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EA: “If We Stop Making New IPs, We’ll Go On Life Support”

It's common to hear gamers rip into big publishers like Electronic Arts for doing too much of the same ol' same ol'.

However, EA Games executive vice president Patrick Soderlund takes issue with such a theory. He says his company isn't only about putting out simple, commercially safe products; they also like to push the envelope with new IPs. In fact, he told MCV that EA has "six to eight new IPs" currently in the works.

One of them is a new Mirror's Edge and even though that's not technically a new IP, Soderlund is calling it a "revival done in a new way." He added Star Wars: Battlefront , which also isn't a new IP in the strictest definition of the term, but EA is revamping it from the ground up. In short, he said-

"The day we stop making new IP is when we go onto life support. We need to incubate new ideas and push creative boundaries."

For the record, EA did introduce several new IPs this generation including Mirror's Edge and Dead Space . However, it goes without saying that their biggest money makers are the established franchises, and gamers will always accuse new installments in those franchises of lacking innovation. And that's an argument that could go on and on, deep into the night…

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10 years ago

The problem is that once they introduce a great new IP they get their devs to ruin it.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Lies! EA mandates what the games "need" and then gives developers the creative freedom to ruin it themselves.

I'm drawing straws at rebutting your argument, aren't I?

10 years ago

haha, I like your characterization of the process better my man.

10 years ago

I don't see anything wrong with sticking to their popular IPs as long as they don't over saturate it. New IPs can be expensive and risky so it's not like we should expect one every new year or so. I'm looking forward to what those 6-8 are.

10 years ago

Probably more sequels without a number. Dont get your hopes up.

PS4 Killzone & Infamous are considered new IPs too, not that they are bad, but dont expect something completely new like The Last of Us.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Who considers Shadow Fall and Second Son as new IPs? Guerilla is working on a new IP alongside Shadow Fall, which has been in the works since prior to KZ3, which should make it an interesting proposition, and SPP never said anything about a new IP from inFamous. And nor has Sony ever referred to either as a new IP, so I'm not sure what you're on about, bro.

10 years ago

It's ridiculous to use Mirrors Edge and SW:Battlefront as examples of NEW IPs. It's just not, no matter how hard they revamp they are still established IPs, and the games will float on the reputation of those IPs. That's what using established IPs is all about!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Completely agree. Even if it wasn't Battlefront, the mere fact that they're using the Star Wars license precludes the possibility of the game being a "new" IP.

10 years ago

Yeah that's a pretty strange tactic to attempt to sound more inventive. Am I that dumb? No.

10 years ago

well it's gud to hear that they are trying new things cos well if they don't we'll get bored and stop buy their stuff aye so yeah not jst battlefeild and dragon age and all the others ones i can't be bothered mentioning it's gud they are trying new things maybe activitision cud learn a thing are two and thats saying they've only got 1 new one destiny cudn't they do a bit more.

happy gaming =)

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Man, EA needs to nut up or shut up. Mirror's Edge and Battlefront are NOT new IPs, and TitanFall is a third party creation, so not strictly theirs.

I notice in the source site, the quote actually reads "completely new IPs", and he does concede that neither ME not SW:B are "technically" new IPs. It makes me a little more hopeful that Soderlund actually knows what he's talking about. I wonder what they are though… I'm going to guess at least two are mobile titles, one from Visceral, the new IP from Bioware that's already been semi-announced, something new from Criterion as they've said they're doing something completely different from BurnOut/NFS, so there's five.

No idea on what the rest could be.

10 years ago

now square, crapcom, koji, ALL asian studios, you hear that?
now THIS is how you do PR, not that oh we have to change the game to cater to a wider audience BS!

10 years ago

Dude, you lack self awareness. Or never played an EA sequel.

10 years ago

I'm guessing they are counting Dragon Age Inquisition as a new IP as well.

10 years ago

Who's "making" EA say this though? Sony & Microsoft or is the blame being put on us consumers?

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