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Kojima Explains Why MGSV Characters Are “More Erotic”

Why has Hideo Kojima opted to make some of his new characters more "erotic?"

Well, there's a reason. The master has said on his English Twitter feed that some of the characters in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain are sexier for the sake of cosplay fans and figurine sales:

"I've been ordering [art director Yoji Shinkawa] to make the character more erotic, and he did it well. Recently, I've been making characters this way. I create the setting thoroughly, how he/she spent early life, name style, favorite phrase, fashion, action to stand the character out. … The initial target is to make [you] want to do cosplay or its figurine to sell well."

Kojima added that he'd dish out some info concerning the CG model for the game's female character Quiet. This will arrive toward the end of the week, and maybe that will inspire cosplayers who plan to attend the Tokyo Game Show later this month. But it won't be easy; Kojima said "this one may not be cosplayable." I've never fully understood the cosplay culture myself, but we've seen some excellent examples of fan dedication over the years. Remember Ormeli's Elizabeth ?

Related Game(s): Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

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10 years ago

Make'em all dress up like Rikku. Theres your figurine and cosplay sales lol

10 years ago

Tifa, complete with bewbs.

10 years ago

Bah. We already had Naomi Hunter.

10 years ago

Well that's very… Japanese… of him?

They probably need this sucker to grab the youth, American, Xbox One audience too.

10 years ago

More erotic? Didn't the B&B not already try to lap-dance you to death back in MGS4? Not that I'm complaining, though I find it odd that anyone would bother to justify fanservice, especially a japanese dev.

10 years ago

Because he want horny teenagers to play his game. Less chlotes more sales.


10 years ago

He is losing the plot. Don't really like Kojima as much as I used to…..

10 years ago

How dumb.
Just make a great game and memorable characters, you fool. Then the cosplay and fan merchandise sales will follow.

Heck, Mario is probably one of the most cosplayed characters ever, and he's a short, fat plumber with a silly moustache. There's plenty hints right there!

10 years ago
10 years ago

Well he has succeeded so far, the art direction of Metal gear Solid has been fantastic – Some oddities here and there – Fatman! – But while it is a nice intention, I dont think it should be the main cause a character should not be dressed in a sexy manner just because. For instance it worked with Eva because she was trying to seduce Snake in MGS3. So if it fits the character I am all for it, if it's just for show…not so much.

10 years ago

sex sells, no explanation required.
i just lost what very little respect i still had for this guy.
last thing we need is another suda on our hands!

10 years ago

we need more Sudas

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

What? I'm not entirely sure I get this, but if he thinks that it'll help the game in some way, why the hell not? It's his vision.

10 years ago

He's basically saying he's changing the game to help the cottage industry that surrounds the game. All in all it's probably a roundabout marketing decision.

10 years ago

it's always about sales i tell you i knew that before i read it is always about that. hardly surprisg business will be business.

happy gaming =)

10 years ago

Sounds to me like an old mans fantasy.

10 years ago

Sega of america you motherfuckers the best game for the PS3 ever and they won't translate it to the most common language on earth.
Ryu Ga Gotoku 5 i've already played but there's a huge audience of fools who rely only on gta5
IS there a Sega of UK?

10 years ago

This guy's complainin' about SEGA not translating into english, but Does'nt say "Yakuza 5".

10 years ago

Ryu Ga Gotoku 5 is Yakuza 5 u idiot.

Ryu Ga Gotoku means "Like A Dragon" in English

Last edited by Kiryu on 9/6/2013 1:30:00 AM

10 years ago

Character designs is big business now in Japan. It doesn't mean that they need to have a back story in it or it's a popular manga or games character to be popular.

For example the Black Rock Shooter characters, they became popular and gained many fans. Originally it's just an illustration without a solid back story and it inspired a song that became popular or vice versa (not sure). But because of it's popularity in cosplay community and figurine collectors it was made into anime and games.

Japanese, Cosplayers and Figurine Collectors also appreciates beautiful character designs just for the sake of it not by it's story or significance in games and manga. And it's a pretty lucrative business.

So how it is dumb and foolish? Just because you can't understand the culture doesn't mean it's foolish and dumb.

Last edited by homura on 9/5/2013 8:37:38 AM

10 years ago

you pretty much summed it up on your last sentence.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 9/5/2013 3:39:44 PM

10 years ago

Making characters more erotic has nothing to do with the frequency of them being cosplayed.

