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What Franchises Went From “Day 1” To “Day Whenever”?

Sometimes there's just no telling what will happen in a generation.

You can go into a new one absolutely certain that the technology is going to realize the full potential of your favorite franchise and come out the other side asking if anybody got the plate number on the truck that ran you over.

You can be absolutely certain that your love of a particular genre is all you need and emerge at the tail end of the console cycle with a whole new appreciation for games you would have dismissed out of hand seven years ago.

If you're the impulsive type you might wind up regretting that particular tattoo you got in that one spot. Hopefully not, but you see some crazy things in this hobby. One theme in my own change of gaming habits has been, much to my chagrin, the degradation of some franchises in my own mind that has led them from a “day one" purchase to a “day whenever” purchase.

Sometimes it doesn't take any more than one problematic game to make the change. The restrictive nature of Dragon Age II made me regret being a day one adopter and while Inquisition is sounding great I think I'm going to need some serious convincing to get back on board that dragon. I used to love me some Resident Evil and Silent Hill but now I get around to them when I can for various reasons I'm sure nobody here can guess. While we're on the subject of horror what about Dead Space ? The first made Dead Space 2 a lock for me, and now I haven't even played part 3 yet.

I've seen a number of shooter fans get fed up with Call of Duty , including my closest friend who has been told in no uncertain terms by the United States government that he can never purchase an actual firearm again and so must rely on video games for his fix. Maybe there have just been too many Assassin's Creed s for you to keep up. Our last poll was pretty split over GTAV so maybe something about GTAIV didn't sit well with you. Maybe action invaded a series not meant for it, or perhaps the dreaded “accessibility” has infected your once beloved gameplay and you've found yourself traded in for two other gamers with half your IQ.

What franchises went from “day one” to “day whenever” for you this generation and why? To paraphrase American humorist Artemis Ward, why is this thus and what is the reason for this thusness?

Related Game(s): Dragon Age II , Dead Space 3 , Resident Evil 6 , Grand Theft Auto V

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10 years ago

Well, Call of Duty, obviously.
Aaaannnd…. God of War.

10 years ago

I'm hopeful they'll get something going for PS4 but I agree, the last God of War was completely disposable. I still really enjoyed it because I like the franchise so much, but I'm definitely taking a wait and see approach moving forward.

10 years ago

Ace combat

10 years ago

right there with you on that one. I was so disappointed with the last one. I want realistic jets fighting realistic jets with frickin laser beams and laser towers. I want more freedom to do amazing moves with my aircraft instead of on rails silliness. I want gigantic airships and satellites to cripple. Yeah…

10 years ago

Final Fantasy… period.

10 years ago

1. Assassin Creed. I liked AC 1 and loved 2 and Brotherhood. But then Revelation hit shelves and destroyed my interest in the franchise. Bad game all around. AC3 was suppose to change my mind, but ended up being another rehash in new skin with one of the worse endings ever…and I've played every AC to their "cliffhanger" ending. Not the least excited about this years fall release.

2)Bioshock. I loved the first game, enjoyed second one and despised the well beloved third one…Infinite. Infinite introduced a world with little context. I for one thought the story had great ideas and the two main protagonist had a genuine relationship, but the world and the powers made no sense even in the Bioshock world. Newcomers like my friend could never wrap their head around the events unfolding around them like the random gaining of abilities, the enemies, and the overall storytelling. The game didn't do anything to re imagine the Bioshock world for me, if anything…it turned me away. I appreciate the risky storytelling, but I just didn't enjoy the overall product. Like AC with AC Brotherhood, Bioshock sadly went downhill after their best effort. Disappointingly enough, their best effort was the franchises first effort imo.

3) Metar Gear Solid. I love Metal Gear Solid, but after MGS4….the series ended in my book in a good way. Now all of a sudden there is a prequel that must told in MGS5 and I just have no interest because simply I have outgrown this franchise as a whole. I have fond memories of 1-4, but 5 isn't on my radar.

4)Killzone. The disappointing third outing left a bad taste in my mouth. The whole uninspiring, but respectable storytelling from KZ2 went backwards when KZ3 tried to be over cinematic while taking CoD's philosophy to heart at every turn. Not a bad game, but it definitely didn't feel like the appropriate successor to KZ2. Therefore I'm hesitant towards the new hardware and all.

5)God of War. Geez GOW3 was underwhelming in someways after GOW1 and 2, but Ascension was a disaster. Enough said.

