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Rockstar Trying To Figure Out Why GTAV Is Selling Too Early

Everyone is champing at the bit to play Grand Theft Auto V .

But you still have to respect the street date, and that isn't happening for some reason. According to , Rockstar is currently investigating how the anticipated title has been selling from Amazon.

The mega online retailer evidently broke the street date, which means that some copies have already shipped to those who pre-ordered the game, well before the September 17 launch date. Said a Rockstar representative:

"We are in the process of investigating early 'sales' to determine how and why that is occurring."

We don't know "why" it's occurring, but we're willing to bet that there are a few very surprised – and very happy – gamers out there right now. Of course, we'd want business to proceed as usual and no rules should be broken, but these things tend to happen…although Rockstar obviously would rather they didn't.

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto V

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10 years ago

Sounds like they don't believe they are actual sales.

10 years ago

Probably just a shipping mistake. With a company as big as Amazon, its bound to happen.

10 years ago

Oh well. It's not the end of the world that a couple of people got it early. We're all getting it Tuesday regardless.

10 years ago

Js one more day I can barely control myself lol

10 years ago

That's a nice cartoon slag you got there 🙂

10 years ago

well idk wat to think but um i'm not bothered cos i'm not the biggest GTA i haven't warmed to it yet it's not a bad game just not my cup of tea atm.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

not surprising, my copy shipped from JB on friday!
still not here yet though…..
wont ever be buying anything off their site ever again thats for sure, i cant believe they dont give you a tracking number!
plus there full of sh*t, their sales support team said all their items are sent via sign at delivery so by law there has to be someone to accept delivery, they cant just leave it at the door.
but also by law if you require a signature, your required to provide a tracking number as well.
stingy lying bastards!

10 years ago

its a saying we get told from young….. money talk. wouldn't be suprised if some customers paid beyond the required price for a early copy…… for sum games cant say u blame whoever does.

besides that my slim 320g ps3 stop reading disc…. whenever i power it & everything loads up the driver makes aloud clunk noise, the clock even rotates showing its reading but stops & never does. kind of fortunate we in the day & age consoles can download whole games like a pc….. thats my solution for the rest of my Ps3 gaming, got no intention of buying another system til Ps4…..

truth be told really dont want to support digital download, value pyhsical copy of certain things more. seeing Ps3 got couple years left in delivering i ride out with the state of this 1….. just hope neither Sony, Micro or Nintendo spending time dishing out faulty systems with weak drivers to over turn gamers to digital…..

10 years ago

A some people got their copies on Friday/Saturday. It's not really a problem. I am avoiding Youtube for spoilers. I want to experience the game myself not on a computer screen. So I am surprised so many others are giving in to such stupidity. Why anticipate a game then watch spoilers online. I do sympathise with R* on that.

Mine didn't arrive today though, I'm hoping tomorrow it will. otherwise I will be furious. If people got it Saturday, there is no excuse for mine not to arrive tomorrow.

10 years ago

Ultimatedesires – " I'm hoping tomorrow it will. otherwise I will be furious. "

To avoid this will be the reason for shipping it a day or so earlier. Especially as it's a really popular release and the post system will be flooded.

10 years ago

Come tomorrow, I'll be $60 richer than all of you. ;P

10 years ago

Shhh, don't tell them or they'll take our money and purchase DLC with it.

10 years ago

Wouldn't that suck if they already had an online safety measure in place that banned people who played early?

10 years ago

One guy put some gameplay videos on YT, R* let the videos be there but talked with MS to ban the guy's account xD

10 years ago

One guy put some gameplay videos on YT, R* let the videos be there but talked with MS to ban the guy's account xD

10 years ago

sneaky sons of bartches, it's not his fault they got it to him early.

10 years ago

It might not be the fact that anyone got the game to him early though. I know for certain that 360 copies of games, especially big ones wind up on torrent sites well before street date.

When Halo 3 came out I was working at a gamestop as assistant manager and one of our game advisors was telling everyone how he had it two weeks early because someone had ripped the disc and upped it at a popular site.

For some reason, 360 games get ripped well before they even ship out. Mayhap there are disgruntled people on the inside, I don't know.

10 years ago

Which is why a heavy handed approach to it by Rockstar is bad, too indiscriminate for who is evil and who is innocent.

10 years ago

The problem was that he uploaded videos before the release date, some people are obsessed with having a bunch of likes ans subscribers on their YT channels so putting gameplays before the official release date of course gonna do the trick, if he just played the game instead of upload those videos I'm sure R* wouldn't make MS ban the guy account.

10 years ago

I saw MAG selling at a local store about a week before the official release and thought about getting it, but then released that as it was an online only game, there wouldn't be anyone online…not even sure if the servers would've been online. Did not end up getting the game.

10 years ago

In all likelihood they didn't want complaints from gamers who did not receive it on release date so they shipped it a few days early to make sure. Considering the amount of post and parcels going through the system everyday I'm not surprised they wanted to give themselves the best opportunity to meet delivery expectations.

As for gamers being banned that is really not fair. I preordered SR4 (£7 with my credit card points) and I have no idea what the release date was. I just know the game arrived and I played it. Could have been early or late for all I know.

10 years ago

Nah they I know they only banned one guy for uploading videos before the release date, people that just play it are safe.

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