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New Riddick Game Coming, Tigon Studios Back At The Helm

"Riddick" is coming to a theater near you but more importantly for gamers, actor Vin Diesel and his team is pursuing another video game adaptation.

The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay launched back in 2004 for the original Xbox and PC, and the sequel – Assault on Dark Athena – released in 2009 for PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. Now, Diesel says the team that worked on the first title has been reassembled and they're working on a new Riddick adventure. Here's what Diesel had to say in a new ScreenCrush interview :

"My diehard gamers want [Tigon Studios] to deliver the third chapter in the Riddick game. And we just over the past couple of months, just this year, reassembled that team from Starbreeze that brought Escape from Butcher Bay to create the third game."

No date or targeted platforms were mentioned, but we'd have to assume it'll come to next-gen consoles. For the record, this shouldn't be summarily dismissed just because historically, most games based on movies are mediocre at best. No, the first Chronicles of Riddick was absolutely one of the best games of 2004; in fact, it was my personal favorite from that year. The combination of first-person action and stealth, combined with various RPG elements, was excellent .

Believe it or not, Tigon Studios did an awesome job. And if they've got that same team back for another go-'round, I'm stoked.

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10 years ago

guess I should look up that first game and give it a try.

10 years ago

The movie is doing well but apparently isn't so great, I'll wait for the blu ray. I'm glad he's putting his Fast and Furious money to work on a good game.

10 years ago

I remember when the first game hit Xbox and it was freaking incredible visually.

10 years ago

it was also real cool. I played the game through several times. I remmeber being let down by it's sequel.

10 years ago

i'm not sure how well this is gunna go.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

Correctomundo, the first Riddick games are in fact really good and so totally stand on their own feet, so this game is automatically on my watch-list.
I really look forward to hear more about this one.

10 years ago

gotta love the irony of this.
first vin has to be one of THE biggest sellouts in hollywood, i mean look at whats happened to the fast and the furious!
and now a game based off a pretty mediocre movie franchise?
yea, forgive me if im taking my heavy dosage of salt with this one.
hey maybe it turns out great, but then maybe the next F&F turns out to actually be a believable movie about cars!
*falls off couch grasping at sides rolling in pain and too much laughter*………
im sorry, but anything with vins name on it these days is just a utter joke!

Last edited by ___________ on 9/11/2013 5:00:45 AM

10 years ago

I have never cared for Riddick as a movie series. But Escape from Butcher Bay was a fantastic game, the setting so detailed and well constructed. I love being a prisoner at the beginning and getting up to mischief. So I am all for it.

10 years ago

shivs rock

10 years ago

This is great news. I loved the first two.

10 years ago

Yes!!! I loved those Riddick games.

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