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Puppeteer Event In San Francisco Hits The Streets

Puppeteer may not be on your radar unless you are a bona fide fan of the unusual, but maybe this will make you do a double take on the creative new endeavor.

Japan Studio's upcoming side-scrolling platformer hit the streets of San Francisco pretty hard the other day with some old world theater charm. It was just the sort of event that would easily draw the attention of the average rubbernecker. The Playstation Blog is keeping us up to date on the antics.

Along with a cast of performers there were even volunteers invited up to the stage to engage in improv comedy. A kiosk was on hand so folks could get their game on and see what all the fuss was about. By all appearances a good time was had by all.

Speaking of appearances, take a look at some of the fun below while you ponder your purchase. The game is already getting solid reviews so why not join these theatrical good times?

If these excited people aren't enough incentive then remember you can get the “Theatrical Pack” from participating retailers and pre-ordering on PSN will get you an exclusive theme. For Plus members you can expect a 10% discount on your pre-order.

Puppeteer releases here in North America on September 10th of this year.