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Abrams: Star Trek: The Video Game Was A “Big Disappointment”

Star Trek: The Video Game turned out badly. But don't think J.J. Abrams doesn't care.

He cares. In fact, during a recent interview , he said he was emotionally impacted by t he game's failure. Basically, he called it a "big disappointment" and in fact, he thinks it actually hurt the film.

"The last game, which was obviously a big disappointment to me, was something that we were actually involved in at the very beginning of it, and then we sort of realized that it was not going in a place where we were going to get what we wanted, so we dropped out and they continued to do it despite…you know…"

He said that because the title was universally panned, it couldn't possibly have helped the movie, "Into Darkness," and that it might've taken away potential ticket sales. Abrams also acknowledged that most games based on movies (and movies based on games) don't do very well, and that most gamers just see such projects as cash-in marketing endeavors:

"I think the thing that we all know, anyone who loves video games and loves movies: Very, very rarely does a movie based on a game, or a game based on a movie, really work. It usually ends up being something that everyone who goes to see or goes to play feels like this was a marketing decision made by a room full of people who wanted to capitalize on a title. That's no way to make a game and no way to make a movie."

Well, at least he understands that. So, maybe the next time he sets out to collaborate on a video game, he'll know what to look for and what to avoid. The game in question really was bad; there's no getting around that. But maybe Abrams can just file it away as a learning experience.

Related Game(s): Star Trek: The Video Game

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10 years ago

Dude, your game sucks, pure and simple. Some games based on movies do sell well. James Bond Golden Eye if I remembered correctly. Movies based on game. Tomb Raider. Maybe not critically acclaimed but it did sell well. I think.

10 years ago

And I'll just add The Walking Dead. It did very well. Most gamers don't deny the quality of a game if it deserves it even if it just a marketing decision made by a room full of people who wanted to capitalize on a title.

10 years ago

Those are exceptions, and there's very few of them. It's not like he said all games based on movies suck.

10 years ago

Yep, I'm a Bad Robot. It just that, he thinks most gamers are simple minded that when a game that is based on a film didn't do well it's because most of us see them only as a marketing ploy.

10 years ago

Abrams should have insisted on more creative control during contract negotiations on the game tie-in, then the studio that made it couldn't have run roughshod on the development like they did.

Like you said Ben, maybe he'll keep this experience in the back of his mind the next time a studio wants to do a game tie-in to one of the movies he produces.

Last edited by JROD0823 on 9/13/2013 12:22:15 PM

10 years ago

Star Trek Into Darkness was Epic JJ Abrams

10 years ago

Not really…

10 years ago

Y not sir?

10 years ago

It lacked an original story and was void of any intellectual thought.

10 years ago

But that's what it takes to sell millions of movie tickets to the mentally numb majority of people that go see flicks every weekend. 😉

10 years ago

Bah – us trekkies will get the last laugh once the holodeck is reality. But until then we don't seem to get much to be excited about when it comes to interactive entertainment.

10 years ago

I was disappointed by the movie Into Darkness. Sad to see Star Trek turn into action over brain.

10 years ago

To be honest I didn't like the first ST either. Best moment was the return of Leonard, but other than that… Not so much.

I've not even seen the second yet.

10 years ago

It just takes an even deeper nose dive than the first. It's basically ridiculous set pieces to further the action.

10 years ago

I liked it, ya can't take Trek too seriously to begin with imo.

10 years ago

Trek was about fantastic adventures and scientific exploration. Now it's just mindless action with no legitimate scientific purpose.

10 years ago


10 years ago

I remember when it was about silly fables and sexy aliens.

10 years ago

People often forget what the term reboot stands for in the context of movies.

10 years ago

It didn't cost any movie tickets… It's Star Trek…. You can film a turd for one hour and while you film it you play the Star Trek anthem… Then you still sell tickets.

10 years ago

Apparently, it needed more lens flare!

10 years ago

well i think the movie/game industry cud learn i thin or two bout how to do cross overs wat ever way they go to do it right.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

one reason this worlds going to sh*t.
exactly what he said, we saw it was not going in the direction we wanted so we jumped out.
instead of pussying out, than b*tching about the result, how about you actually do something about it?
so frustrating how people in power b*tch and whine about things happening, but then do nothing about it.
you dont like the way your games turning out?
dont jump ship, actually DO something about it!
everyones too lazy these days, they just want to b*tch and moan, instead of taking the responsibility upon themselves!

10 years ago

There have been exceptions to the rule. But for the most part, yes, most games/movie/tv combinations don't work.

More effort needs to be made in these endeavors. I haven't played Walking Dead, but I heard that was great. The Lord of the Rings games (Two Towers and Return of the King) were both really fun.

It can be done, but for the most part, it seems like it's exactly how the new Star Trek game apparently turned out.

Into Darkness wasn't the best movie in the world, JJ. Bring your best, not rehashed for nostalgia filmmaking, to Star Wars.

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