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Call Of Duty: Ghosts Set To Be Most Pre-Ordered Game Of 2013

The "juggernaut" continues.

In a statement from mega retailer GameStop today, it was revealed that Activision's Call of Duty: Ghosts is on track to become the most pre-ordered video game of 2013. Here's part of the comment:

"Call of Duty is an entertainment juggernaut and cultural phenomenon. We are excited for the upcoming release of the new installment of this blockbuster franchise, Call of Duty: Ghosts. …we look forward to celebrating the worldwide November launch of this great game that is on track to be the most preordered title of the year."

There had been a chance that Grand Theft Auto V might outstrip this year's CoD effort in the pre-order category, but that probably won't happen. Last month, Activision CEO Eric Hirshberg revealed that Ghosts pre-orders were well behind the record-setting pace of Black Ops II , but even that slide isn't enough to relinquish the pre-order crown.

GameStop also announced a partnership with rapper Eminem. His new album, The Marshall Mathers LP 2, arrives on November 5, which is the launch date for Ghosts . So, those who pre-order the game will also receive a code that lets them download a special edition of the album for only $8.99. That offer will be redeemable through November 19, so you don't have to act too fast. Besides, if you've got the game pre-ordered, you'll have it long before the 19th, right?

Related Game(s): Call of Duty: Ghosts

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10 years ago

Even more than GTA5? Somewhat hard to believe.

I think most of us know that Quality > Quantity.

10 years ago

No…Cm'on R*, beat the FPS. You can do it!

10 years ago

I hate Eminem, nancy boy sellout.

10 years ago

I can rest assured that I'm no longer one of the mindless sheep shelling out $60 every damn year.

10 years ago

I'm one of those mindless Sheep who thoroughly enjoys the new COD every year. Of the 8 – 10 games a year I buy – this is the game I get the most enjoyment from.

With the hardened edition I've pre ordered I get all the DLC map packs – and for another $10 I get all transferred to the PS4 too.

Zero interest in enimem though.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

What the hell? How does Activision sucker these people in? And how is Ghosts tracking better than GTA V? I mean… it's GTA. It's been five years since the last release and the series is still a phenomenon.

10 years ago

Its really easy actually – they put out a multiplayer game that trillions of people get great enjoyment playing. As soon as the game is no longer fun I'm sure that will change. Maybe by the time the PS7 comes out?

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Okay for one, your numbers are all wrong. The games typically sell approximately 20 million copies per iteration. Let's assume that figure is consistent since CoD4: MW, you end up with a potential maximum of 120 million unique players – a far cry from "trillions". Also, there's only about 7 billion people in the world.

Smart-a**ery isn't very effective in text, but on a serious note:

You're one of the few CoD defenders to be found on PSXExtreme and I'm always interested in answers so, although this isn't really the place, I'd like to ask you to enlighten me as to exactly what it is that you, and millions of others, get out of the MP. I've tried to understand but it's difficult to get a really clear answer out of the midst of a massive pile of hate.

I mean, I played the MP of Black Ops for about 2 hours at a mate's place and I really, REALLY tried to like it, but walked away singularly unimpressed with the entire idea. I mean, you run through a series of relatively confined maps, trying to spot and kill other players before they can do it to you. I get that much… but what is it that keeps drawing people back because I personally found it to be a trite, bland experience. And I concede that that is likely, in part, because it simply doesn't align with the way that I like to play my FPS games – slowly and methodically.

10 years ago

If GTA V won't take that from COD, I don't think any other game will.

10 years ago

Personally I've lost a lot of love for COD, but a do enjoy mindless FPS action every now and again. And grand theft auto is a huge franchise, and a great one at that, but all the casual gamers spend money on games they can play with friends, like COD and Madden, two franchises that have let money drive their vision, making everyone else backseat drivers.

10 years ago

yeah i'm not too surprised or happy i thought if anything cud do it GTAV cud but i guess there are too many mindless sheep out there that buy COD whenever it comes out. sigh

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

thats kinda scary.
preorders are well behind what last years CoD received, and still its on track to be the years most preordered game?
thats a bit concerning…….
that, and i guess it goes to show how disappointing this year has been.
normally by now we have quite a few GOTY contenders, but now i can only think of maybe bioshock infinite, tomb raider, and the last of us.
and each of those was flawed and fell short in so many ways.
infinite the story and characters, TR pretty much the same and did not take the survival vulnerability of a scared girl far enough.
and the last of us pretty much the same, didnt feel at all like a survivalist game especially when every time i found something my backpack was already full.
i was constantly using a medipack to replenish 1% of the health i lost just so i could pick up that bottle of alcohol just so it does not go to waste.
now thats NOT a survival game!

and the sadder part is, well, i really cant see much beating those either.
GTAV hopefully will surprise everyone and finally be the game IV should of been, but i aint holding my breath!
the rest, well, ACIV is just off its nutter its not even a assassins creed game anymore!
battlefield, well, how many pew pew games do we need?
this has got to be THE most disappointing year for games in a long, long time!
not even new consoles can save it.

10 years ago

I used to be a fan of COD. Enjoyed the mindless killing and spawning as it was very simple pick up and play. But then one day I borrowed a copy of Battlefield.

That was the last day that COD was in my PS3.

BF to me is by far a superior experience. Still mindless killing and respawning but I have the option to drive myself around, my friends around and fly planes and helicopters. I have so much more fun oh and the realistic bullet drop makes the game much more of a challenge.

Also, I'm delighted they don't have those annoying killstreak bonuses. Fair enough, if someone is doing well and the game rewards them but give them one or two kills, not another killstreak.

Still, I don't get why COD still gets the critical acclaim and numbers it does when there is a better more in depth gameplay out there…or maybe thats exactly why it does.

10 years ago

I only buy cod for there campaign , once i'm dunn with it , I trade it in for a game I will enjoy playing mp

10 years ago

Cod only gets those numbers cause
#1 its simple and mindless killing
#2 anybody could pick the game up
#3 its over advertised
#4 it has guns and we all know NA and EU like their guns
#5 in this day and age what 12 year old kid doesn't want to shoot stuff with a gun?
#6 well not sure how it is in EU but in NA if you play games and your in school and don't have Cod your friends will pester you to get it and the other kids will pick on you because you don't have it ive seen this when picking my nephew up from school

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