Honorable mentions: Need for Speed. Call of Duty (if I actually bought it day one)

Last edited by FM23 on 9/4/2013 11:18:14 PM

10 years ago

I have to agree about AC, while I've played (and completed) all of them only one and two are in my collection and man was I excited about 2. Now after 3 I'm extremely weary of 4.

On the otherhand I must plug my ears about bioshock – I love each title. I can't say much on the rest.

10 years ago

AC4 will most likely be a rental for me.

10 years ago

I disagree with MGS5. Had it been set after MGS4, I would have been in the same camp, but as it is going back to finish off the Big Boss story (I hope…) I think they're making a worthwhile production. It's not just a sequel for sequels sake. I have been waiting to see the turn of Big Boss since MGS3. The two PSP titles set after MGS3 fail to show that and are just baggage, while this game looks like it will finally deliver what we've been waiting for. It's probably my most anticipated title and I will buy a PS4 just for it – Even with the game released on PS3.

10 years ago

I sympathize with your view on Bioshock Infinite, what was actually going on there was very hidden and there wasn't enough context to communicate it to the average gamer. I still loved it though.

10 years ago

I agree with your take on Assassin's Creed. I've finished them all as well, and only AC1, AC2, and Brotherhood are worthy of playing to completion.
What's up with the tower defence mini-game!? ugh…
Plus I miss the old crew working on the Animus.
I'll probably still get AC4, but the franchise is definitely getting worse with every iteration.

10 years ago

Big6 –

I really liked the change of pace of the mini game. It added an alternate and expanded gameplay. It didnt feel out of place either in the confines of the game. I wasnt expecting it, but it became a welcomed addition for me.

I actually feel like the series has gotten better. 2 was good, Brotherhood was awesome, and 3 is finally taking advantage of the theme of an assasin. The combat is getting more fluid (as it should) and the story mixed with American history is very original.

But I have to admit the annual release is taking a toll. I think thats whete a lot of this comes from.

10 years ago

I've actually done this with a lot of games. I used to be able to buy every game I was interested in day one because not too many games I wanted were coming out.

Now the market is soooo saturated I find myself not playing a lot of games even if they are great.

Batman Arkyum City I know I will love but still haven't played it. Metro last light. Enslaved. Xillia. Those are the ones I can think of right now off the top of my head.

Its just so tough to get all the games you want because there are so many and 60 bucks isn't cheap. I couldn't afford to buy every game I was ever remotely interested in sadly 🙁

10 years ago


10 years ago

ya' just gotta say no to dota2 every so often 😉

10 years ago

Definitely Grand Theft Auto for me. I always got caught up in the hype and had to get them but after IV Im in no big rush. Especially with the PS4 releasing only weeks later. Dont get me wrong I like GTA, Vice City is one of my most memorable experiences. But IV left a bad taste that I javnt gotten over. Again I got caught up in the hype.

10 years ago

Yup, GTA4 left a bad taste in my mouth. It's one of the very few games I didn't play to completion. I usually finish even the bad games…

10 years ago

Resident Evil and Final Fantasy.

10 years ago

Boom. Cannot believe my two favorite game series became two of my most loathed.

10 years ago

Hmmm… Assassins Creed series. I enjoyed AC1 and loved AC2 through and through. Enjoyed Brotherhood. Revelations was a good game BUT it needed more AND it should have been the finally for Desmond and not so much a revisit of Altair… even though concluding his story was okay. I would have fathered had a parallel story running with Enzio and Desmond in Constanople settings.. .possibly. Might have been a great ending if the story was well written for it.

Ratcher and Clank … I did enjoy the new iterations it did no feel like Ratchet and Clank of old. At the time I thought the series should be put to rest… like Spyro in its hey day.

Killzone only because.. and I am probably in the minority here… I lovedgoodthe characters from the original game. AND to be able to choose which character I wanted to play through a level I loved as well. Yes, the original had its flaws but the characters you really started to like as they worked together. I suppose I wanted to play those 4 again as they were a good team in the firstgame. KZ2 was good and KZ3 I am still trying to get through. I like the guns and some of the combat elements but still miss the original 4. Sorry. Would have like to play there story longer to a 3rd game ending.

My worries for a franchise… is Mirrors Edge. I loved the game and some that suggested guys do not want to play female protagonist are nuts. This was a beautiful game with a unique look and style and possibly gameplay. As for the sequel coming next gen… I am worried that what artist essence was in the first will now become just another formulaic game and probably… not sure… but probably more emphasis with weaponry. I can see them added knifes or a shiv for Faith to use for some assassin aspect. I hope I am wrong and the visionaries on the original are on board. If its a prequel…. not sure if that remotely interests me. I would rather have a sequel… not a prequel sequel. Hope its more goodness. Open world is fine… if its done well and consistent with look, style and essence that the first carried.

