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Firaxis: XCOM: Enemy Unknown DLC “Too Big” For Consoles

XCOM: Enemy Unknown was one of the most uniquely compelling games of 2012. Unfortunately, the extra content is just "too big" for consoles.

The upcoming DLC, entitled Enemy Within, includes a ton of upgrades and content, including new unit types and even skill alterations. This required a complete re-release of the game, which is why we'll soon see the special Commander's Edition. It features the original game, Slingshot and Elite Soldier add-ons, and the Enemy Within expansion. The latter will be offered as a separate piece of DLC on PC and Mac for $30.

As Firaxis Games senior producer Garth DeAngelis said during a PAX Prime interview with Joystiq :

"For the expansion on the PC, it was fairly straightforward. But when it came to the consoles, it was too big. If we wanted to deliver the same content to the console players, we had to do it this way as a standalone expansion on a disc. We couldn't simply just patch it in."

He added that there was only one option to deliver the extra content to console players, so we shouldn't be too upset. At least we're getting it, right? The Enemy Within DLC will be ready on November 12. Have you played XCOM: Enemy Unknown yet? It's quite the experience for strategy/action aficionados.

Related Game(s): XCOM: Enemy Unknown

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10 years ago

He means it would have been disk 2 on the 360 and didn't want to make either console version better than the other. I can respect that. Still haven't played it yet, and probably won't at this rate.

10 years ago

The Extended Cut DLC for Mass Effect 3 was released in two parts, so it could be done. In all likelihood, they would have had to pay extra to Sony and Microsoft for the privilege and they just didn't want to. Also, it gave them a chance to get their most hardcore fans to buy the game twice.

10 years ago

This is absolute bullshyt. Just another way to make a buck. I will wait for the price to come down and get it. It was a great game after all.

10 years ago

So I can buy the full XCOM: Enemy Unknown (and far larger games) digitally, but they can't cope with digital DLC? Rigghhhtt…… Sounds like they're trying to fleece people who already bought the original to fork out for a whole new game, rather than just the DLC, to me….

10 years ago

well okay i didn't see that comin make a version you can fit it on then by the sounds of things you have too.

happy gaming =)

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
10 years ago

I don't really see an issue with this. I mean, the Commander's Edition includes the full game along with the DLC and it's coming for $40USD, whereas the DLC alone on PC costs $30. Sure, it may not be such a great idea for those who already own the base game, but trade it for the Commander's Edition and you might be able to get one up on what PC players have to pay…

Oh, and I reckon I'll be doing just that. Loved Enemy Unknown, want to try it with the expansion and have a very good reason after swapping PS3s. Go Firaxis!

Balian Axel
Balian Axel
10 years ago

I purchased this game a while back and absolutely loved it. Very well done and even worth a second playthrough or two. That being said, I have to say I feel a bit shafted by this development. It seems a bit greedy to me. I guess the question is by whom though? Is it a m $ thing or did they just decide to try to bolster their sales due to the new xcom game getting fairly bad reviews? Either way the overall enjoyable experience of the game puts me on the fence of whether or not to trade mine in for the "new" version. Frustrating

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