If you follow the cosplay 'industry' then you would notice that most of the popular cosplays are NOT some sexy erotic character. They are things like Master Chief, Mario, Adventure Time, etc

Changing the design of your in-game characters to make them more appealing to cosplayers just sounds…..stupid. Make the characters interesting in their own right, then the cosplayers will come.

Don't go accusing other people of not knowing what they are talking about when you yourself don't seem to fully understand the argument.

10 years ago

What part of "It doesn't mean that they need to have a back story in it or it's a popular manga or games character to be popular." you don't get? (ex: The Black Rock Shooter popularity)

And about the Female Deadpool. Never seen one. But all of the cosplayers that I know go for authenticity. And yes sometimes the girls cosplays a male character. But as much as possible, the costumes has to look like the original and also the hair and eyes (they even wear contact lens and wigs just for that).

10 years ago

My criticism is that you can always sell figurines in different variations of clothes. And cosplayers are going to find their own ways to sexify the original outfits.

But you know, MGS isn't exactly super-realistic military land so whatever.

Reminds me of Lightning's implants.

10 years ago

The goal of cosplayers as much as possible is to be authentic to the original outfit and mannerism of the characters they portray.

And as for the figurines. Cute and sexy outfit sells more. You don't want Tifa in a bikini for a figurine?.

And that's the goal of figurine collectors. To have many figurines with different variations of their favorite characters.

10 years ago

I'm not sure if you proved my point or yours.

10 years ago

Cosplayers tries to be more authentic as possible so they're not going to sexify original outfits. So it means that if you see a cosplayer with sexy outfit because the original outfit is already sexy and they like it for that. (see Yoko of Gurren Lagann, her figurines and cosplayers).

And from what I take in your criticism about figurines is that you don't like the move of Hideo because if the character is good enough the figurines will sell even without the erotic outfit. But the thing is the initial target is those who loved to cosplay sexy and collectors of sexy figurines with erotic outfit. Is it wrong to make a character specifically for that?

And with Playboy magazine, a hidden poster of a model and the jiggling of the boobs of Raiden's wife in MGS4, it's a given that Hideo has a thing for sexy ladies and he fantasize them in erotic outfits.

Last edited by homura on 9/5/2013 3:27:39 PM

10 years ago

homura, I really am starting to think you don't actually know much about cosplaying.

A lot of people do go for authenticity, but World is right that there will be large amounts of people who try to make their cosplay's sexy.

Female Deadpool would agree with me.

10 years ago

DOes it really matter? I mean really? Look at dragons crown and it's a great game!!! If he wants to do this then by all means… People act as if this is going to hurt the game. Seriously doubt it! I'm more unsettled by the fact that it's going to be multiplat and an open world. I just have a hard time picturing an open world mgs that focuses on stealth. But hey what the hell do i know. LOL. I'm sure it'll be pretty freaking awesome like the last one. I swear people are always so fickle. Anytime anything gets sexualized people fly off their rocker. Like this whole miley cyrus thing. It's all good and well until it's shown on tv, on a channel thats meant for young adults!!! The lyrics in her song pretty much talk about everything she did on stage and its #3 on the billboard charts. Now all the sudden she gets wild on stage and the whole world stops. I think people need to lighten up.

10 years ago

in the end, nope it won't matter.

10 years ago

As usual, I think we're probably not giving Kojima enough credit here. For one, let's remember his English is far from perfect, so you never know what's being lost in translation. More importantly, I think it's a very deliberate artistic decision — women in outrageously sexualized attire with enormous guns! It's over the top to the point I think we're getting some satire, here. As a point of comparison, anyone remember the "chicks with guns" mini-movie in Jackie Brown? 😉

10 years ago

Guys, IGN has just run an article about a behind closed doors preview they got of Ground Zeroes.

The whole game is changing. The gameplay mechanics are very different from MGS4. They are saying it is much more like Splinter Cell than MGS.

EDIT: And Keifer Sutherland apparently doesn't bring much life to Big Boss at all. The editor even goes as far as saying he sounds completely uninterested when he is reading lines from the script.

Last edited by Akuma_ on 9/6/2013 3:36:22 AM

10 years ago

I will always welcome more sexiness in my MGS.

10 years ago

Some people need to justreserve judgment on this and get off Kojima's d#ck, Beamboom.

Last edited by pillz81 on 9/9/2013 4:22:50 PM

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