OTher than that… would rather see new franchise or games on next gen and less of this gen or previous. Something for a new console. Something unfamiliar…. The Order?

Keep playing!

10 years ago

Assassin's Creed and Final Fantasy

10 years ago

Any decent JRPG, I'm kinda desperate already.

10 years ago

Practically everything. Not to mention your reviews usually come sometime after release date.

Dell Taco
Dell Taco
10 years ago

Assassin Creed for me. Like xenris said though too many games out to play them all.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
10 years ago

Gran Turismo just because I don't have the time anymore.

Assassin's Creed, starting this year.

God of War because Ascension wasn't quite masterful and I don't care as much about action games these days.

10 years ago

anymore if it's not a Team Ninja game it's not D1P.

10 years ago

well, when we play too much of the same thing again and again and again and again…ofcourse we become worn out and fed up… it is just natural result of human nature….

Aristotle stated perfectly thousands years ago: virtue is the mean of the two extremes — meaning too little or too much is bad and the best lies within the appropriate amount of everything, not too much, not too little is the best. same rules goes to gaming franchise or anything happening in gadgets or film industry…we are just flooded and bombarded by too many sequels, prequels, spin offs…creative juice ran out fast in the same things and the life spam of attention on one things runs shorter and shorter, that is just an unfortunate or even tragic result of the modern innovation in all streams of human life…same goes within the gaming world.

Last edited by BigBoss4ever on 9/5/2013 2:02:47 AM

10 years ago

Final Fantasy for sure.

I feel like an idiot for being super excited for FFXIII.
Fooled me once but they ain't fooling me twice.

10 years ago

I did my very first midnight pickup of XIII, I will never do that again.

10 years ago

Metal Gear Solid….

Honestly, makes me sad to say that. But I am not nearly as interested in it as I always used to be. Kojima is just not the same guy any more.

10 years ago

Nearly every game this gen. Why… Because of DLC. I hate the idea of buying a game on day one just to find out 5 months later there will be a DLC edition, this has happened with so many titles this gen. I would love to say I will buy GTAV day one but I can almost guarantee that will have a DLC edition like 4 before it.

But of course, there are some times when I just have to cave in, from excitement and fear of spoilers in a n internet ridden age.

If we're talking about franchises I don't want to buy anymore through disappointment. Yes, Resident Evil and Silent Hill are good candidates, both series I loved on previous gen, but have utterly slumped through out the PS3's life. Tekken would be another one, it's not necessarily bad, i just don't like the steroid characters and juggling.

Final Fantasy… I still dont know… I can see myself caving in to Lightning Returns despite XIII-2 and how absurd the series has gotten. I just want to finish it. If they were to ever release a XIII game after this though, not a chance.

10 years ago

I'm sure I'll end up playing Lightning Poops too for all my b*tching about it. It's like when you get halfway through a bad movie on the SyFy channel and you gotta stick around to see how it turns out.

10 years ago

Final Fantasy.

Elders Scrolls still holding the spot of Day 1.

10 years ago

Most games.
After a completely rabiat generation with the PS3 where I bought far, FAR too many games I have now promised myself that with the next gen I will not buy any game until I am ready to play it.

There's only money to be saved from it, not to mention be spared of the frustration of having a ridiculous backlog while the new awesome games keeps coming in a steady stream.

It's simply too much for a shy humble country boy to handle!

10 years ago

I feel sort of stupid for starting a BUNCH of games and then shelving them because they didn't blow me away. That's where my backlog comes from, shiny object syndrome.

10 years ago

Hehe yeah I know exactly what you mean. And the more games stacked up the harder it gets to focus on one release.

10 years ago

change that from day whenever to day never.
sadly most of them are this gens greatest new IPs!
assassins creed, dead space, army of two, saints row, darksiders.
all brilliant unique amazing ambitious very different franchises, and they were so special because of that.
and now there destroyed because they removed that, each and every one has tried to turn the franchise into what its not and has destroyed it!

a few well known franchises like GTA, GT, RE, FF, R&C to add to that as well.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

Specifically, Assassin's Creed. Got the first one day one, didn't enjoy it a whole lot. The second one came out during my first traipse around the country (it was shorter lived than my more recent one :D), and since then the release schedule has meant that I've been getting them when they go Platinum. Still haven't played the second >.> Needs more time.

