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Could Grand Theft Auto V Outsell Call Of Duty: Ghosts In 2013?

It's the clash of the titans, and there are many important factors to consider.

Firstly, let's not forget that during the last generation of consoles (PS2, Xbox, GameCube), Grand Theft Auto vs. Call of Duty was laughable. I mean, it wasn't even close.

CoD didn't really start its dominating run until Modern Warfare in 2007; prior to that, GTA had torn up the sales charts since GTAIII hit in 2001. Also, it's important to remember that GTAIV did sell upwards of 20 million copies in its lifetime, which is at least in the vicinity of the biggest CoD titles. No other franchise even comes close.

So, could GTAV outsell Ghosts this year? I'm not sure it can outsell CoD long-term; in looking at the sales charts for each month, the latest Call of Duty always seems to make it into the top 10. It really is a year-long sales phenomenon. Does GTAV have that kind of staying power? I'm not so sure. But maybe it has a chance to outstrip Ghosts in 2013. I mean, it'll have a two-month head-start and let's face it, many industry experts and analysts have predicted a backslide from CoD this year. Even Activision admitted that Ghosts probably won't be shattering sales records the way previous iterations did. Pre-order numbers are lagging, it seems.

Besides, gamers have been waiting on the new GTA for a long time. GTAIV released in April of 2008, which means it has been nearly five and a half years since we last saw a new entry. CoD comes around every year. Sure, you can keep selling it to the mainstream masses but the core gamers are very likely more tuned into GTAV right now. Therefore, given all determining factors, maybe it isn't crazy to think that GTAV might knock CoD from its lofty holiday perch…

Related Game(s): Grand Theft Auto V

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10 years ago

I think GTA5 is, pardon me, is going to 360 no scope CoD in sales.

10 years ago

GTAV deserves to sell more, but with a lot of people saying that they plan on waiting to buy an unannounced version of the game (PC, PS4, XBOX1, 3DS, Vita, iOS,…Coleco Vision etc.), I have concerns that it wont be able to sell what it needs to to overcome the CoD juggernaut.

10 years ago

GTA can be a pretty hardcore game. a lot of the hardcore loonies will be wanting everything on their new x86 PS4. So yah, I suspect some sales will be lost because not all gamers will have it their way right away.

10 years ago


10 years ago

I believe it can, but seeing as how the PC, and next gen versions if they're being made, probably won't be out this year, I don't see it happening.

10 years ago

Yes, and it will. If it doesn't I lose all faith in gamers and the gaming industry FOREVER.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

You haven't already? Boy, I'm shocked. 😉

10 years ago

I'd have to see the numbers but it's looking like such a strong title and Ghosts is coming from a weak position of boasting nothing new while GTA will be quite advanced.

It's gonna have to do well, it cost like $250 million or something close to make. Cod probably cost 8 or 9 dollars.

10 years ago

If that's what it takes to make COD, I would be a billionaire 🙂

Last edited by MeXiCaNFiGhTe12 on 9/11/2013 12:35:00 AM

10 years ago

Well, you have to find a way to screw your developers out of the money you promised them in their contracts first.

10 years ago

What is this Grand Theft Auto you speak off?

Is that an old franchise like Final Fantasy that is no longer relevant in the Call Of Duty era we now live in?

Tee hee.

10 years ago

Gtav will be my last ps3 game purchase….What an awesome last hurrah! I am a cod fan, but I've become somewhat bored and annoyed with the franchise and really could Cate less about ghosts….I will eventually pick it up after I've exhausted gtav, assassins creed, BF4, watchdogs, and a couple of other titles….I can't remember when a cod has been last on my list.

10 years ago

i wudn't be surprised if by december that gta has sold more than cod i think people are way more pumped for gta than COD don't you think.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

putting this on current gen systems, especially so close to their replacement, really was a stupid decision from R*!
not only has it hurt the quality of the game, but so many people are waiting on a next gen version which has hurt its sales quite allot.
they should of created this for next gen systems in the first place, or at the very least a cross gen game.
but to answer the question, if you asked me this last week i would of said its freaking GTA of course it will!
now, well, im not so sure.
and that, i never thought id ever be saying!
not a good generation for this industries biggest name.
hell froze over once when GTAIV ended up sucking, its freezing over again by loosing its title of biggest game franchise, and ill bet another frozen hell 5s going to be just as much of a disappointment as 4 was!
sigh, must EVERY big franchise hit rock bottom this gen!?

10 years ago

In week's comments, you say 99 dumb things, but this ain't one of them. I completely agree with you.
Rockstar is not too bright to publicly say that GTAV is *only* for current gen systems and release the game around the same time next gen consoles are released. I would love to be in the high-level management meeting when this decision was made. Oh man…

That, and everybody and their dog probably knows that a next gen version of GTAV is in the works. I guarantee it will be announced before their 2014 Q1 earnings report (March?)…if not fully released by then.

10 years ago

This is how you make sure a game almost everyone wants is one that nobody waits for the next gen version on. That will maximize profits because in a year they can release the next gen version with some updates and probably sell half as many copies again. It's smart if you ask me.

10 years ago

I see your point, World, but you don't think gamers will be angered by this?
They'll call R* liars for saying that it was *only* on current gen systems.
And if GTAV doesn't live up to expectations, the Internet will explode with more hate.
To be safe, and still profitable, I think the best option would be to go cross-platform.
You and I should have been in the management meeting for this. haha

10 years ago

I don't think there's enough gamer hate in the world to squelch this release from being a juggernaut.

I agree that it's kind of a cheap move btw. I much prefer having my options opened up early.

10 years ago

GTA 5 will sell more copies than any other this generation. The buzz around it is more hyped than anything I've seen before. Literally everyone is talking about this game!

10 years ago

I think it will, CoD does ahave some competition in Battlefield 4 & It is also making the transition to next gen – Which may put some PS3 owners off if they're not buying a PS4 day one and want the better version.

GTA5 has no competition at all for its genre. Lets be honest, Saints Row is okay, but has nothing on GTA, its barely in the same league and As most people are seeing it as the Farewell to this generation I think it will have a chance outselling CoD – And I hope it does.

10 years ago

I would have said it was fair to compare Saints Row to GTA had it not been for the two latest entries. The developers of Saints Row realized going against GTA head on was a mistake amd theyve grown from that.

10 years ago

Oh true, I enjoyed Saints Row 3 very much, but looking at SR4 it doesn't seem like it has much more to offer, while GTA5 looks like it is taking huge boundaries over GTA4 with so much good quality content on offer. From someone who likes both series… I genuinely see no competition.

10 years ago

I lik to say it would but probably not

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