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Analyst: GTAV Should Outpace GTAIV In First-Month Profit

How much money is Grand Theft Auto V worth? Oh, about $1 billion…and that's just for the first month.

According to GameSpot , Robert W. Baird analyst Colin Sebastian believes the hotly anticipated blockbuster will net in excess of $1 billion in its first month of availability. Said Sebastian:

"Given the significantly higher installed base of relevant console platforms at launch, greater sales concentration among the top video game franchises, and unprecedented pentup demand, we expect GTAV to outpace GTAIV sales, and generate roughly $1 billion in retail sales during the first month."

Don't forget that GTAIV launched way back in April of 2008, so there's no doubt that the installed console user base is much higher these days. GTAIV managed to sell 11 million copies in its first month, which translated to $900 million. So, given so many more console owners out there, if GTAV doesn't top $1 billion, something went horribly wrong. …and given the early review scores, that probably won't happen.

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto V

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10 years ago

Well it sure looks like a much better game than IV. Also it would be sweet to see a game where the devs take their time beat the deuce out of CoD.

10 years ago

No kidding. Which is why I find it odd so many gave GTAIV a perfect score. I honestly hated that game with in the first hour.

10 years ago

Me too, Jawk.
I believe what happened back then was that everyone and their grandparents took for granted that the only question about the next GTA would be if it was a perfect ten or not. Anything else was unthinkable.

So GTA4 was a game that floated heavily on the merits of its franchise.
This time around though… Well *everything* I've seen so far looks just fantastic.

10 years ago

I think the "living, breathing" city in GTAIV hoodwinked everyone.

10 years ago

It did look impressive at that time, that is true World.

Last edited by Beamboom on 9/18/2013 3:13:44 AM

10 years ago

well i'd like to see a game this yeah do better than COD and smack some of that aragance(not sure of the spelling forgive me) outta activision

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

i dunno if its going to be that popular, i was really shocked how quiet the shops were today.
go on the launch of COD you cant freaking move!
today, well, no one was there.
the manager of my local EB store too was pissed, they opened for a midnight launch and he said only a few people turned up they still have a ton of stock sitting out back.
they even had 4 people on for today expecting a busy day when they normally only have two.
maybe GTA just aint the name it use to be?
or maybe people are still pissed and disappointed with what IV was.
im going the latter………
sorry R*, but take THE most popular franchise in the industry, and turn it into taxi driver simulator 4, and, well, you brought this upon yourself.

10 years ago

Might get it as I never really took to GTAIV. Hated the lack of checkpoints in the missions and the dodgy driving. Meant I was forever replaying missions which made me stop and trade it in.

If it takes the lessons learned from RDR and Max Payne then the new one should be good. Wasn't too busy in EB Games today in the city as blank said. None of my colleagues at work are getting it yet. All happy to wait and see for a bit.

10 years ago

Many people will still be waiting to see if it does come to the next gen consoles too. I can't understand why they didnt release it as a cross gen title. They would still have the huge user base as well as help push systems for the next gen too.

Personally after IV I'm taking a wait and see approach on this one, but if it's not announced for PS4 by Christmas I might pick up the PS3 version then. If they announce a PS4 version soon after that, well they will never see my money again.

10 years ago

This game is going to be a monster-next gen consoles or not. At the Gamestop that I frequent, they had people out the door and fifty yards down the sidewalk for the midnight launch. It's not perfect, but I'm liking what I've seen so far.

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