Bethesda games. I got Oblivion as early as I could. Plugged over 150 hours into it, but waited on Fallout 3 for the GotY edition. Loved the 50 hours I put into it and elected to get Skyrim on day one. Found out that it only holds its charm for so long, so henceforth I'll wait for the GotY editions.

GoW. Fell in love with 2 when I rented it and nabbed the HD Collection and 3 as soon as I could. Loved them, but then Sony announced Ascension, and I just wasn't really a fan of the concept. Still haven't got it.

I'm a new school gamer. I'm still working out what I like 😉

10 years ago

I think I'm still getting Bethesda game day 1, even though they are busted and the Elder Scrolls charm wears off I still love that addiction experience for the first 60 hours. By then I've gotten my moneys worth and it's something to be excited about on release. Plus Fallout is just the greatest world 🙂

10 years ago

i'd say i'm a different boat as i missed GOW 1&2 and KZ 1&2 and only got KZ3 and GOW3 and i have all of the AC games i loved the 1st and 3rd then i only just got unchartered 1&2 goig to get 3 soon in my defense of this i only got my ps3 in 2011 okay i was really late i was too broke for half the ps3 cycle to buy one but i did get to play on my friends one nxt door which was fun. i have too say like alot of people i'm tired of COD it was gud enough to interest me with MW2 and BO1 but i have lost all interest and respect for the series since the last too and the whole yearly thing gets ryte up my nose and yeah i'm not impressed we with ubisoft with yearlying AC for the console launch it take a year off after AC4 that'll be anough for a couple yrs um rachet will always have a special place in my heart and a day one buy for me as long as they keep to traditional rachet like the new comin at the years end. um a bit of a rant here i needed to vent and this article hit all the right buttons for that to happen um my taste have change only slighty this gen still like the same sort of thing COD is the only game that has really change from like this game is okay to get this crap outta my face aye. i still go for action/adventure, character/action, stealth/action/adventure(AC),racing ,kart racing, side scrollers,platformers yeah and FPS abit.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

For me it would be almost any western game.

10 years ago


10 years ago

Sega of america you motherfuckers the best game for the PS3 ever and they won't translate it to the most common language on earth.
Ryu Ga Gotoku 5 i've already played but there's a huge audience of fools who rely only on gta5
IS there a Sega of UK?

10 years ago

Final Fantasy series and anything by Insomniac. Resistance 3 MP was a huge mess and the game felt rushed out with the Hollywood feel good ending. R&C series has not had that "feel" to it as well. In my opinion, Insomniac spread themselves too thin when they went multi-plat and their games have really shown it.

Sir Dan
Sir Dan
10 years ago

SSX. When I found out it was going to have no local multiplayer. Who makes these decisions???

10 years ago

The last game I bought within it's first week of release is Final Fantasy XIII-2. And I have 10 plus games in my backlog. So by the time I've finished a game, my anticipated game had it's prices drop.

And of course the invent of GOTY Edition or Gold Editions makes me think twice about purchasing a game within it's first week of release. Thanks about that. It saves me a lot of money.

10 years ago

Obviously Final Fantasy for me, and that's no small change, I worshipped that franchise and grew up with it and kept playing right into adulthood.

I also decided to wait on Drake's Deception. It wasn't due to a perceived degradation but the knowledge of quality. If I know it'll be great and what to expect then it's easier for me to categorize it as a known quantity and wait for whatever price I want to pay for it. New IPs like Dishonored get me excited though and I want em right away, also rare acquisitions like a JRPG (Tales of Xillia).

10 years ago

Ah yeah new IPs are the hardest to resist! They got that fatal attraction of being something completely new and fresh.

10 years ago

sometimes I flirt with the idea that if a game isn't d1p worthy then it isn't worth playing.
I look at this pile of PC games I've nabbed for $1-15 a title and very few of them have I tried finishing, several I haven't even played. It would seem I'd just be better off saving my money for the real important games at full price and just say no to the filler that, while looks compelling, isn't really worth my time in leu of the other more exciting games I could play.

10 years ago

I guess for me, it's the Assassin's Creed series, Splinter Cell, and any Bethesda game (Fallout, Skyrim, etc).

Although I loved Fallout and still playing Skyrim, the games are just too glitchy. Also, the animation and player mechanic when playing in 3rd person view is appalling for a game on a PS3/Xbox360. They need to fix up their game engine, ASAP.
Imagine playing a Fallout game with the smooth, fluid animation and textures of RAGE? They do that, and maybe I'll go back to day 1 with them.

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