I say so what? My comment clearly shows I'm unsure of myself on the topic. I'm was aware that they may have scored a few 10s in their time. But its very rare. That's what I was trying to emphasize. Fallout 3, Bioshock, Bioshock Infinite, Journey, Halo 4, Skyrym, Uncharted 3, Borderlands 2 all scored 9s ot lower. Red Dead and Uncharted 2 scored 9.5s. All game of the year contenders. My point is 9 is a great score and a bunch of dudes having a problem of what a female critic giving her personal opinion, which she's free to do and is what she's paid to do on a game reeks of irony.

10 years ago

She's not paid to give her opinion. She's paid to review a game and she represents GAMESPOT.

She gives a critique of all the aspects of the game/mechanics and how the story is chained and so on.

I don't give a rat's ass about what *Catherine* thinks. I look at the review thinking this is what *GAMESPOT* thinks.

BUT to mix in her personal beliefs about different views and to LOWER the score for that reason is WRONG. I don't care what the score is in the end. Lowering the score of a game based on your own views/religion or w/e should not be something acceptable when you are a big reviewer like gamespot. Thats is why it is wrong. And to prove what I say you can clearly see that GTA4 got a 10 because it was not impacted by a dumb reviewer. It was judged for what it was. And like I said I totally don't mind them saying how *this game would not be for them because they support feminism or w/e* But don't lower the score for that reason.

10 years ago

Not sure why people put so much stock in reviewers, it's one person opinion and this person gave it a 9/10 not 2.5/10 or 6.0 out of 10.

And the people who think GTA V should got a higher score they're not helping the game and their case if they're attacking the critic's sexuality.

Last edited by JDC80 on 9/17/2013 12:29:45 AM

10 years ago

Ugh. This whole outrage with her review is b.s. and blown way out of proportion. Whatever Carolyn's gender identity is has absolutely nothing to do with the final outcome of the game, no matter if she used the word misogyny in the review. The people complaining about scoring the game a very solid 9 are just little kids who have to complain about something. As Ben states, the review is still valid and all points are laid out fairly well. Do I agree with all of it? No. Will this change whether or not I purchase the game? No. Just read her review and then make your own decision once you play the game. You're going to buy it anyway, just like me.

10 years ago

I brought up her gender confusion as an ironic coincidence based on the backlash he/she has received.

10 years ago

How very Gloria Steinem of him. If true, about she really being a he, which a quick Google search seems to confirm, it's kinda hard to take his complaints seriously. Should he be fired? Absolutely not. Should gamers get over it( 9/10 is still a damn good score) Absolutely.

Last edited by Jawknee on 9/17/2013 12:32:22 AM

10 years ago

OKay first of all, it is not correct to refer to her as "he".

Second, are you serious? You really think, regardless of gender perspective, that her opinion can't be taken serious because "she's really a he"? What elitist nonsense is that?

But yes, gamers should get over it. It's not even though she disliked the game! Merely said that it has some issues.

10 years ago

First of all, Get bent. His DNA says he's a he so he's a he. I will not be party to a lie in order to advance your PC agenda.

Second of all, Get bent again as a man who's pretending to be a lady obviously has ZERO understanding of what it means to be on the receiving end of misogyny given the fact she is really a he.

10 years ago

Jawks not American because his DNA says he's Mexican.

10 years ago

It's just one review, and she/he gave it a 9. Stop being so overly critical and enjoy the game. Does one review make you enjoy the game any less? Chances are you've already bought/pre-ordered the game prior to reading the review anyways.

10 years ago

Oh no guys, never mind this story, the DC shooter played violent video games. Get ready for another wave.

10 years ago

Of course, GTAV played a role it only released an hour ago.

Please, everyone and their mamas plays "games". Might as well blame Candy Crush or Angry Birds.

Last edited by cLoudou on 9/17/2013 1:19:01 AM

10 years ago

Even though GTA V comes out after the guy's dead, guess which game will get all the anger?

Oh well, it will just help sales.

10 years ago

They're using the old, reliable Call of Duty scapegoat so far.

10 years ago

Reading reviews for a proven franchise like Grand Theft Auto isn't worth the time.

10 years ago

Totally agree with you. I believe part of all this silliness is because people bypass the review and just look at the score. Clearly for a game like GTAV, people are outraged that someone could give it a 9/10.

10 years ago

First of all if someone identifies their gender as a female, we should call her "she". Not he/she or what have you. It's polite and in 2013 we should be more enlightened.

I read this review before I knew there was a controversy and I thought everything about it was fair. This was not the only review that I read that commented on the utter lack of women in this game. Certain other aspects of the game such as the waterboarding and racial implications can be interpreted as purposeful to the satirical nature of GTA, even though it may make some uncomfortable. But the idea that the game includes no major female characters, and the background females are largely portrayed to be dumb or bitchy, I can understand how that can raise eyebrows. Especially in the current era with a quickly increasing base of core female gamers.

10 years ago

I am woman and Ive had zero problem with the content in GTA games the thing with this type of setting is if R did include stronger women they would no different than the males just another thug.

Rockstar showed they can have strong female characters in Red Dead Redemption Bonnie MacFarlane was excellent.

10 years ago

I agree with reryan. If a reviewer says in their opinion the game doesn't represent women well then they may have a valid point.

It will be for us to take this opinion on board (as part of the wider collection of reviews) and evaluate rationally as adults.

This backlash is just another example of the immaturity of this artistic medium and just more fuel to the fire of kids equals videogames debate.

I come to this site however for adult and rational news and discussion. Never disappointed!

10 years ago

Okay, I want to be a dinosaur. Please refer to me as a dinosaur. Thanks!

10 years ago

yeah idk if people sud get up in arms about it but i think i people wanted further explaination they sud have just asked i mean thats the logical and 'mature' thing to do right.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

OMG! One person didn't like the game. Let's execute her for having a different opinion.

Video games don't make people violent. Stupid, on the other hand . . .

10 years ago

I'd just like to point out she gave the game a NINE OUT OF TEN. She really, really liked it! She just thought it wasn't quite a 10. I agree with you, btw, I am just blown away that some folks on the internet don't seem to understand 9 out of ten is an excellent, amazing score.

10 years ago

I just read her review. She's reviewing Grand Theft Auto and she's complaining about the game celebrating sexism. When in the past GTA you can chainsaw a prostitute and etc..

But the thing that bothers me most is her last sentence.

"Your time in Los Santos may leave you with a few psychological scars, but you shouldn’t let that stop you from visiting."

I think Carolyn and the guy that started a petition for her to be fired needs help. ASAP. Hehe.

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