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Borderlands 2 Upgrade Pack #2 Raises The Max Level Again

Maxed out in Borderlands 2 ? No more reason to work hard?

Oh, don't worry. Developer Gearbox Software has delivered a second level-cap increase, which will go into effect on Tuesday, September 3. As revealed at the company's official blog , the Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2: Digistruct Peak Challenge DLC will be available on the PS3, Xbox 360, PC and Mac for $4.99.

However, unlike the first upgrade pack, the Digistruct Peak Challenge is not included in the game's Season Pass. So, everyone will have to pony up a little extra cash to participate. The pack in question raises the level cap by 11, which brings the highest reachable level to 72 if you include the first Vault Hunter Upgrade. The Digistruct Peak Challenge features new weapons, new characters, new maps, a new mission, and fresh customization options. Also, if you own both upgrade packs, more equipment becomes unlocked, such as the "Legendary Class Mods." Tougher enemies will show up as well.

Also, don't forget that the jam-packed Game of the Year Edition is coming your way soon.

Related Game(s): Borderlands 2

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10 years ago


10 years ago

Wait, so whats the point of buying the season pass if not everything is free? I always thought season pass meant "every dlc was free if you pay a bunch up front" Still haven't played Borderlands 2 though.

10 years ago

That's how they f*ck you in the a*s.

10 years ago

The season pass was like $30 and theyve release over $40 of dlc that was covered under it. So the season pass holders have gotten their money's worth.

This will be like the 8th piece of dlc not including costumes and that sort of thing.So they wouldnt be making much Iif they only charged $30 for all of that.

10 years ago

Doesn't matter if you got your money's worth or not, if a "season pass" isn't a season pass that needs to be delineated properly.

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
10 years ago


Kind of tired of your uninformed hatred of this game. But I digress:

When you bought the season pass it was clearly "delineated" what precisely was included: 4 campaign DLCs. Nothing more. Nothing less. It was even clearly stated at the time the Season Pass went on sale (for anyone who bothered to read the details) that there there would likely be MORE DLC in the future besides the 4 promised campaign DLCs, that would NOT BE INCLUDED in the Season Pass. Nobody who payed even the slightest bit of attention to what they were purchasing should have been even slightly confused. No one got F&*£ed.

In addition, Gearbox also gave away FOR FREE to Season Pass holders, the first UVHM DLC, as a way to say Thank You for supporting us by getting the season pass upfront and helping fund future DLCs – so here you go – this $5 DLC you guys are going to get for free. There have been other minor free bonuses granted to season pass holders as well. Also, people who pre-ordered the seasons pass before the game was released, got an entire new character (Gaige) for, wait for it, FREE.

For whatever reason, all of your comments on this game are very negative and, to someone who is deeply familiar with game, your opinions seem very much under informed. As a formal contributor to this site, I wish you would take more care in your commenting within the peanut gallery. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Last edited by Norrin Radd on 8/31/2013 11:17:20 AM

10 years ago

When the season pass was released it was very clear what you were purchasing. 4 dlc campaign add ons and a few other things. Anything beyond that was not included.

I personally didnt buy it because the characters were not included, but I knew that early on because it was made clear what the season pass included. So again the consumer got their moneys worth, Gearbox hasnt somehow been unfair, amd the we move forward.

Now im stricly speaking about this game. I understand other season passes may be a dofferent story.

Edit: ^^^^^^^ What Radd said!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 8/31/2013 11:27:29 AM

10 years ago

You must learn to separate the contribution from the comments section.

I was talking about season passes in general, I have no clue nor do I care what was said about the BL2 season pass.

10 years ago

Did you guys know that I am The Hecatonchires?

10 years ago

You're drunk, go home.

10 years ago

"Xbox Go Home"

10 years ago


10 years ago

Any Borderlands dlc is good dlc.

Simple as that. 🙂

10 years ago

so pay 5 bucks to lvl up more yeah i think i'll just get the GOTY edition watever that comes.

happy gaming =)

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